Tuesday, January 4, 2011



在我和宇轩上的三天课里-“财富与你-MONEY AND YOU”,我们学了很多东西,其中最重要的是:幸福快乐来自平衡.


Do you remember 郭老师's recommendation in the three days' intensive course: every day we should thank a person or anything that makes our happy.

Appreciation and thanksgiving need to express, to let people know. Happiness can be infectious like virus. This will not only make other feel your appreciation and happiness but make yourself more fulfilling.

Today and yesterday, I must thank you for fixing the computer and taking the initiative to carry all the supply heavily shopping stuff from the supermarket. The course has made your growing up and more understanding and helpful. That's is from your heart. I can see it.




A wealth and happy life is not only how much money you can make but how much happy memories you can leave to others and yourself.


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