In the DP courses:
We watched lots of heartfelt,
inspiring videos:
Because kindness keeps the world
The most inspirational video you
will ever see Nick Vujicic - No legs, no arms, no worries!
视频: 《中国达人秀》之真情感动兄弟情深倒立流浪歌手:玉和情.flv
What does dream mean to you?
人类因梦想而伟大. 小梦大梦不重要,intention and its real influence speaks for itself
4 How to express unhappy feeling in
direct and factual ways:
Originated from Parenting
How to express uncomfortble feeling
in a polite and empathy way:
This type of response is aimed at
develops empathy and is an essential part of the Thriving! Way of parenting.
That is, it lets kids know how their behaviour impacts on others.
5 先跟后带 Pace and lead (mirrow
and rapport)
6 Father and son run marathon
Pay it forward: To change the world
by paying it (LOVE) forward
Published on Sep 8, 2012
Have you seen the movie, "Pay
it Forward"? If not, go rent it now!
Touching story about how giving to others without expecting anything in return can bring such satisfaction to ones' heart and soul and make the world better...
Touching story about how giving to others without expecting anything in return can bring such satisfaction to ones' heart and soul and make the world better...
All Focus on transformation from I
to We, you to We and chasing for dreams. We don't have to be perfect to start
our dreams and practice our dreasm. We make ourselves perfect through
practicing our dreams.

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