Friday, January 25, 2013

如何用生命感染生命 -了悟生死工作坊

This workshop was quite different from his others as the topic is a taboo for many Chinese. To me, it was extremely touching and thrilling. He shared his three closed family members experience in facing dying and his life lessons in dealing with this tough issues. I remember his big reflection is no one can do better and helpful than the family members to help their beloved one in facing death issues. Their loves and support will relieve pain, reduce the grief period and even extend life. His mother extended more than two years with embraced caring, love and support from Wah Shan and his siblings.
Wah Shan sets a real, lively example how to cope with death issue positively that everyone will have soon or later.

I  realised what it means by LIVING FULLY in THE PRESENT! And how to live fully in the presence.


His experience reminds me a book - Stare at the Sun by Dr. Yalom :

Written in Irv Yalom's inimitable story-telling style, Staring at the Sun is a profoundly encouraging approach to the universal issue of mortality. In this magisterial opus, capping a lifetime of work and personal experience, Dr. Yalom helps us recognize that the fear of death is at the heart of much of our anxiety. Such recognition is often catalyzed by an "awakening experience"—a dream, or loss (the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job or home), illness, trauma, or aging.
Once we confront our own mortality, Dr. Yalom writes, we are inspired to rearrange our priorities, communicate more deeply with those we love, appreciate more keenly the beauty of life, and increase our willingness to take the risks necessary for personal fulfillment.






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