Monday, July 11, 2022

Christine‘s new dreams and section 9 prepration

 7 7 2022

we have fgone throug 

inner child process

Be Do have 

anxiety releaseprocess

dream therapy 


emotion listen to 



I become what I think, What I hate 

 自我情緒轉化 -今天早上的思緒

This morning I got up with the above idea that Gandhi said. Then I asked myself, if today were the last day, what do u want to do first , what do you regret that you have not started or finished projects or things ... this is very powerful question to utilize death as the best blessing to our human and release fear
Then continue to go to details: do I have any fears, anxiety, anything I need to make a change, otherwise it is damaging  my health and relationship, life quality? what have I improved a lots and I must keep going to become a desired habit?


true learning is unlearning the lies we have been taught.


How to deal with depression:

你發現運動后看事物都正面好多, 同一件事情,不同角度,perception 不同,你的projection、能量都不同。

逆境是人生學習一部分,是瞭解自己、改變自己,療愈自己的渠道,是成長的契機。所以你會越來越堅强,心靈的强大,走出ego shell, 走出陰影和童年創傷越來越快。


How to see adversity?







給自己depression/anxiety ,  打分,從最低谷到最好狀態 10 - 1,



On depression ratings, it was 8. Right now it is about 5. I set up small goals like reading scriptures, remind myself to do small things well and to complete any task I started. I also make myself do exercise like hiking and biking.

從這裏開始,今天晚上你的時間,我們更加深入探索如何走出depression haze 陰霾。


你看到一個通過meditation去感受自己的感受,去觀賞自己的身體變化,感受痛症和stress, pressure,可以幫助你轉化情緒,轉化身心狀態,這是因爲冥想幫助釋放安多芬,釋放帶有慈悲心的催產素和放鬆自己的荷爾蒙,你看事物的角度也寬幅了。沒有那麽緊。比如Ben放學很累,休息一下,你不會覺得不安了。太好了,這樣的方法看事物,你會放鬆,寬鬆別人。

你説的好:通過冥想,你感受到、看到大開眼睛所看不到的東西,比現實更加現實,真實。那就是你回到了自己愛的家庭,你内在的家!真正感受自己身體和感受,情緒的感受,愛自己的表現,用到了自我療愈的力量,這和你的夢境 - I was in agony curling up on the couch. I was exhausted but couldn't sleep. My heart hurt a lot and to then I felt like a new heart was growing underneath the old one. I prayed for it to get stronger because I can sense I was already feeling better

4 5 2022


心胸和角度 - 個案成長系列













療愈別人,也在療愈自己。All coaching is self coaching.


[10:31 PM, 7/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I just want to make sure I make the best use of our last session together

[10:31 PM, 7/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: So I want to be prepared with as many questions as I can

[10:32 PM, 7/11/2022] Donna Wong: oh, that's great, that scattering brain is working to get more understanding about yourself and others probably.  I love you to be serious 💓

[10:34 PM, 7/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Sometimes I come across as not serious because I feel overwhelmed and I give least momentarily

[10:35 PM, 7/11/2022] Donna Wong: yes, that's human,  we all are the same, but we also want to keep improving.  today I did preparation and I was moved to see your subconscious change

[10:36 PM, 7/11/2022] Donna Wong: we have another week to share,  to discuss and questioning are my favorite

[10:41 PM, 7/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Part of the thing I want to explore is how to let go og guilt and shame about my kids. Chinese really believe that how kids turn out depends on parents. Americans don't as much. I want to see the truth take responsibility where it is mine to take and change and let my kids take responsibilities that are theirs to take

[10:42 PM, 7/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I want to find acceptance and peace and love my life and not waste more time on regret and sorrow. Find blessings in adversities and even in terrible mistakes

[11:17 PM, 7/11/2022] Donna Wong: that is great. We had constantly discussion on this topic - guilt and shame, anxiety and fears. It is time as you said to take action to give them a free hand and to take responsibility of their own. Do you best to make change and they will change for sure.

[11:17 PM, 7/11/2022] Donna Wong: awesome, keeep going

[11:36 PM, 7/11/2022] Donna Wong: u have done a lot to learn to accept self and your hubby and  kids can see you are different. I can see your change despite I cannot see in person


 情緒轉化 - 内在小孩療愈法 (INNER CHILD THERAPY)

我允許,我接納,我經歷 ( script)


Setting boundaries inside out



Yes :贊美對方的出發點,感受對方的感受

No:  清晰表明自己的健康界限,千萬不要burnt out 自己











dream power inspiration

Yesterday afternoon I was doubling over with pain and grief and was curling on the couch. I dreamt of a new heart was being built beneath the old one as the old one was breaking. The new heart was still very fragile so I prayed for to grow stronger. When I woke up I felt like I could do a few things

I had another dream where I was waiting to take the ferry and watching the water. All of a sudden waves started to come over me and next thing I know I am in the middle of an ocean and loving it. The vastness of the ocean and the cleansing waves were so grand and magnificent and I am in the middle of it

《殺死女警的男人》  你的夢境名稱 ( 暫定)( 你可以給一個更加貼切的名字)


9th May  5 2022
Donna I had a vivid dream. It was so terrible. I was in a parking lot with an old friend. A group of policemen cornered a guy in car  in a parking lot and shot out his tires. He came out of the car and he was a very thin and looked like a very weak guy. Then he tried to run away and he was slow. Then when they tried to catch him he fought back and he knew what to do to fight and then he has a long knife. He start attacking and killed the police women who was the most aggressive. I had to pull away with my friend because the guy got so close to us. Then I got so scared and I woke up


when you were in setback of a digital currency trading, you were in depression , anxiety and fearful state. Plus more...maybe

The dream came.

記住:夢境是自己寫給自己信,自己做給自己的電影,它最關心的是自己的福祉和心理和身體健康。所有的東西人物在夢境中大都以象徵性的意義出現,濃縮了很多意思。巨大的意義在裏面,所以,夢境的insights 不是一個或兩個,而是如洋葱,一層層的解開,包含了解決問題的方法和創意。夢境治療不是解開就完,而是要把夢境的insights渴望實踐在生活中,做出實際的轉變。這就是夢境要我們去做的事情,所以夢境每次來了,好好利用,你的生命會很不一樣。大部分的情緒問題,都可以自我化解。這是我做用夢境治療最大的用處 - self coaching

Fear in the dream is overwhelming and really horrible. It is a kind of reality in your mind and rather real scenario that the world is full of danger and  機關重重, 暗裏藏刀的情況,我認同。所以我很明白你的這個夢境,我們也討論好多國際問題。

The man is an evil no doubt on the surface, lots of evils in the world 

but inside it is a fear symbolizes a overall fears from inner world。



The man on surface is very weak, you can't imagine he has a long knife in his cloths and he even 捅 stabbed policewoman with a gun.



這個女警表面和有威力,好勇,好agressive, 但居然被如此弱瘦的男人捅死。可見,
第二,對自己過於自信 ( 要思考在什麽情況下自己會這樣,回想過去,在什麽情況下自己又會過於沒有自信,自卑)。
第三:他捅到她的要害 - 弱點 ( 有什麽盲點需要看清楚,做出修正) 。

你説:不能相信自己的眼睛 ( 表面), 要瞭解真相,埋藏的好深。( 類似)

這句話是這個夢境重要insights 之一。可能代表很多方面,家庭和自己的人生和國際視野上。





我直覺是:《殺死女警的男人》這個夢境 其中一個主要意義是:
這樣去看這個夢境,( 裏面是逆境)那麽你看待這個逆境給你什麽好処,benefits,




I had another dream where I was waiting to take the ferry and watching the water. All of a sudden waves started to come over me and next thing I know I am in the middle of an ocean and loving it. The vastness of the ocean and the cleansing waves were so grand and magnificent and I am in the middle of it

My feedback

dream power, healing power inside vividly

it is very lovely and powerful dream. as a self inspiration


Sometimes I feel like true learning is unlearning the lies we have been taught. I feel like I am standing in front of 汪洋大海 and 一無所知. It is exciting and overwhelming at the same time


agreed fully, giving me a sense of resources. 

Sometimes we think we have learnt or built in so much already,  but in facing problems, we are still feeling 措手不及,平時知道的東西,都未必可以拿出來, 只能靠慣性思維,慣性行為,但微觀看,其實我們是在改變,需要不斷反思和調整。If we still repeat unwanted history , we have not installed the learning into our subconscious mind. Subconscious mind like a baby learning to standinf up and walk. Endless falling down and getting up practice to truly master the skills,  let our body and muscles eeply get the imprint , memory of the program the learning and teaching 

That is why we need to repeat learning,  to ask questions and to reflect,  and to practice,  to do assessments , that is I said review 回顧, 反思,調整,進步。




[6:36 PM, 7/6/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Donna I had a very strange dream. My husband and I were in Hawaii. That was where my first  college was and I went for two years. We met an Asian lady whom I remembered was in the same school  and her husband who was white as well. He was abusive to her. They had a cute little girl. Then we all were entering a room to attend a wedding or some kind of celebration. I saw the mean husband being mean to his wife and I called him out. After he entered the room he closed  the door and locked me out. My husband was already in. I then yelled and my husband heard me and turned around and I told him. Without opening the door to let me in he grabbed the other guy and they got into a fight. The next thing I know the door was open and  my husband had 拜天地with the other lady. I found him and asked him to come outside and explain why he didn't talk to me first. He said he couldn't at that moment. I said he doesn't leave with me now we would get a divorce. He then left with me and told me there are too many factors and too much to explain given the circumstances. I said I was right there and for something that is so impactful he wouldn't even consult me first. Then the little girl told me she needs a home to go to and she doesn't want a mean dad. I told her she can always come to my house. Then I woke up.

[6:39 PM, 7/6/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Thing is I can totally see my husband being that type of nice guy but to marry another woman without talking to me first, he knew he would lose me over that. Maybe I watched too many Asian dramas where it is no big deal for men to marry many women.

[10:13 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: reading your dream

[10:14 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: very important dream or profound dream again

[10:14 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: it is not ablle to tell as u have known dream are very condensed and deeeeeep

[10:15 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: how is your situation now? not known for a whine

[10:16 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: when was  the dream  occurr

[10:16 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: ?

[10:16 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: the current situations and background is the one of the keys

[10:16 PM, 7/6/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I'm been trying to do some deep exploring of my pyshe

[10:17 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: so dreams are the best material to know ourselves

[10:17 PM, 7/6/2022] Donna Wong: no doubt

[10:22 PM, 7/6/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I was betrayed after I helped someone

Christine  said: 8 7 2022

Not like very busy but tired a lot. I had another dream where I was waiting to take the ferry and watching the water. All of a sudden waves started to come over me and next thing I know I am in the middle of an ocean and loving it. The vastness of the ocean and the cleansing waves were so grand and magnificent and I am in the middle of it.

Sometimes I feel like true learning is unlearning the lies we have been taught. I feel like I am standing in front of 汪洋大海 and 一無所知. It is exciting and overwhelming at the same time.

agreed fully, giving me a sense of resources. 

Sometimes we think we have learnt or built in so much already,  but in facing problems, we are still feeling 措手不及,平時知道的東西,都未必可以拿出來, 只能靠慣性思維,慣性行為,但微觀看,其實我們是在改變,需要不斷反思和調整。If we still repeat unwanted history , we have not installed the learning into our subconscious mind. Subconscious mind like a baby learning to standing up and walk. Endless falling down and getting up practice to truly master the skills,  let our body and muscles deeply get the imprint , memory of the program the learning and teaching 

That is why we need to repeat learning,  to ask questions and to reflect,  and to practice,  to do assessments , that is I said review 回顧, 反思,調整,進步。

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