Sunday, October 13, 2013

Daily reflections

Here I have some questions for myself to reflect daily. They are powerful for me to cherish each day and find nothing is more important to have than  inner peace, gratitude  and happiness.

What makes me have a sense of joy?
What makes me have a sense of relaxation?
What makes me have a sense of fulfillment?
What makes me have a sense of inner pride and confidence?

What makes me upset ? frustrated ? cause headache and physically pains and illnesses usually?

I find through asking my subconscious mind frequently, I will be more peaceful and freer, happier as our subconscious mind is a teacher of wisdom. The answer is there, depending if we want to receive. Hypnotic state is the best conditions for me to receive the messages from my subconscious world.Here I have some questions for myself to reflect daily. They are powerful for me to cherish each day and find nothing is more important to have than inner peace, gratitude and happiness. ...

What makes me have a sense of joy?
What makes me have a sense of relaxation?
What makes me have a sense of fulfillment?
What makes me have a sense of inner pride and confidence?

What makes me upset ? frustrated? cause headache and physically pains and illnesses usually?

I find through asking my subconscious mind frequently, I will be more peaceful and freer, happier as our subconscious mind is a teacher of wisdom. The answer is there, depending if we want to receive. Hypnotic state is the best conditions for me to receive the messages from my subconscious world. That is to say, meditation or self-hypnosis can help!

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