Tuesday, July 24, 2012

每天聳聳肩 緩解肩周炎

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每天聳聳肩 緩解肩周炎


1. 甩臂。兩臂高舉過頭頂,手心向外,自然向上甩,帶動腰部顫動共做36次。最後做左右上下甩臂動作,各做18次。

2. 拍打肩膀。先用右手掌以中速稍用力拍打左肩,左手拍打後背,接著用左手以同法拍打右肩,右手拍打後背,共拍打50次。

3. 抻拉肩部。先用左手以中等速度稍用力向左抻拉肩膀,然後右手以同法向右側抻拉肩膀,左右交替進行,共抻拉36次。

4. 懸垂鍛煉。利用單槓或樹幹等物做懸垂動作。開始時少做,要循序漸進,量力而行。

5. 旋轉肩膀。先以中等速度稍用力前後分別旋轉18次,左右肩交替,各做18次。

6. 聳肩。先以中等速度稍用力做聳肩動作,左右交替進行,共做100次。聳肩鍛煉是治療肩周炎的重點療法,能收到緩解肩痛的良效。

7. 頭壓手。仰臥在床上,兩腿伸直,手掌伸到後腦下,掌心向上,用頭緊緊壓手心,哪邊肩痛就壓哪邊,每次至少壓20分鐘。頭壓手每晚睡覺前、早上起床前做,一般堅持一個月左右,肩痛消失,活動自如。

8. 單臂或雙臂搖動。先做單搖臂,右手叉腰,左臂向前向後分別各搖18次,接著換右臂前後分別各搖18次。最後做雙搖臂動作,雙手合在一起雙臂置於胸前,左右分開伸直,向前向後各搖18次。

9. 搖球。上搖球:雙手如抱球狀,舉在頭頂,略抬頭,由上左下右搖18圈,眼跟著手轉,然後用同法,方向相 反再搖18圈。中搖球:雙手如抱球狀,放在胸前,從右向左搖18​圈,眼平視前方,然後用同法,方向相反搖18圈。下搖球:雙手如抱球狀,彎腰50度,雙手 從頭頂從上左下右搖18圈,再用同法,方向相反搖18圈。此法是活動肩、肘並疏通其經絡,活運氣血的有效療法。

10. 摸牆。站在牆根,患側手扶牆,由低向高摸,直摸到最高點不能再向上為止。然後,把手放下,反復練習,摸36次。

Conversation Chat with DR WAH SHAN

    • 华山说话的技巧令我明白:
      the power of appreciation. Once you appreciate others, you open the door for further communication and close the relationship and build trust.
  • 23 hours ago
    Donna Wong
    • 谢谢您的起发.每次都有收获.
  • 23 hours ago
    Wah Shan
    • Donna,
  • 23 hours ago
    Donna Wong
    • I will and thank you for your powerful, thought provoking talks.
Wah is typing ...

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Power of Words


許多人善良正直﹑勤奮用功﹐但說話技巧苯拙﹐明明想關懷和鼓勵對方﹐開口卻是指責和抱怨: 「點解你」﹑「你永遠都」﹑「我這樣關心你為你付出﹐你怎可能仍然」﹑「我都不想這樣﹐但是父母逼我」﹑「我都無辦法﹐是老闆搞到我」﹑「你次次都」…… 結果導致對方抗拒﹐甚至反感。自己本想表達關心﹐對方卻覺得被批判﹐於是氣氛惡劣﹐雙方涌出情緒﹐最後不歡而散。許多夫妻﹑家人﹑工作夥伴﹐長年冷漠﹐最終心酸心碎心死﹐就因為大家未掌握到有效的溝通詞彙﹐以至大家即使真誠努力付出﹐結果雙方都無奈地根疲力竭﹐非常痛苦和沮喪。

Just attended this workshop:

For sharing.

沟通最重要的地方不是你讲了什么,而是别人收到什么. To be responsible for what we say. 
The power of appreciation. Once you appreciate others, you open the door for further communication, enhance relationships and build trust.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

The optimistic view is a matter of death and life

The optimistic view is a matter of death and life - Here is an example


Finding your children's strength

Sharing - 爱的种子 (Parenting )

Last night, Eugene,me and my classmate Chan Lai Wha went to the  talk on "SEEDS of GREATNESS" (parenting course)

Here is some sharing:

 Eugene's notes:

children learn from everything, especially those with more contact.
What they do vs How to do it.

Chances are challenges.

children need encouragement to get through challenges and get over obstacles.
An atmosphere to recover from failures or negative influences and recover self esteem.
Push or Pull?
Comparing with others leads to unfullfillment.

People will change their behaviour.
Encouragement will establish the foundations of self esteem  from the beginning.
Self esteem puts you equal with the world. The 50cc vs the S500. Confidence makes all the difference.
Learn to love yourself.
Know that everyone has their reasons.
Know how to thank people and yourself.
Don't change because of others.

Self confidence:
Acceptance. Love everything you Are and stand for.
Place of safety.
Sense of security.
You can help yourself and everyone else.
Self Discipline

Know child strengths.

Why do girls draw so cleanly? Anything to do with the brains????
1 layer) White matter? Clearly defined objects? Discrete objects are read and written. The cleanly defined allows better focus, but also the need for better segmentation.

My notes;

Parents should create chance for their children to develop their dreams and show their potential. Their dreams, not our dreams. This is seed that might affect their whole life. Encourage them to drop down their dreams.

Everyone is special. Find the special of your children, encourage them to shine.

Self assurance, self value,self-confidence is the inner beauty, inner energy  that will not be affected by any outside factors.

To appreciate your children at any circumstance, even when they made mistakes. That is the front door - rapport before we can communicate with them. 

People with self assurance know how to adjust themselves at any circumstances. (作一个温度计还是调温计?)

They like to share, to appreciate and to help. They want everyone to be wise and smart and compassionate, their fulfillment is not based on their own superiority of any aspects over others but on sharing collective improvement and achievement.

Everyday we need to appreciate /thank three people; encourage your children to do this themselves.

To have the 4A: Acceptance, affection (influence), affirmation (Self assurance) and appreciation.

To build 4 basic elements of human being: self-value, self-assurance, a sense of belong and self-discipline.

3 gifts to our children: self confidence, ambition, preservation ( toughness)
Heaven is place of sharing. 

A true self-esteem is to accept, the appreciate, to adjust and to act and influence. 

A real self- confidence will not be affected by environmental effect but  embrace challenge anytime. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Esther's talk on law of Attraction 18-7-2012

Esther Lee gave us a wonderful class tonight. I appreciate her most thoughts.
Not only mind what you eat but that you think. Screening out all negative thoughts and kick them out of mind asap...
You didn't get what you want but what you believe. (Oprah) 
The highest energy is love and the most dangerous  weapon is  fears, worry and doubts.
Thoughts are real forces.
Don't focus on difficulties but on the final scene - the final dream.
Spiritual mind = Physical material

Law of Attraction and faith.
Design to Housing
Sells land. First 2years, no idea.
Eats your brains. If you put the effort in, you also have mindset
Thoughts are real forces
Mind sends and receives thoughts.
Law of attraction.
Don't care about the SARS. Insecure people. Record sales all the time.
Law of Control
Select what goes into your brain.
Law of attraction:
Ask, believe and receive.
My Vision book:
See it. If you want a watch, have a photo.
The logic is too far. See the result.
Light house.
If you have a dream, and it occurs more than 3 times, you should go and do it.
You dont know the unintended consequences. The talk can become a press interview, which becomes editorials, which becomes news.
Unintended consequences can be awesome. It is much larger than intended consequences because it is leveraged.
Spiritual is Physical.
If you want to get better off, you got to get off.
Create wealth.
Look like the role if you want to be the role.
Pearls are awesome. It makes you look much richer than you are.
Selling a security box is much better than boxes.
Creating a dream business. Make it a poster on your wall.
Make your own money. What if you can?
Do what you are good at and do it great.
Fear breaks the law of attraction.
Use the phone to store awesome photos and videos. These will put you up to high frequencies again. The news is usually bad first, so don't start the day with the news.
Creating Money. Attracting abundance. Do A years work In month.
Bosses prefer ups and downs. We prefer a huge spike and then quiet.
If you succeed once, the unintended consequences will blow your mind.
If you can, so can I.
Give people enough trust to keep going.
Building teams.
If you think you can think it, you can do it.
If you go looking at houses, customise it, take photos. Remember the feeling.
Frequency Segmentation:
High frequency. Happy. Big money.
Low frequency. Yawning. Fired.
Work with awesome people.

1. Ask
2. Believe
3. Take massive action if it happens 3 times.
4. Receive.
Talk to the successful people and this will work.
"The universe loves speed. "
The Power of Affirmation.
"I am wealthy and Happy." tell yourself what you are everyday and BELIEVE IT.
This puts you back to the right track.
If you find yourself negative, you put it back.
Why should the universe give you the money? When do you want it? How much do you want? Read this twice daily and do ASAP and AMAP.
1. How do you manage risk?
If you have expectations, you risk disappointment. Have beliefs and faith but not expectations.
No matter what, I am going to be a top sales. Believe it.
Believe it. Just move on.

2. If you dont think about the how, how do you do it?
Make the plans, focus on the goal. Faith is required.
3. If you really believe it but you can't do it, what do you do?
It is usually that you don't really believe it. Or you are unable to believe it.
Try to believe what you said. You don't always need to ask why.
This is a framework.
4. For simple things, just go do it and skip the step.
5. Creating money. Can you use it for returning debt?
Sure. Make the belief financial freedom because it is of much higher frequency.

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Classmate Gathering

It has been quite a long time we have not meet up. On 8th this month, we finally arranged a time to
have a free, happy hours together. Lai Wah is as young as before and so is Simon. Their two little sisters have turned out to be beautiful teens. Eugene looks like a young man - the eldest kid among our classmates' family.

Still that word - time flies.

It was a pity that Young Ying was sick that day and just wish to have a gathering with Young Ying's family in Lai Wah's place soon.

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A letter to SON

Being considerate is not for only for others but for self happiness as Happiness is interactive consequence and process. Your character will break u or make you. Being considerate is the base of trust-building, your first wealth is trust you win from others - you would have wealth easily if you have trust /respect given by others.

I think you have learned something today.

As jealousy is very serious limiting block in life and a waste of time, I have been thought of this topic for a long time until now I got some insightful ideas on it. This issue has been getting further away from me since I came to HK and worked for some years. I found if I try as hard and smart as others who  I admire, I can get it as well. So all I need to do is to equip and well prepare for myself, nothing else I need to care too much except I need to admire, learn and try, but not envy.

My favorite quotes on jealousy:

Jealousy is when you count someone else's blessings instead of yours.

Jealousy is a mental cancer.

Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative - self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them. ~Jennifer James

quotes on critizing jealousy

Jealousy - an life long issue to tackle

JEALOUSY  will takes one's  life time to learn and discuss, I bet, thought I thought jealousy has been not my big issue for a long time. However, "All of us can be sometimes feel jealous, even saints can be tested." 

What I impressed me most from the talk is we cannot prevent this damaging emotion until it attack us and others (harmful to our health and others' ).  It  will be not an issue if we do the practice WS suggests subconsciously, anytime and anywhere if necessary and if we can.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jealousy can kill


My mentor Mr Chris Howard in 7 keys to Wealth says:

Character can make you and kill you. If you don't want your character to kill you, you must kill self-ego first and you must get rid of jealous mind whenever it staqrt to affect your emotion and before it damage your relationship with others and with yourself.

Dr Wah Shan ( 华山), my another mentor, gave us a talk and practice workshop last night on " Teach me how to get rid of jealousy."

That moment, I realised

Jealousy is reflection of spiritual scarcity. A person with abundance mindset will have less room for jealousy. Jealousy is  a projection of self-weakness or vulnerability.

However, subconsciously, it implies that we are hungry for similar achievement of others,   something to drive us to achieve as others'.

On the negative side, jealousy is a damaging emotion, breaking our relationships,  and career as it can cause unproductive status, depression, and mental diseases, violence to an extreme.

In our self character building process, learning to control our jealous emotion is extremely important stage and maybe a lifelong learning process.

Wah Shan says: 擁有踏實的內在自我價值﹐不再需要去嫉妒任何人. I couldn't agree more.

A person with high self-esteem and value on himself will have an abundance model, sharing, empathic and gratitude and compassionate mindset allow him to accept others' high status and achievements and be happy for them. A scarcity model, on the opposite side, turn to be narrow-minded, high self-ego and low self-assurance. Anything from others better than him can be a trigger to hurt his self-ego and get him mad.

In the talk, Wan Shan shared his very practical methods to get rid of jealousy:

       Step 1: Meditation of thanksgiving as your daily practice

To close your eyes and thank people in your life from the time you have memory to now, and anyone who have ever helped you or still support you, people who love you and work with you. From this, I  find my value, energy and regaining self-esteem, even your purpose of living ultimately.

I thank for my parents to give me a free-handed bringing- up, carefree childhood, I thank all teachers in my life and all managers, colleagues and mentors. Thanks for my friends and esp. my husband who gives me support spiritually and finanacially and a family that I love and dedicate myself to.

Step 2 : Meditation of self-appreiation as daily practice

Appreciate self: at least 3 good parts in character, in ability.
I am curious, open-minded, like an ocean, absorbing nutrition from everywhere.
I am quite good-tempered and kind-hearted, emphatic usually and happy to share and help out. 
I am diversified, creative, flexible and cooperative.
From this process, I find my strength and energy to improve.
I believe everyone has ability to remedy problems created by self. So through this, we find our energy to solve our own problems.

Step 3: Imagine when you carry on last two process daily, what differences will you make?

Very sure, we will turn to more abundant, spiritually enriched and compassionate.
Step 4: Confess jealousy is your problem and turn it to a gift of your life
          Acknowledge first that you have that jealousy problem. Unless you do this, you'll never be able to address and overcome your jealousy the way it should be. Work on your fears, anxiety and worry or mindset of Scarcity.

"Because fear is always the root of every
jealousy, then the first thing you have to deal with is your fear. Look inside your heart and find out, what it is that makes you jealous. Is it fear of being dump because of more beautiful or more sexy "rival"? Or fear of him become more inclined to be with her instead of you?"
Once confession is done, you will peacfully face it and exam your own issues:
      Do I really love myself? Do I compassionate enough? Do I have enough self confidence? Do I really want to be the person I am jealous of? 

Stpe 5: What  can  I do to get rid of jealous mindset and to move forwardto achieve my goals?
     a. Thank people whoever I need to thank; Writing thanks notes and sending to them or express orally
     b. Appriecate yourself and others; Every day find something new
     c. Read more and share more; Learn to love and Trust self and others;
     d. Set goal and do assessment when approaching the goal;
     f. Put your feet in others' shoes.

      If we can face it, admit it and turn it to drive us to be rational to see self , to appreciate self as well as others, and to improve so that we have confidence to make up our spiritual scarcity, we can be free from jealous negative emotion and  move forward with fulfillment each day .





