Wednesday, February 23, 2011


An article about Humor

A saying goes by Mark Twain -

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”



英國首相威爾遜,在一次演講中,剛進行到一半時,台下突然有個搗蛋份子,高聲打斷了他:「狗屎!垃圾!」 威爾遜雖然受到干擾,但他情急生智,不慌不忙的說:「這位先生,請稍安勿躁,我馬上就要講到你提出的關於環保的問題了。」全場不禁為他的機智反應鼓掌喝采。

邱吉爾首相有一次在公開場合演講,由台下遞上來一張紙條,上面只寫著兩個字:「笨蛋。」邱吉爾知道台下有反對他的人等著看他出糗,便神色輕鬆地對大家說:「剛才我收到一封信,可惜寫信人只記得署名,忘了寫內容。」 邱吉爾不但沒有被不快的情緒控制,反而用幽默將了對方一軍,實在是高招。




幽默大師林語堂曾在某大學教授英文,第一天開 始上課,他手提一個大大皮包走進教室,學生都以為是課本,當他打開來盡是有殼花生,林語堂則用英文大講其吃花生之道。




Be humours is an attitude and mindset. Open-minded people tend to be more humour, not only they are happier but they make people around happier. A tense situation will be softened and life will be easier if we add humor element in our life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Skin v.s. Emotion

Dr Ed Seaton, consultant dermatologist at the Royal Free Hospital, London, said: 'There is a close relationship between the skin and the psyche.

'Emotional stress and big changes in your life can affect the levels of steroid hormones in the body and make people more susceptible to eczema and psoriasis.

I couldn't agree more.

The news disclosed an extraordinary symptom but it actually happens quite often in different phenomena in our bodies..

Since I learnt NLP and similar courses, I found my skin has much improved because I am more mellowed out.

* So learning how to release self-emotion in a proper way is crucial.

* Don't focus too much on one thing. It is easy to get weary and fatigue.

* Multi-activities make people more energetic and resilient.

* Physical exercises, any creative activities are all the best way to release negative emotion and get relaxed.

* Keeping a balanced, peaceful mind is the key for a better health and happiness.

Read more:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Happiness is Easy!"

Date: 16-2-2011

Peter says, “Happiness is easy! I bet you cannot forget this words if you have been to Peter's class.

Recent years, I've seemed to be obsessed in self-development courses from‘NLP’ to ‘characters and personality analysis’ online and via different organizations, plus recent ‘Money and You. Why, learning makes me know myself better, be more open-minded and understanding; most importantly, learning is fun and inspiring.

All of the theories from what I've learnt have something in common, that is –

Happiness is not a destination but an attitude, practice and journey throughout our daily life.

We are always heard people say, “All I want to find is happiness.” It strikes me that happiness is a wonderland, far-fetched imagination or just an ultimate goal in our life.

That was what I thought until I’ve realized that happiness is actually a choice, a human right, a state of mind, a philosophy which brings me a health panacea and mind therapy that everyone should master.

In reality, we are brainwashed to accept the saying “no pain no gain” or “Bitter first and sweet afterward – 先苦后甜”. However in NLP and a positive thinking system, we don’t have to feel the pain and bitter if we are thinking in different views. Every stage of life has its fantasy and interest; it all depends on how we think and if you can appreciate. The point is how we think affect our emotion, emotion affects our behavior and performance and relationship, thus happiness. A chain effect is incurred all because of the way and sytem of thinking.

Look at Bhutanese, the happiest country and people in Asia despite their low living standard.  To them, the sources of Happiness and Joy is from being feeling content to what they have possessed. Staying happy is their choice. You don't have to seek for happiness, it is just there if you have not care about it too much. If you think if you are happy all the time, you may being keeping yourself at a distance with happiness.

Here is an interview on Dr Harry Wong’s view about NLP popping up in my GMAIL AD. It caught my imagination and reminded me of the most unforgettable courses in my life last summer by Mr Peter Shaw from a famous NLP master team. Yes, NLP and self-development study itself  are an “Edutaiment, education and entertainment combined.”

It is not a short course but life-long self- practice (修炼)through which you will find happiness anywhere and anytime unconditionally. I need them constantly to drive and change myself in my life.

Please pay attention to the highlights that I appreciate so much AND COULDN’T AGREE MORE.

從六年前的專業會計師,到今天的高級NLP導師、心理治療師、催眠治療師;NLP 資深培訓博士Dr. Harry Wong,為我們分享背後的玄機,或許會成為你的啟蒙。

修讀NLP 是一個「愛自己」的行為


Harry:NLP是研究人類主觀性的哲學,亦是人與人的最佳心靈連接工具,它能夠協助我們了解不同主觀性的吻合點、衝突處,繼而融合並產生協同(Synergy)果效,使1+1 遠大於2,這就是NLP的威力。

我覺得修讀NLP 是一個愛自己的行為,大部份的我們均沒有好好了解自己的長處,亦沒有認真發掘自己的真正快樂泉源。NLP除了引領我們重新深入認識自己,亦教導我們如何以 更好的方法去對待自己。這在Business層面亦有連帶影響。大部份管理人員,當發覺有些人與事總是難以駕馭時,多歸究於缺乏某種特定管理技巧,繼而報 讀相關增值課程。進修當然是好事,然而很多時候都未能對症下藥。問題的基本,是大家還未了解真正的自己。未能管理自己,又豈能管理別人?



Harry:妳說得對。大部份人都覺得NLP是一種工具,所傳授的,是如何把說話說好,如何利用問題、回應等方法達至更好的溝通效果。這都全對, 但這些都只屬NLP的產品之一,而不是NLP的核心智慧及價值。學習NLP,其實是一個發掘、實現及實踐你快樂根源的過程,它是技巧沒錯,更重要的,是它 同時是一種積極人生,正面思考的態度。我發覺坊間普遍認為NLP是偏向激進的,有的更以為學會NLP就可以看穿別人,控制別人,然我對此卻甚有保留。 NLP會為我們帶來很多轉變沒錯,但轉變是結果,是因為了解自己真正所需,因而決定選擇改變,從而得出的結果。NLP不是黑盒智慧,它實際,它生活化;它 能被傳譯、它能被教授;它是能接觸到的,能運用到的。

NLP給我慧根 快樂原來能夠隨手可得


Harry:正向思考 (Positive Thinking) 是我此刻能從NLP中得到的最大恩典。人生挑戰衝擊不斷,在失敗不如意之時,你能夠從中找到進步進化的機會嗎?擁有這樣的胸襟及態度,快樂原來可以隨手可 得。NLP給我覺察Positive Thinking 的慧根,引領我發現、明白及實踐正向思考,這是我最大的得著,最大的成就。此外,能在過去短短五年內,開辦了18班NLP Practitioner 及5班NLP Master Practitioner,也是一個不錯的成績吧!

我能帶領學員,經歷一個了不起的美妙學習旅程 – Edutainment

問:導師是我們能從NLP中獲得多少的重要關鍵,可以讓我們知道,跟隨Dr. Harry Wong學習NLP會有什麼與別不同嗎?

Harry:最近學到一個新的詞語“Edutainment”,意思是Education + Entertainment。於我而言,學習是一個將已屬於自己的經驗及智慧加以轉化、更新及提升的趣味旅程,亦是終生學習之所以令人嚮往的主要原因。我 有信心能帶領我的學員,經歷這個了不起的美妙感覺。曾經有一位學生對我說過「從你身上學到的不只是70年代的NLP,還有更新了的、加添了生活元素的 NLP」,相信這就是Harry Wong的與別不同。

Further study about Happiness at

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

There is no point giving up without trying

Reflection on a suitcase story-

Probably due to our tactful sentence on the claim form, United Airline in HK has reimbursed Grandparents a brand new bigger suitcase for the damaged one in their recent ride from the USA.

Life is such a mysterious story and no one knows what will happen until the last minute.

At beginning, we suspected the compensation was out of talk because “that was reality’ at least in our own imagination and prospection or our past experiences. However it turned out to be the best result - the reality can be as beautiful as a wonderful dream if we have done our best! Just like Xia and Patrick’s trying to have a baby!

These events prove that we cannot always control results but we can control our response and our response can steer the direction of the event.

Don't let unfavorable experiences become a limiting factor in our life. What happened yesterday may not happen today. Things are changing from time to time, place to place.

So remember - never give up if you have not tried your best and seek for all possible resources.

There is no point giving up without trying!



Time management


Just try to manage your time wisely and carefully and let them know early what you can and cannot manage so that you will make the relations comfortable to each other. Then you can do something for the UNION while reduce the negative impact to minimum.

Here is a time manages strategy I got from a TV program yesterday:


Urgency and Importance: Priority 1

Importance and non-urgency: Priority 2

Urgency and non-importance: Priority 3

Non-urgency and non-importance: priority 4


People usually spend most of their time on activities with Priority only at 3 or 4

which are not important!

The key is setting priority and learning to arrange wisely on on-important things no matter it is urgent or not. Sometimes you need to say No tactfully.


Gen has been participating in UST student union and found to have less time for study and sleep. Here I sent some advice to him for reference.