Tonight I attended 刘仁洲老師工作坊 Family Therapy (the
following workshop). It was a deep life education indeed.
I COULDN'T imagine making
family diagram can be a so intriguing, meaningful thing,not only to self but to
parents well-being until this moment.
always thought my childhood was fun, carefree, nothing to blame. So i
have no need to have any family therapy to do with.
My parents are my teachers, life models, but sometimes I take it for granted. I actually know them only simply by living with them but seldom have heart to heart talk with them. I never have thought about this until now as I always thought I had very good communication with them.
Since they are going older and older , as 刘老师 said, they must want to talk with me about their storied for a long time. To find a time to get the diagram done is a task I need to do asap.
benefits are much clearer:
To find more about my family is to know my parents more and to know myself more
To find more about my family is to know my parents more and to know myself more
can discover their more hidden spirits and value.
I can also help them to release their emotion and this will bring benefits to both them and me.
I can also help them to release their emotion and this will bring benefits to both them and me.
also find I can help my husband to make his family diagram so that I can
understand him more fundamentally and our relationship will improve for sure. I
also can help him more to release negative emotion.
October, 2013
during and after paying respect to our ancestors in the Chinese Christian
Cemetery in Pokfulam, I interviewed my father about the family tree diagram of
his side.
it was the first time! My father was just readily to tell me what he knows. I
could feel my father's thanksgiving and satisfactions about his childhood and
teenager life, that life and his open-mind attitude had paced his way to face
future challenge with optimistic outlook. I felt his joy about his present
,nothing to regret. To him, life is a learning process and education.
learned so much from the talk and understand more why he has such a character
and the impact of childhood to him.
started to get more insight of what Sir Liu's teachings -
is an interactive process. In our whole life we need to read our parents book:
their growth story and inner world now and then. The
more you accept your parents, the more you can accept yourself and more choices
in your life.
will pay more attention to my parents' life experiences from now on. I think
this is what I can do to show my love to them, to improve my relationship with
them and learn from them.
This will certainly inspire us to Cherish more what we have today.
重阳节 visit was very special as I
start to see my ancestors from very different views ... Everyone has story that linked the history of the country and the world, and shaped our own lives.
peace with your past. Anytime, anger, hatred, blaming, resentment only
kill/bury your creativity. I couldn't agree more.
family history in how it relates to the present can facilitate new insight and
awareness regarding core self-beliefs and wounds, which play out in our life
today. Gaining this awareness facilitates change and the ability to make
different choices."
作為媽媽, 我要嘗試多了解孩子的成長和心態
我們非常榮幸,邀請到台灣非常資深的心靈導師劉仁州, 上月到香港為自在社主持「敏感度訓練」和「生命深度醫治」,並在 香港主辦「華人生命大會」,百多位來自中國大陸、台灣、香港、 馬來西亞朋友參加。幾乎每位參加者都讚不絕口、滿載而歸。
最感恩的是,劉老師還會在10月13日, 在香港親自帶領一場家庭深層轉化工作坊, 示範劉老師已經帶領超過二十年的「生命敏感度」培訓。 這將會是一次非常高質素、高能量的學習旅程。 以下是劉老師的介紹,以及上月參加劉老師「生命敏感度」 培訓的學員分享。
劉仁州老師,台灣家庭情緒智商發展協會創會理事長。自1993年 開辧父母效能訓練和各種心靈成長培訓,20年間擔任數十個生命成 長課程系列(近1000次課程),包括「走出成長的迷思」、「 心靈地圖」、「幸福童年的秘密」等。近年在中國大陸和馬來西亞, 為不同慈善團體志願者進行「生命成長課程」和「生命敏感度」 培訓。劉老師已經連續29年堅持全職無薪奉獻。
我過去多次在不同課程內繪畫家庭圖。這次生命敏感度工作坊, 卻仍為我帶來非常震撼的體驗,以及深層轉化。 衷心感恩劉老師開放、真誠的大愛,滋養我流淚的心! 劉老師的慈愛和丰富的生命了悟,引導我深入了解父母、 祖父母及歷代祖先的經歷,甚至民族歷史的創傷對我的影响! 那種被明白、被看見、被重視的療癒,實在感動得難以言諭! 感恩遇上以心傳愛的生命工作者, 鼓舞我更用心創造以生命感染生命的過程。
Athena Au(DP1)
非常幸運可以參與劉老師的敏感度工作坊。在很短的時間内, 老師已掌握到家族對我的影響, 讓我有机會重新認識父母一直背負的壓力,真正能夠洞悉父母的過去 。寫信给父母這個環節,讓我抒發一直埋藏在内心的感受和情緒, 感覺被看見和接納,同時與離世三十年的爸爸再次連繫上,這是一個 美麗的開始。實在很感謝劉老師, 深信這門學問能幫助很多很多人尋回生命的力量和快樂泉源。如华山 所說「我們不太遲擁有幸福的童年」;我已擁有了,渴望你也擁有!
Sue Chow(DP 19)
昨天參加劉老師的生命訓練。這是一個超級感動的旅程,我一開始, 眼淚就排山倒海地流。我家在香港沒有任何親戚, 我沒法告訴任何人,我的童年有多孤寂。 我的家族經歷過文化大革命、赤柬大屠殺,祖父母個個都是慘死的; 我連祖父母的名字也不知道,根本沒有機會尊榮和默念他們, 感覺像是斷了根。劉老師說,我整個家族可以用"倖存者"( Survivors)來形容,父母生於亂世,破碎家庭長大, 年紀極輕便離鄉別井來到香港,無親無戚,不懂廣東話,不懂做人, 經歷過難以想像的困難,卻仍堅持養育我們這一代。 我非常愛我的家族,但是,要得到真正的自由,我先要放下過去、 放下父母的婚姻、放下所有期望,全然歸零,才可重新展開新生活。 感恩劉老師老遠來到香港,用三十多年的學術研究和生命導師經驗, 讓我震撼和感動。我覺得每一個香港人,都值得來上課, 整個家庭以致社會,都會不一樣。
Esther Lee(DP 15)
Esther Lee(DP 15)
2011年認識劉仁州老師,感受到劉老師的慈愛、 智慧及奉獻精神,自此一直追隨著劉老師, 從中讓我慢慢解開從小到大深藏心底的鬱結,讓生命豁然開朗。 很幸運今年可以參加為期半年的第二屆華人行動, 與接近二十位來自台灣、中國大陸、及馬來西亞的夥伴們, 一起經歷了生命中一個非常獨特和珍貴的旅程。開始時在上海40天 的培訓,之後數月在上海及吉隆坡實地服務, 讓我接觸到很多極之不簡單的生命故事, 陪伴這些生命再次面對生命中的傷痛、經歷療癒和轉化, 實在是我莫大的福氣。過去半年走過這個充滿感動的奇妙旅程, 讓我更肯定自己未來的人生方向。
Sally Chan (DP 23)
這幾年一直在清理傷口、清理自己,由接近死亡的冷漠麻木, 開始慢慢回到人世間。這次難得機遇,參加「華人生命大會」, 看到各地華人生命工作者,真情而深刻分享其生命轉化的心路歷程, 讓我淚流滿頰,反思並轉化內心的糾結、自責、內疚和羞恥。 這真是一個充滿喜悅和啟發的聚會, 讓我從小時候的痛苦中解脫出來, 放下揹負在身上數以萬噸重的重擔。最讓我讚歎, 是每次劉老師給予回應,都是深深的感應、細微的觀察, 讓我看到自己一直不察覺的盲點。如今我看見,就自由了。 從寫信給父母和回信中,我一次過釋放很多委屈與無奈, 從中拿回了很多很大的力量。
熙庭(DP 26)
我鼻子敏感,對人對事也常有過敏反應,卻不知道, 我原來對自己的生命絕不敏感!這次參加劉仁洲老師的「生命敏感度 」工作坊,深刻認識自己和父母、祖父母、 外祖父母三代人的前輩的生命歷程,油然生起無比的敬意和愛! 我的生命,是多少人努力奮鬥、堅忍承受的成果! 感恩劉老師以宏大廣闊的慈悲善意,在過去近卅年的時間當中, 奔波於台灣、中國、馬來西亞、香港、印度,義務提供培訓和輔導, 讓無數人的心靈得到洗滌。感恩這次深度學習,我會將所學所懂, 盡情貢獻予更多的生命。
Red Chan (DP 6)
有幸接受劉老師的生命敏感度培訓, 深刻感受到家族對每個生命成長的深遠影響, 讓我對身邊人產生更多的體諒與敬重。 最令我敬佩的是劉老師細心的聆聽與回應, 帶著那份孰厚和悲天憫人的慈悲,從宏觀與微觀的角度感受生命, 帶領我更深入的反思自己的成長經歷,從而得到新的啟悟, 為此非常感謝!
Jamie Chan(DP 1)
劉老師的耐心引導,使我對父母和祖父母的認識有所加深, 並發現到一些深藏在自己潛意識的價值觀和信念。 劉老師亦支持學員處理與家庭成員的未了情結,方法溫柔而直接。 我非常敬佩他對人的深度關懷。
君(DP 1)
從沒想過,原來我的樂觀,源自我選擇不去面對童年的悲傷, 一份長期被掩藏在深處的悲傷!感謝劉老師的啟發和關愛,"每個生 命都值得被聆聽",劉老師這句話深深觸動了我, 是次工作坊更透過有效的練習,讓我與父母有更深層的接觸與聯繫, 亦讓我可以有更寬闊的心去關懷別人,十分感恩!
惠芳(DP 7)
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