Thursday, April 21, 2022

Summary on 4th section - How to resolve intimate relationship issues

22 4 2022 

Compassion Therapy with Communication Skill



整個2小時,你真的好接納自己的不完美和各種情緒 - 内疚,焦慮,憤怒,和自卑,沒有安全感的狀態,這是你有情緒的時候的自己,不是你的全部,你彰顯出勇敢面對自己的脆弱,分享自己的darkside,從中讓我和你自己都看到很多美麗和愛。


When we have a broken heart, our cracks let light in to our heart。

Let  our Godden Shadow lightens up our Dark shadow.


1 深深愛著對方,這個愛出於大家超過35年的瞭解,關懷和愛。處於大家的包容和理解,出於對家庭的愛,孩子的愛,才能不離不棄,經歷無數的風風雨雨,大大小小的的衝突,珍惜,再珍惜。

2 你可以回家照顧孩子,放棄自己的事業,令他有安全感,在工作上盡情發揮,你已經做的很好,三個孩子已經成人,真的不容易,因爲你的traumatic childhood,你必須overcome好多内心的矛盾和情緒,尋求心理輔導,你沒有停止學習,提升。你先生也看到你確實在進步、完善自己,所以他在背後默默長期支持你,我看到你們都有好大的動力,去維持這段關係。

3 你做 trading,也是爲了這個家,爲了先生可以早退休...,, 爲了自己可以鬆動些,爲了孩子的將來,也爲你有多些自由,不想用先生的錢。


4 先生不喜歡你和男士學習做trading,這就無疑表態:他是如此緊張你,愛你,怕失去你。

你不喜歡他和女士去cycling,這也表明你是多麽愛他,而你的方式有些過火,説出對他hurt的話 - 分手等,其實,背後都是太愛對方!但愛不等於一切,愛變成傷害,這種帶有毒性的愛,很不值得的,但可以糾正的。用你的行動!

5 教會的熏陶,令你們都有不少共同的價值觀和以家庭爲重的理念




你是完美型,目標性高的人,一方面夠膽嘗試,另一方面,因爲自己還是容易緊張,擔心和焦慮,( 還沒有做到心甘情願,得之不喜,失之不憂,意識上知道,潛意識上還需要大力去建立這樣的人生態度)這是你繼續要衝破的關口,也是令先生擔心的問題,他擔心你的身體不能承受如此大的壓力,給家庭帶來情緒不穩定狀態,也是他自己沒有安全感的投射。他也需要安全感和愛,可能比你還大!只是不懂表達,用了其他方法,令你未必明白和接納,現在,你會慢慢明白他多一些了。









你看到自己以前不懂如何愛自己,投射很多自己沒有美好的童年的失落感,愛的匱乏感,甚至有憤怒和自卑感,内疚感...那是以前的自己,今天,你已經改變了,但允許自己還會有情緒,允許自己不完美,於是,你會平靜、客觀的看待自己,看待別人也會有焦慮 ...也需要安全感...

你由心看到自己的勇敢面對,接納自己,爲自己的生命負責任的態度,這是你的最美麗的特質,讓我看到一個更有能量去改寫生命,和先生team up, 共同走下去的Christine


[17:54, 4/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: As nice as my husband he doesn't share his heart with me. If I ask he will disclose some but he keeps to himself. Is it because he doesn't trust me or is it just who he is

My feedback:

you know his character, 脾性

is this his habitual behavior or just sometimes he has such situations.?

For men as far as I know,  many may not like to share their career , jobs difficulties and they like to keep to themselves. 

They don't want you to worry or to let them in tense. They need to learn how to reduce pressure.

I think he has his way to relax, but need more at home,  to learn how to communicate.  That is his work 功課。

All we can do is to change ourselves so that they will be inspired. 

Or they also need to fnd therapists or mental health services in case they need.

[17:55, 4/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: He doesn't try to understand why I did what I did. That is what I needed. I have unmet needs and they come out asking to be met in unhealthy ways

[17:56, 4/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Like I want to have money so I can get support. He looks at it like 我發錢寒

[17:57, 4/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I feel lack so much and he is frugal. He reacted to my wanting to spend money to get help as  亂駛錢

[18:07, 4/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: He has never said oh you are working so hard and making so much progress. It is always some anxiety of something I need to work on more. I know he is not mean spirited but it adds to my 自卑感

[20:38, 4/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I know I can't change anyone but myself but it is a nagging thought that I am not good enough for him

[21:07, 4/22/2022] Donna Wong: yes, you have said so for all in the section.  The keys are how to let him understand you better.  

Please recall our discussion content and ponder about.  

You can, yes, you can focus more on his positive intentions and yours as well,  probably delivering your messages...

Please try or maybe later when u are less upset

[21:25, 4/22/2022] Donna Wong: my son has huge pressure as many young people in HK, seriously depressed generation. He doesn't like to directly share his issues but shares lots about media against power authority. Then I can understand him indirectly. 

So you can know Dan as the same way as Ben. It's up to them to share or not. You can be ready to their listener.

[24:01, 4/23/2022] Donna Wong: during today section, you could feel that whenever emotion comes, there is a inner voice in your mind: I am not good enough. A kind of shame and guilt is there. We can do more next time. It is definitely long term work but you can make it if you want. And you can!

[24:02, 4/23/2022] Donna Wong: Here is a story i watched yesterday, i was tearful

[24:05, 4/23/2022] Donna Wong: 360秒人生課堂 - 戴耀明, 做自己的人生主角

self esteem building 









Me , the same.


[13:50, 4/23/2022] Donna Wong: Added to the summary   昨天的section,你講到先生讓你掌管財務大權,這是我看到個案中不多的,表示她對你的信任度好大,你們之間的愛,好深厚,但也有好多價值觀的分歧,這是不可避免,需要compromise和溝通。這也是爲什麽你那麽重視溝通的學習。爲自己健康,也爲家庭和孩子。

[13:56, 4/23/2022] Donna Wong: 沒有永遠的夫妻,只有一起成長的伴侶。婚姻就是修行,享受對方的好,也要接納對方缺陷。無條件的愛這個課題,我們上上次我們深入討論過,中心内容,就是做自己的内在理想的父母,和孩子一起成長,Dan内在也有小孩子,有自己的脾氣和不完美。你的成長,對他影響深遠。

[11:00, 4/23/2022] Donna Wong: 我想起這句話:

The change that occur when you sit inside your pain - it's a reflationary. 

What happens over time is this: You wake up one day and realize that you have put yourself back together completely differently.

[11:02, 4/23/2022] Donna Wong: We are all the same, to be complete , the perfect journey is on the way to be be perfect

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Section 3 Summary Compassion with our kids, with our inner kid

 Section 3 擁抱情緒,改寫信念,轉化生命

Dear Christine

1 Gratitude

1) Today I was so amazed to see you sitting on table with a pen and some papers, your spirit and preparation and your being was very impressive. 

You reminded me of the time yesterday as I requested. You  Showed me you can!

I found you have learnt a lesson from last blundering of sleep away, missing the class and keeping me waiting for long time. 

This is wonderful. You put the healing in rather important position. It matters. 

This is one grateful thing I must say.  

2) Compassion building process   inner child therapy and Zero Limit 

Another process as I did every time, Gratitude for anything touching your heart in the period of last 13 days.

You said: You become more aware to listen to Ben's voice, not on the surface but inside of his heart. You don't feel immediately upset and not fight back even at his unpleasant tonality or words but shows your compassion to open a channel for communication. 有什麽心事嗎?可以和我分享嗎?

You put your ego aside, put your anxiety, worry, frustration on the back of your head ( eg. worrying for his behavior will affect his future...) , but put his concern, his real messages behind his emotion at your  heart, as more important things.

That is called connection with compassion, so that we can create constructive communication process, our love can be felt or delivered truly and many disastrous confrontation can be avoided. Many new traumas can be avoided. We don't want to give others more traumas , we want inner peace and our peace can influence our people around us.

I often deeply feel that:

I found you are building more solid positive believes:

1 Every one has his own value system, belief and thinking models. We need to respect and to understand each other instead of insisting on our own rightness. There is no absolutely right or wrong. 

2 Everyone is different. We cannot use our judgement to determine others' value, worth. And in return others will not able or have right to judge our value or worth. Then we will have a boundary to keep ourselves at ease and peace, away from frustration and inferiors. We cannot control others, but we can control ourselves. 

There are 2 Quotes as my motors in facing difference:

Then my self healing practice help me to build this belief in resolving conflict and confrontation:

Today I saw your being, your subconscious mind has gradually built up your own compassion philosophy. I am soo happy for you.

  You open heart for exchange ideas and more aspect of facts and life experiences , world views ... 

This is not easy, you are on the way, me too.  Good Rapport start from listening, no hurry to deliver our messages if other  are not ready or we are not finding a better way. 

3 How to deal with anger, anxiety, worry and frustration when things are not going on our ways


son's temper, words, behaviors,

The Korean trade time different with your desired time...anxiety in loss in Cryptocurrency Trading

kids are growing up without marriage yet...

Worry of HK unstable society to affect families in HK

Anxiety of Covid 19 pandemic 

Worry of Biden's government policy ... ruining the USA 

How to find inner peace in the unrest world, turmoil global, even something out my control, expectation:

I listened to your stories:

Some years ago, you could be at peace, happy and so passionate to help old people. Why? because you were been seen, be recognised and be empowered by the energy of helping and caring, by yourself. You found your value. This is you. Your energy is till there, just need to excel instead of to be buried by your emotions in those situations.

You mentioned your mom how to see money and that sense of insecurity is still there. Similar. 

Behind your money view, you want make money to have freedom, to do what you what and to help family and people in need. So you are in fear of loss them... You see, u have good intention but also have childhood trauma trapping you to make your mind proportional worry - anxiety if things are not always on your desire or in alignment with your value system.

This rooted cause projects in your daily emotion, habitual emotions and make your loss of balance even when u make profit actually, even when your boy studies well and you have a beloved family, good life companion - Mr Methew.

I asked you to connect with your all emotions in your mind. touch them. and say to them:

As I was to play as your childhood  JINJIN, I found she wanted to hear you love her from your heart. 

You initially could not truly do it with a thought that she is my emotion, she is not good enough and not...

Then I said: JinJin wanted to hear you love who she is, not a perfect one you desired. 

Your heart was opened up. You said I love who I am, I love a truly, vivid , grounded self, 當下的我,實實在在的我,真實的我

She is tough, never give up at facing difficulty and compassionate at facing childhood trauma.

she is simple, plain, honest, guileless, sincere樸素、誠實、樸實、真誠...

She has emotions , she has anxiety and worry... 

All are yourself, you feel calm when you accept yourself. 

Your inner child feels to be truly embraced and accepted at that time. You feel calm when your beauty and vulnerability in oneness.

Your progress let me think about this talk I sent to you:

You can listen it again to do as self affirmation process as homework:

Vulnerability is not about winning, it's not about losing, but it is about having courage to show up and be seen

What is vulnerability feelings about?   vulnerability is certainly a part of fear and self doubt and grief of loss and uncertainty and shame... Vulnerability is also the birthplace of love, joy , trust , a belong , empathy, creativity and innovation. Without vulnerability, we cannot create. 

Today you did more on turning vulnerability to calmness, self love and self care. happiness.


You become more accept yourself,  a big step to heal your traumatic emotions and to say good bye to them and turn them into life transformation.

3 Habit analysis on Eating, nutrition for ADD 

When ADD was found in later life, mostly probable reasons are some traumatic damage to the brain by accumulating emotions and events, internalized them.  esp. from childhood, that makes genetic changes in brain. 

Nutrition is key to resolve and control emotion for ADD in addition to mental health healing

Please listen to this again if u have not yet:

I have done a certain of cases with depression,  anxiety, ADD and bipolar symptoms...autism  dementia, complex in emotions and diseases like debetis, hypertension...most cases are not just one but mixed issues. And they are getting more common in my work. 

I have realized only mental therapies and medication 💊  is less effective and not last longer. Brain and body need micro nutrients to reduce symptoms and recover the damaged cells, to change their negative state easier and sleep better,  to lose weight and improve immunity from body to soul.

This speech is very encouraging. 

In your case, lots to do step by step.

When you change in your body , so does in your mind. And vise versa. Mental health is the key factors but diet, nutrition therapy,  exercise and sleep all enhance your health quality and life quality. 

And also impacts on Ben.

During the process,  old mindset and habit need to put aside, to accept new ideas,  which is crucial for becoming better self.

When analised you eating habit, I gave your following suggestions:

1 eat less processed food 

2 eat less sweet fruit

3 eat more vegetables and good fat, organic fat better

4 arrange your activities in a relaxing and within physical ability and mental ability. DON"T BURN OUT. 

ADD need lots of compassion and understanding of themselves, their issues and causes from body side, medical side and metal side. 

You are on the way...

I heard your inner voice say to your inner child - 

I love you by learning to see an imperfect you perfectly, to accept who you are and to learn to be perfect. I am learning to be your great inner parent and growing up with you hand in hand. 

This is also my inner voice to myself


[20:09, 4/13/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I really feel I am more in touch with the inner child after our session

[21:41, 4/13/2022] Donna Wong: I can feel it,  the topic example was you said you love the authentic self, who you are even she has anxiety or fear, but she also have strength  toughness,  never giving up spirit.  You have vulnerability as well as courage, like everyone and me as well.

[21:45, 4/13/2022] Donna Wong: As my English is very poor, I may not exactly express myself well and I may not accurately describe what u said.or thought at the section. 

I think you got it.

You just point out my mistakes or correct them freely.

[22:02, 4/13/2022] Donna Wong: Dr Berg vedios become my nutrition knowledge 📚

[22:03, 4/13/2022] Donna Wong: I listen to his newest ones and also older ones as my nutrution dictionary

[22:04, 4/13/2022] Donna Wong: you need probiotecs more than normal ones. Actually they help in many ways as important as vitamins

[22:11, 4/13/2022] Donna Wong: And gradually u will be accept yourself as human, who has ups and downs and it's OK  to be not OK. Then we can me more OK than not OK. Me too

[09:55, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: pay attention to nutrition   eating habits v.s. emotion state 覺知多些這方面

[09:55, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: 極大幫助

[09:55, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: only mental help is not enough

[09:55, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: this is your routine I very concern

[09:56, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: about

[09:57, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: sleep quality

[09:57, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: as well

[09:58, 4/14/2022] Donna Wong: can you check the schedule and let me know your 4th section time at your convenience

Everyone's need is different. The key is we need to see how much we  need by observe health change, and see if you are enough or not, usually they are not enough in taking the supplements according to many case studies for ADD, Autism and mental health problem. U are much better than many. Just my my idea for ur ref. for ur ref. my learning notes and experiences on HAND ENERGY HEALING COURSE

昨天的section,我們兩個合作的很好,把各種情緒帶給身體的感覺連在一起,( 加上過去的情緒創傷 - 内在小孩和身體連結),通過手療和零極限,傳達發至内心的愛和慈悲。感受到脆弱背後好多力量,一些情緒創傷得以修復。以後的sections, 我們也會繼續發揮這個方法的效力。 你學過手療,你可以發揮在自己身上了。真好。

[24:05, 4/15/2022] Donna Wong: More on Nutrition for your reference: Nutritional Intervention For ADD

One of the most overlooked factors in managing the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is that of dietary intervention.   The ‘food piece’ can play a significant role in the manifestation of symptoms for this commonly diagnosed disorder in both children and adults.   Addressing the foods in the diet that may be contributing to symptoms can be very beneficial in managing inattention.   Knowing which foods to minimize and which foods to include in the diet can be very helpful for those who suffer from ADD.   Here are some key dietary practices to consider for optimizing attention:

[24:05, 4/15/2022] Donna Wong: Eliminate artificial colors and flavors

Eliminate preservatives

Include healthy fats

Watch refined sugar intake

Eat more whole foods

Additional Considerations

 Daily exercise 

 Commonly used supplements include B vitamins, zinc, fish oil, digestive enzymes, probiotics, amino acids and various herbs.

[24:07, 4/15/2022] Donna Wong: In my cases for  ADD and Autistic cases and weight management , I found : 如何改變飲食習慣,真是不簡單, 很多時候而且需要一定的心理治療作爲輔助。很多習慣,都和心理障礙有關,和童年習慣和心理創傷有關。

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

H case preparation

6 4 2022 




因爲沒有機會做個輕鬆的交談,第一次,我會給他一個輕鬆、放鬆的環境,讓他感受到被尊重,被聆聽,有一些内在的歸屬感,自我價值感 .





當然,有了這次的體驗,對我繼續和他做一個階段 的治療非常重要,也評估下是否他需要藥物治療。( I discussed with his mother in the talk and she really hoped to do with him in longer term )


-  My belief is: 

Healing is a long process, all ups and downs are all OK. 

It's OK to be not OK. 

Everyone has resources to deal with their own life challenges.

All coaching is empowerment, 

All healing is self healing.

 I am an energy field and a compassion angel.


Talking with his mom:

[10:14, 3/31/2022] Donna Wong: 人性化, 個人化的溝通模式是我的style,也是成功心靈療癒的關鍵。聽聽Horace 的心聲,時間地點方式是他自己感覺舒服和可以專注的

[10:15, 3/31/2022] Donna Wong: 他的自尊心需要得到保護和尊重

[13:14, 3/31/2022] Donna Wong: "You have a different way of looking at it. Tell me more about what you think." 

My client, a mom told me today she used this sentence to talk with his son at his 17s. She is improving bit by bit. Amazing!

During the three months:

From a hot-water  relationship with his son to nowadays  nicer relationship. From shouting at each other every time when they talked to sitting down to express inner heart, to liestn to each other...

She has been doing  9 months journey with two  courses offered me . Still going on. 

I use 身心整合 holistic therapies: Here is a link to see some of them ( 一部分)

In each section, I share with my clients with my communication philosophy -  communication with compassion, empathy and love, to reach subconscious world, not in the surface.

"You have a different way of looking at it. Tell me more about what you think." So touching.

I said to her:

We can use this way to treat difference as normal and to respect each other in a sincere way. Then we can listen to others'' heart truly. In return, to understand  ourselves better, to see wisdom behind  vulnerability. You have done wonderful job! It proves compassion therapies  work!

When parents change, so do the kids. 

You can realize why I treat parent healing crucial. 

Lots of communication , chats and text back and forth. Not just in the section but outside of each section and in daily communication. I response to our clients learning, feedback  from the homework and reference info given to them as far as I can, and give them some feedback on their challenge also. They feel 陪伴, 同行。 It is not easy to found this survives in traditional counselling or mental service field. 

As Horace is an adult already, though inside of him, he has a child as everyone has. He need to be healed definitely and urgently if he is responsible to his life. I think he will according to your information.

[14:42, 3/31/2022] Donna Wong: correction on typing error @ It is not easy to found this services in traditional counselling or mental service field. usually after each section, they will not reply email text until next section.

[14:52, 3/31/2022] Donna Wong: everyone is different and tailored made therapies are used. The above info is only parts of my practice. Flexible, individualized ways , 人性化,個人化 is the principle of mine


I think you can consider to have your own therapy asap as  this is equally important considering the thing , the violent confrontation can happen again and again. That is why HK become the extremely high suicidal city . You have to take the thing seriously. Of course, it cannon be done in one talk or one section. Medication to you is only buy- time but not a rooted cause recovery , to yourself. That you become self healer will give the whole family , esp. your son a big difference. The story above is a mom , who has medication with 精神科和心理和治療15年。 She came to me. I an teaching her to become her own coach. Family need her , her son need her this.

Friday, April 1, 2022

compassion therapy

Example of mother and son changes


"You have a different way of looking at it. Tell me more about what you think." 

My client, a mom told me today she used this sentence to talk with his son at his 17s. She is improving bit by bit. Amazing!

During the three months:

From a hot-water  relationship with his son to nowadays  nicer relationship. From shouting at each other every time when they talked to sitting down to express inner heart, to listen to each other...

She has been doing  9 months journey with two  courses offered me . Still going on. 

I use 身心整合 holistic therapies: Here is a link to see some of them ( 一部分)

In each section, I share with my clients with my communication philosophy -  communication with compassion, empathy and love, to reach subconscious world, not in the surface.

"You have a different way of looking at it. Tell me more about what you think." So touching.

I said to her: You has big breakthrough!

We can use this way to treat difference as normal and to respect each other in a sincere way. Then we can listen to others'' heart truly. In return, to understand  ourselves better, to see wisdom behind  vulnerability. You have done wonderful job! It proves compassion therapies  work!

When parents change, so do the kids. 

You can realize why I treat parent healing crucial. 

Lots of communication , chats and text back and forth. Not just in the section but outside of each section and in daily communication. I response to our clients learning, feedback  from the homework and reference info given to them as far as I can, and give them some feedback on their challenge also. They feel 陪伴, 同行

It is not easy to found this services in traditional counselling or mental service field. usually after each section, they will not reply email text until next section.

Everyone is different and tailored made therapies are used based on  understanding to cases gradually. The above info is only parts of my practice. Flexible, individualized ways , 人性化,個人化 身心療愈is my principle.