Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Go for Marathon

In the nine types of character analyses, I am a person with action taking before thinking the impact or consequences. That looks risky and dangerous. But it proved to be pretty successful and brought me many unexpected outcomes, wonderful experiences and thrilling moments in my early life.

With age increases, bad experiences and so called “health limitation” have always become limited decisions in my life.

Thinking back, I didn’t image I could drive as I feel sick whenever I am on a moving vehicle. My son supported by saying he would be the first passenger when I got the license. Then I learned and I made it.

When I registered in the presentation course, I didn’t think but just take it. However I failed to participate in it because I could get the confidence in English speaking in front of people without a script. After deferring for two years, it was time to take the course as it might be the last time to have it in HK. So I was forced to take it.

In this course, there is a belief that “everyone can be a speaker.” Then we followed its belief and we made it finally after two weeks training. Everyone could speak for 45 minutes without scripts by telling a story, topic or personal experiences on stage.

“Don’t let any unhappy experience and knowledge hold you back”! Real learning is through actions, practice and making and learning from mistakes rather than writing a right answer and gets a good mark in exams. Robert Kiyosaki

This morning, when I jogged and skipped in the sun, I suddenly realized all my life experience is telling me this: only by taking actions can make life going forward. While living in unlimited limitations will waste and kill your life.
So I am going to submit form for the 10KM Marathone now! Online registration is full!

“No plan is plan to death.” (Steve Jobs)

One must have visions, missions and actions.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Turn negative to Positive by turning your view of the world

My thoughts:Emotion is normal. Some has ups and downs even in a single day when facing difficulties, setbacks physically especially.
Donna Wong If we can reflect from our deep inner world, one can find the emotion can be a signal for reviving for energy, struggling for improvement or positive desires. Face it, find resources to solve it - that is process of growth.



情绪每人都有,特别是遇到困难和健康出问题的时候. 但深入反省,会发现负面的情绪后面藏着极大的能量,争扎和正面的渴望.最重要是懂得面对和转化,负面的东西也可正面看,我们就会找到方法处理它,解决它,每天成长多一些.


Friday, October 26, 2012

最佳男主角访问-EricTseng- 曾志伟

Just watched Eric Tseng Chi Wai’s interview by Lai Zi Shang. His humor, kindness, wisdom is beyond my imagination.

他认为,刘德华和谢霆锋之所以会红,不仅是他们英俊,更因为他们谦卑厚道,清晰知道自己的优电,不断发挥, 缺点, 虚心改善.

他的秘密: 另类感恩的力量:

八十个武师都选不上他,还被导演说他何德何能.他听后, 一直记住别人的冷嘲热讽”.当他做了导演后, 第一个邀请当年""过他的人, 而且多谢他的"冷嘲热讽", 令他有今天的成功!

批评也好,冷嘲热讽也好,都是激励! 表示自己有不足,他说,当有感谢别人冷嘲热讽的胸襟,便有动力和冲劲去改变。

Wednesday, October 24, 2012




Steve JOBS, Silicon Valley, the saying on a UST post cards... “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.







Wednesday, October 17, 2012


对古天樂认识甚少,但访问中感到他是一个很有人情味的演員,对父亲的照顾那段非常感人。他教我们用幽默正面态度看家人面对的疾病和人生必然经过的困难,日子也不会太辛苦, 最重要是珍惜每一天和家人的相处。

Friday, October 12, 2012


看访问黄秋生:原来他是一个老师认为难搞得孩子,小学日子非常难熬.太闷太闷. 但今天他已是影帝及博士一名.
令人 感叹天才就是放对位子.

谈家庭,谈太太,与儿子相处,感觉就像是每天邻居和自家发生的事, 很有亲切感. 如何沟通,学问学问呀!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

The biggest fear is fear of facing self issues

  • The most fear is fear generated from our own internal world - if we can get rid of the fearful mindset about health, fame, money, love or self ego, our life, happiness and wealth will be left to next level, one after another. 

  • Face self is the most difficulty but just face it, accept it and solve it, the steps of moving forwards. That's called to live fully at every moment.

看访问吴镇宇的启示 -2


原来他是如此COOL GUY 极少笑容,但不失幽默。



看访问,学习别人的谈话技巧,如何在最短的时间里打开心扉,畅所欲言,黎芷珊的访后感,为访问添加了不少人性的启示。everyone is unique and great in some aspects for us to learn.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

影帝访问的启迪- Be initiative and focus and caring



刘青云是非常直,坦白,简单的人。看待拿奖,十二次被提名,只拿到一次。他认为, 首先看到自 己不够好,然后发现奖项不代表一个人的全部。凡是能平衡自 己的心里,尽力去做,无愧于人,无愧于己,无往而不胜。


One of the key to change destiny is if you are initiative enough - the power of action - be your own master. Even there is only 1% of chances, you still have a chance. If you don't try, the chance is always zero. 

My father is another best example to make family life, children's lives significantly different, all because he would try even if there is only 0.5% chances.  His optimistic spirit and positive approach has big impact on our sibling’s development.

Perception is projection. Change perception, change projection and outcome.
What you see is what you get.
If you want to have it, you will have it.


Monday, October 8, 2012

To be your own happiness coach - NLP learning


傳統心理治療,是將一個處於負面狀態的人恢復正常。Positive psychology則多行一步,希望提升人的素質,使他在任何時候、環境及狀況,都有選擇快樂的智慧、資源及能力。透過提升快樂指數,同時提升成功機率。

『先成功,後快樂』這個執著,相信能解釋很多人成功了,卻得不到預期快樂的矛盾現象為自己立下目標,繼而努力拼搏,希望早日成功達標,出人頭地,從表面看這個想法,非常正確,無可厚非;然而想深一層,我們可以看到成功卻不快樂原因,關鍵在於拼搏過程的心態。 或許中國人的傳統信念令我們都太希望被冠以『刻苦耐勞』之美譽,根深蒂固的,我們總認為於爭取成功的過程中,艱苦是必然的, 不到達標的一天,快樂,是不應被預支的。要知道達標只是一瞬,奮鬥的過程,才是人生的絕大部份。成功之所以能為我們帶來快樂,是來自奮鬥過程中所累積的得著、感動,快樂是奮鬥過程中不可缺少的元素,若把快樂視為奮鬥的結果,絕對是Cart Before the Horse,本末倒置的想法,亦是我們為自己設下的最大陷阱。我認為只要用心實幹,努力不懈的為自己理想奮鬥,那麼過程中的每一刻,我們都值得被鼓勵、被讚美、被尊重。快樂,不是將來式,是現在進行式。

Take time to practice DAILY 學習NLP其實是希望令自己在不同的環境下,都能有足夠的資源,正確、正面的態度,去掌管自己 (Manage Self),掌管與別人的關係(Manage Relationship with Others),同時駕馭環境 (Manage the Environments)。

資訊太發達, 人都變得Homogenous.真正能驅分你與別人的,是心態、是個人素質,當中包括三大要素:第一是用心工作,著眼點不在計算付出多少,收獲多少 (吃得苦、抵得諗);二是優越的情緒智商(Emotional Quality, EQ),面對逆境,也能保持正面樂觀的心態;最後是靈活性(Flexibility),人與事均變幻不斷,能靈活調節自己去適應,甚至駕馭環境。 在所有條件的背後,最重要的,當然是你對工作及生命的熱誠。在負力量已堆積了一段日子的今天, 懂得快樂,同時又能為身邊人帶來正能量的人,我相信所有老闆都想有這樣的一個好員工、好伙伴。

let's practice (修炼)

我希望可以做到大家的Dr. Happy,以身作則,Be a Happy Coach。最近,我在進行一個『鍛鍊快樂』的練習,方法十分簡單,就是帶上一條印有 “A Complaint Free World” 的手帶,然後連續21天不得抱怨, 不可抨擊, 不說別人閒話。一旦犯禁,就要將手帶轉到另一隻手, 之前所累積的日數亦告一筆勾消,21天期限從頭算起,直至達標。我堅持同時享受這個身體力行的過程,成為一個活榜樣,是我對教授NLP的熱誠與執著。我深信跟這樣的一個導師學習,學員能得到最多快樂,最大成功。


Reflection on Life coach workshop -学习生命教练的启示

Here is a set of letters with my mentor REd on my response on Life coach workshop



You are a wonderful host
.  I like your style, fresh, confortable and be-your-self and made a difference.

Louise case was so touching that many audience like me were moved to tear. His case reminded me and my son and  Sam and Margret are more like me and my husband.

Wah Shan is so experienced coach that he dealt with the two cases with different approaches but the basic principle was there and same. Thrilling!

From the workshop, I found some critical mistakes in my  approach to my husband and son and the reasons for my failures in some cases. so much to learn and improvement.

Well, first, believe self. Believe others. The power of change is inborn ability of everyone!

to learn to love without any conditions; to appreciate without any demand; to help without any thought of seeking for return. Once we can truly appreciate someone, their subconscious motive will give their energy to face his own vulnerability and weakness, to gain resources to solve their own problems.

Third, put my feet in others' Shoes. Find out the deepest motive and intentions of others ‘Behaviors. That is kind, loving and positive despite the behavior on the surface can be so emotional, even nasty.

Then we will put down self-ego and to connect with them emotionally and sensibly. Just need to learn empathy and understanding.

This is a process of soft, safe comfortable building a bridge between you and the receiver. Then you can start ask questions. Wah Shan will teach us -








The power of questions digs up root of problems and develops potential to solve own issues subconsciously.

Just realize so much to improve and change. But if i want to have better quality of life, I can make it.

The quality of life is quality of communication with internal self, others and the world, universe, said by Tony Robin, my admired coach like Wah Shan

Thanks for reading my reflections.

Take care and thanks again for your great jobs.


Red Chan
Oct 7 (2 days ago)
to me

Dear Donna,

Thank you soooo much for the deep, honest, substantial reflection on tonight's workshop. I really appreciate your sharpness in self-understanding. I agree fully with your insight. Trust that your relationship with Eugene and your husband will keep improving as you're so positive and determined about self-empowerment!

Can't wait for DP25 to start and grow with you in the classroom :-)

I send you much love and gratitude in making me a recipient of your heartfelt sharing!!



Dear Red,

Thanks for your appreciation and forgiving the messy errors I made in the text. I sent it via phone on the way to home... Just couldn't wait to drop down the thoughts flashing through my mind.

Yes, I need the course definitely to make me growing up and to be a leader of myself. Hopefully one day I will be a life coach like you to help more people.

With love and gratitude.

Take care.

P.s. you are more charming despite hectic life.