Saturday, December 13, 2014

SHALL WE DANCE? - 跳舞看人生 , 寫在Bee哥的生日party

不經不覺,已經參加了兩年多Kwan Sir 的拉丁舞班。昨晚,是我第二次參加BEE  個的生日會。好久沒有這樣開心、如此放鬆的狀態下去享受party。突然好想再有舞會party呢!

以前不知如何投入類是的舞會,怕自己跳得不好,沒人邀請。很驚奇地是,當我不再想別人怎樣看我,而是虛心請教,"SHALL WE DANCE?" I got more chances to dance and practice.  放下自我,盡情享受...





Dear Sir 
Thank you so much for your passion in teaching us. I am a student without much practice, or a lazy one, but you still help us with great patience. I feel so thankful indeed.

Bee 哥

好開心在次參加你的生日會。你講的真好: 搞這個party,大家聚手一堂,磋商舞技,見下很久不見老朋友,大家開開心心,分享分享。
你的歌聲也令人振奮, 能歌善舞,心情開朗又謙虛,也許是你保持青春的好方法。


We have been known each other for a couple of years. I am so happy to see you have grown from a junior standard to a trainer. I am really proud of you. 

You can be a very good trainer surely. I know your passion and your profession in  dance. I respect you and hpe to learn from you in the coming future.

I was so pleased to see your fully participation in the party last night, enjoying yourself and making others partners to be happy, me as well. Thank you for your invitation to dance with you. I was surprised actually at your happy state.


谢谢豆斗, 你是我的好partner. 

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