Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Summary on 5th section - How to make Anxiety and Fears be our best friends

 今天的section, 一開始看到你的燦爛的笑容,我相信,内在的平靜,學習愛自己的決心,慢慢開始在你心裏種下種子。真的好鼓舞!


你説:常常内在有不同的聲音,天生性格的自己 ( 無畏無懼,勇往直前,衝出香港,衝出這個充滿悲情和壓抑的環境),經歷過創傷的自己 ( 有shame,深深的内疚和恐懼...擔心的自己),長期渴望的自己 ( 想improve自己的環境,買車,Alaska, diving...),也有勇於學習新事物,大膽追求財富和finance independent 的自己...。有時,自己都不知道怎樣做,才可以活出自己,有沒有内疚。

That's human, that's everyone as me. No one is saint 聖人。 We are just to learn to be complete and better self.





大家都想爲這個家,為自己的夢想,你的夢想非常有價值和意義,all u need is to get it across to him

差異 Differences:

先生的恐懼源於他的價值觀和對新事物投資缺乏認知:你的手法不是他的那杯茶,價值觀不同,(沒有對錯, 如果他堅持你是錯的,不會這樣包容你),at least, but he did not force you to stop , instead, his insecurity and fear is going away. 

He just need 安全感,safety, bigger comfort zoon for  conservative people as my husband - a machinic engineer, Ocean ship surveyor. All he need is safety. Safety is life and death issues in his point of views, and his view was so strong that affect everything in daily life, though I know he has been traumatized  too much year by year from his past experiences and he is still living in the past. I have to know his history so that I can live myself at ease and respect his attitude without victimized feelings. ( 課題分離,每個人的人生都不同,每個人都有創傷,新的,舊的,每天都可以有,只是我們如何去處理,如何不積纍創傷,就不會投射給別人)

You prove to our hubby that you can give him safety and security gradually. So  his imaginary fear does not make sense, you can do it as you want at a safe way. Keep going! 

Then again you need to communicate with him , make him at ease. He is happy to see you have more money than him maybe. 

對於各自都有男女partners :

騎單車的女士那件事,需要進一步妥善處理,也許,他突然停止和對方踩單車,沒有和對方好好解釋,對這位女士和你先生都是一個刺,看看找一個機會,用soft way ,處理好它,看到先生是一個很有交代的人。對好重視朋友。你可以尊重他這一點,就像他尊重你和Korean man一起做trading一樣, 你們的關係就會有深化和升華。


對於溝通上的提升,我可以和你做ROLE PLAY練習。先在潛意識上有自信,有行動,意識就會有勇氣, 行動就會發生。








同時,你已經覺察到看到自己隨著年紀增大,有退縮,有萎縮的狀態,因爲toxic guilt,shame,内在創傷,導致焦慮和恐懼,還在影響你的思維和信念, 你不能活出渴望的自己。這是漫長的路,你已經開始,而且進步好大!

Change our thinking system, change our inner program, reset our brain structure:

Then we sat in our anxiety, studied its beauty and real danger in over use of it, how to Reprogram the Anxious Brain  

1 ) Anxiety mechanism ( application of emotion mechanism) 


It reminds you of something is important . It will help to avoid potential danger , (Health, life and death, finance, career …)

It urges us to take action 


It is not comfortable but normal and acceptable to keep us in a normal life

4 disordered anxiety disfunctions us and prevents you from enjoying your life at all, 

2) Anxiety cycle

The harder  you want to get away,  the stronger it grows  


Anxiety enhances anxiety , avoidance grows anxiety

Our audacity becomes constrained, shrieked, smaller and narrow, 

Our comfort zone becomes small, become less confident in ourselves and project our insecurity to others – not trust others in the same way.

Your guilt and shame, infirmity , inability  is the main causes to make your anxious and you may project anxiety to others and yourself. Now you know yourself much better,  having know that is all imaginary, your limited believes ! 

You are good enough than many people in the world, not just because you living standard ( you and your husband's effort) but your own  potential and learning ability..., your kind heart and loving intentions... those are your backbone to our life, meaning of life...

You are your best life teacher, self teaching is crucial to build confidence: you have so many wonderful experiences to overcome hardships...

Change the perception by experiences, changes the neuropath and reset your inner program 

So every time you  get more comfortable when overcome anxiety and find the situations are actually not dangerous as expect, gradually you rewire  your neuro structure and thinking pattern of your brain , your reset your Inner program, reduce your cortisol, insulin or fight and flight hormones when the situations are back again.

A word says so well in my  NLP courses:

A problem defined is problem half solved.

Exercise 1

Define anxiety and causes 

Find ways to prevent:


Define issues:
Fears of direct discussion and communication with my Dan on issue 1 ( 2, 3, 4) :
What happen if I ...
What is the most fearful scenario I cannot face it or I am afraid of? 
Why do I fear ? Causes?

What is the ways to prevent it from happening and why I need to do ?

What is the cost if I don't do? 

Most anxiety disorders root from trauma, innate character/personality or genetic reasons ( ADD/Autism/Bi-polar...) 

We have to use healing and be aware the truth of anxiety and anxiety disorder.

Exercise 2

Acceptance produces change and action

Action steps


write down the hierarchy of danger you expect 

 you say to yourself it is OK to be anxious. I will do it even it makes me anxious


try bit by bit to encounter the “danger “


do it continuously until your anxiety reduces gradually and finally vanishes

Live with fears and you realize it is not such danger at all

和焦慮做朋友,和恐懼大和解, 化恐懼為動力,因爲常常最恐懼的, 就是我們最需要學習的,恐懼背後,噩夢背後,提醒自己需要做出一些重要的改變。令自己成爲更好的自己

Be friends with anxiety, reconcile with fear, and turn fear into motivation, because often the most fearful thing is what we most need to learn, behind the fear, behind the nightmare, reminding ourselves that we need to make some important changes. make yourself a better you



Reprogram the Anxious Brain
今天,我和個案探索焦慮症。聆聽焦慮背後的聲音,改寫信念,改寫思維模式...通過分享生命故事和聆聽情緒背後的聲音,分析焦慮背後的原因, 發現:
焦慮和恐懼,也有好多正面的意義, 善用情緒,情緒成爲生命GPS。
Defined problem is problem half solved!
Accept the anxious state is the first step, to live with it and to make a change to breakthrough.

May be an image of 1 person, sky and text

4 5 2022

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