Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new year Letter to my teacher


Dear Mick,

I bought the Christmas Card in the early Dec. but it is still in my drawer. It's not because of my poor memory but my habit of procrastination until it was too late.

2010 is just like yesterday. It was one of the most important years to Eugene and also to me. One of the reasons was on 29-31 Dec., Eugene and I took another intensive course and camp called MONEY AND YOU. Being immersed in a full of loving and warm family environment, we learnt so much from the teacher and shared so much life experiences with one another although the camp living quality was unexpectedly poor, just a kind of good experience anyway.

Eugene, started to know real life esp. so many members in the camp come from broken families or have much more unfortunate life experiences than we have. He 'worried' our life is too smooth and no big ups and downs. But I remind him the training instructor's words - you don't have to expedience all failures and setbacks to learn something. The best learning is to be wiser and happier in your future life by learning others.

I will share the learning with my family and my friends in the coming days...

How have you been? Have you been stranded in the airport or troubled by the airline woe? It seems staycation is the best in the awful weather, though nothing to do with finance.

New term again. Any changes in your job or workload? Please let me know.

Take care and thank you - my forever mentor!


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