Monday, August 29, 2011

A life fighter

Could you imagine a lady who  had paralyzed for more than 17 years, struggling for life until her last breath?

My mother-in-law is one of the strongest persons I have ever seen.  The most important thing she has left us is her attitude to life and spirit  of courage and toughness. Her leave also struck me to have a deep reflection on the meaning of life.

During this period, her stories strike my heart so powerfully that I couldn't help to drop down my thoughts and send to her as a memory.


Date: 13-9-2011

An old lady peacefully sleeping there,
Without hysterically panting and breathing,
The first time I'd seen for the last decade …
She’s gone to the never-land – a heaven for soul,
No pain, no worry, no anxiety for her children anymore.

My mother-in-law has left physically.
Surreally, I have no slight feeling that she is not around us.
Quite the opposite, we are closer to each other than ever…

We are in communication with her, heart by heart, every minute…

Being paralyzed in bed for more than 17 years,

She survived endless emergency treatments.

She has been the most admired person in my mind,

A heroine, a life-fighter, a person who never said die!

Many people would have chosen leaving rather than staying,

But she chose staying despite tons of suffering from multi-diseases' affliction and torture.


She has left us so much…
That is the meaning of life:

Love yourself and be compassionate to others,
Your life will be more fulfilling.
You can face any difficulties in life.

Your fearless life has proved the fact again:

People living with passion can be tougher than those without.
People living with compassion can be more resilient than those without.

Life is stronger than death.

Now what I’ve learned most is not about death but living:

Death is only part of life.

The less we know it,

The more fearful we are about it.

If we don’t know how to face death,

We cannot set ourselves free from fear of death,

We will miss so much joy and happiness in life.

  To treat every day as the last day,

We will love and care for ourselves and others more,

Cherish and treasure what we have more.

Making each day never the same.

My dear mother-in-law,

We have got your message drifting from heaven:

“I will be happier if you would think -
I’ve just returned to nature as the sun sets in the west;

But the sun rises tomorrow from the east and life goes on and on.

  Just remember:

Every day you are in heaven

If you think what you have possessed more than what you have lost.

Happiness is always around you

It is your mind which makes hell heaven

And heaven  hell.

To look forward instead of being trapped in a grieving mood.

To celebrate life and rejoice in life.

As life is so precious that it can’t take two.

The world is so big,

There are so many dreams for you to fulfill,

There is so much happiness for you to pursue.”

My dear mother-in –law,
Thanks for your life teachings,

We are so proud of being your descendants.

As a life fighter and great conqueror,

You will be always in our mind.
We will love you forever.

Dear Mather-in-law, here is a beautiful poem for you in the Mid-Autumn Festival:

“I have turned into

A glimpse of a wave stroking the shore,

A lining of sunlight warming your heart,

A breeze of wind refreshing your face,

A bunch of grass relaxing on the hill,

And a tuft of flowers smiling to you!"


Thursday, August 25, 2011

To be Happy Before success

Dr HAPPY's interview extract:

近幾年,香港發生了很多大事情…摧毁經濟的金融海嘯,騷動整個香港的八十後抗爭,引發爭議的房地產問題等等,縱然各方面數據都在顯示經濟已重拾上升的軌道,然而我郤發現人們並不快樂,怨氣沒有減少,處處都是脆弱心靈。把這些看在眼裡,我問自己,NLP可以為大家帶來快樂,繼而為社會做些什麼嗎?答案是絕對肯定的,這就是我於2009年底,決定鑽研NLP,正面思考 (Positive Psychology) 及快樂 (Happiness) 的原因及動力。傳統心理治療,是將一個處於負面狀態的人恢復正常。Positive psychology則多行一步,希望提升人的素質,使他在任何時候、環境及狀況,都有選擇快樂的智慧、資源及能力。透過提升快樂指數,同時提升成功機率。

『先成功,後快樂』這個執著,相信能解釋很多人成功了,卻得不到預期快樂的矛盾現象。為自己立下目標,繼而努力拼搏,希望早日成功達標,出人頭地,從表面看這個想法,非常正確,無可厚非;然而想深一層,我們可以看到成功卻不快樂原因,關鍵在於拼搏過程的心態。 或許中國人的傳統信念令我們都太希望被冠以『刻苦耐勞』之美譽,根深蒂固的,我們總認為於爭取成功的過程中,艱苦是必然的, 不到達標的一天,快樂,是不應被預支的。要知道達標只是一瞬,奮鬥的過程,才是人生的絕大部份。成功之所以能為我們帶來快樂,是來自奮鬥過程中所累積的得著、感動,快樂是奮鬥過程中不可缺少的元素,若把快樂視為奮鬥的結果,絕對是Cart Before the Horse,本末倒置的想法,亦是我們為自己設下的最大陷阱。我認為只要用心實幹,努力不懈的為自己理想奮鬥,那麼過程中的每一刻,我們都值得被鼓勵、被讚美、被尊重。快樂,不是將來式,是現在進行式。

Harry,看到你就好像看到快樂與力量,我想,我們應該稱呼你為Dr. Happy…
Harry: 哈哈… 我希望可以做到大家的Dr. Happy,以身作則,Be a Happy Coach。最近,我在進行一個『鍛鍊快樂』的練習,方法十分簡單,就是帶上一條印有 “A Complaint Free World” 的手帶,然後連續21天不得抱怨, 不可抨擊, 不說別人閒話。一旦犯禁,就要將手帶轉到另一隻手, 之前所累積的日數亦告一筆勾消,21天期限從頭算起,直至達標。我堅持同時享受這個身體力行的過程,成為一個活榜樣,是我對教授NLP的熱誠與執著。我深信跟這樣的一個導師學習,學員能得到最多快樂,最大成功。

現在的社會比從前艱難,資訊太發達, 人都變得Homogenous。大學學位,或甚是碩士學位的意義能有多少,我存有懷疑。真正能驅分你與別人的,是心態、是個人素質,當中包括三大要素:第一是用心工作,著眼點不在計算付出多少,收獲多少 (吃得苦、抵得諗);二是優越的情緒智商(Emotional Quality, EQ),面對逆境,也能保持正面樂觀的心態;最後是靈活性(Flexibility),人與事均變幻不斷,能靈活調節自己去適應,甚至駕馭環境。 在所有條件的背後,最重要的,當然是你對工作及生命的熱誠。在負力量已堆積了一段日子的今天, 懂得快樂,同時又能為身邊人帶來正能量的人,我相信所有老闆都想有這樣的一個好員工、好伙伴。

那麼,我們可以透過NLP 學習如何獲得真正的快樂及成功嗎?
Harry: NLP 給我們快樂及成功的本錢,這是不用置疑的。但請千萬不要把NLP給神化,Back to Basic,學習NLP其實是希望令自己在不同的環境下,都能有足夠的資源,正確、正面的態度,去掌管自己 (Manage Self),掌管與別人的關係(Manage Relationship with Others),同時駕馭環境 (Manage the Environments)。把這三方面管理得宜,就正是快樂及成功的重要基石。人們都太忙碌太大意,把為了什麼而奔波給忘記了,這樣的人生,嘗不到真正成功所帶來的喜悅。NLP帶領我們重新認識自己,真正希望追求的目標是什麼,真正的人生價值又是什麼,繼而學習相關的技巧,並以快樂的心態付諸實行。發自內心的快樂,才是最堅固堅定; 建築在快樂上的成功,才是最勵志勵心。NLP不是魔法,不會給你變出快樂及成功,它是透過練習、實踐而修成出來的美麗果實。

們的課程著重NLP於商管之應用,而Coaching又是近年有關商管之大熱綱目。從『Happy Coaching, Coaching for Happiness』這個意念,Harry似乎希望將Happiness這個人生的最大課題,教導大家如何將之以Coaching 帶入工作及事業發展中,這樣的說法對嗎?
Harry: 妳說得對。Coaching 是現今所有管理人絕對不能缺少的才能。今天資訊及知識都無處不在,上級與下級間的知識差距(Knowledge Gap) 日漸收窄,以往湊效非常的『吩咐式』管理方針已全不管用。社會的進步、進化,為我們帶來更有想法, 創造力及獨立自主的新一代,今天,我們今天著重的是團隊、是合作、是協同。最成功的領導者,就是能令下屬心悅誠服為團隊貢獻,提供最合適的環境,使下屬能在團隊中發揮出最大的潛力的人。領導者的角式不再只是『管理』,更需要『輔導』。如何運用NLP之技巧進行Coaching,就是我們課程的核心。然而技巧不是重點。任何管理技巧,若不是真心認同它,你不可能發揮出它的最大功效。因此,我決心教導我的學員如何 Be a Happy Coach。快樂是可以『傳染』的,快樂的管理人,就能有快樂的下屬,創造出快樂的工作環境,就算面對多高多遠的目標,你的團隊都可以做得到,做得好。

Harry的提醒,值得我們所有人深思。最後,或許Dr. Happy可以教導我們一些簡單心法,好讓我們可以時刻練習快樂。
Harry:樂意之致。NLP中有一句令我受用終生的說話- Focus on What You Want。 我們不是要將問題視而不見,而是儘管遇到不如意的事,都堅定的相信更好的,將快來臨。透過NLP,我希望我們每一個人,都能編寫出屬於自己的『阿甘正傳』。我希望再次強調,NLP並不是特效藥,她是一個發掘更美麗、更有意義人生的快樂旅程。我己感受到她的好, 我希望以我的能力,將這份大快樂, 教授給我的學員,繼而能把她傳頌開去。

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Amazing Grace - my favorite song

My favorite song for meditation -s AMAZING GRACE: It always strikes me to think what Grace means - empathy, compassion, generosity, selflessness, sharing and gratitude, love and caring, forgiving and help. All these philosophies lead to ultimate happiness - unconditional happiness.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

A peaceful mind

Date: 24-8-2011

Happiness seems difficult to obtain because never-ending desires drive us to crave more and that hunger eventually leads to more pain, frustration and disappointment.

I understand that happiness is a state of mind, a kind of feeling and emotion that gives you a sense of contentment. You don’t have to be smooth every day or successful in everything you have done to be happy. You don’t need to be rich in material or have a prestige status to be gratified. You can still living a peaceful but content life in ups and downs. Looks I am saying something like a pie in the sky.
Of course happiness is not something everyone can attain. Happiness is only in your mind if you can keep an inner peace. You will be happy and feel content with whatever you have if you have attained this inner peace.

That doesn’t mean you should not strive for what you want, instead, with inner peace and contentment, you will enjoy a whole process when pursuing your goal no matter how tough you are faced. You will be level-headed towards obstacles and be more resourceful to get it through.

As a result, people with inner peace are not different from ordinary people – they have sorrow, hassles and make mistakes. But their attitude prepares themselves to have enough understanding to keep them strong in the face of adversity. They don’t treat mistakes as a problem but a step to success. They can get up after each falling in their journey of life. They can see things not only from their own but other people’s point of views before making a judgment and decision. They show a kindness toward all living things and a deep appreciation for natural world around them. They consider wealth spiritually, emotionally not just physically.

The most important element to achieve inner peace is to control ourselves – not allow negative thinking to consume and overtake yourself. It is said that if you can control your emotion, you can control the world. Gura Sahaja also said if you control your mind, your mind is your friend; otherwise your mind is your enemy. I cannot agree more though it is easier said than done.

I admire those who can laugh at failures and stay optimistic no matter whatever happens to them. I admire people who can smile through adversity. I think if I can keep an optimistic view to my life ahead even at the most difficult of times, life will be much easier and happier than imagined.

Happiness, in fact, is not far away from you – it is just around you if you are grateful to what you have and be positive, content all the time.

In the end, it is yourself who control your emotion on happiness: no one can take away your happiness: Your mind is the only place who makes a  hell into heaven and heaven into a hell.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Anger is the main cause for diseases, smile is the best protection from diseases

身體會留下生氣的痕跡 ----



Smile since you were kids
To be beautiful when you grow up

Even your beauty faded...but still look so happy
No matter what bad things happen to you but Keep A Smile on your face.

and me too.

最好別生氣 身體會留下痕跡

愛生氣的人很難健康,更難長壽。但在日常生活中,人們免不了要生五種氣:閒氣、怨氣、悶氣、賭氣和怒氣。我國首批國醫大師,中國中醫科學院、中國工程院院士 程莘農教授告訴《生命時報》記者,要養生,關鍵就要會生氣,會散氣,如果氣散不掉,很多疾病都會由此而發。
退休後,為了排解寂寞,許多老人每天都樂意到小區花園找朋友扎堆打牌,雖說不輸房不輸地,但玩起來那爭強好勝的勁兒,常常因為出錯一張牌或多說一句話,就爭得面紅耳赤,甚至氣得血壓升高。這就是人們常說的 "生閒氣 "。商務版的《現代漢語詞典》中對 "閒氣"的解釋是 "為無關緊要的事情生氣 "。中國健康教育首席專 家洪昭光 教授說,一個人健康與否,很大程度上跟心理狀態有關。心態不好,沒氣找氣的老人更愛生病。

怨氣來源於一種怨恨的情緒 2009 7月,媒體報道,家住甘肅蘭州市的七旬老人閻政平,在其居住小區附近的人行橫道上,對過往違章車輛投擲磚頭近 30次,砸中 14輛。老人為什麼產生這種過激行為呢?中國人民公安大學法律系 余淩雲 教授指出,這是一種情緒的發泄,來源於對違章駕駛危害生命的痛恨,也就是一股怨氣。

悶氣多發生在夫妻之間,兩人一生氣就沒完沒了,誰也不和對方說話,繃著臉,陰沉沉地總不見 "晴天 "。這種悶氣也是一種 "冷暴力",無形中會對人體進行傷害。衛生部生命倫理專家組專 家袁鐘 教授說,夫妻間生悶氣最傷害身體。

人們經常由於不滿意或受指責而賭氣每個人大概都會有賭氣的時候,只是程度不同而已。有新聞報道,某男子由於不滿銀行排隊時間過長,就分 100次,每次 1元,取出 100元錢。這種賭氣的結果,往往最受傷的是自己。

人之所以會生病,最原始的一種根源就是生氣,這在《黃帝內經》中就有說明。中華醫學會老年醫學分會常務委員、中國中醫科學院西苑醫院老年醫學研究所 張國璽教授指出,生一次氣毀一次健康,生氣導致的疾病與由風寒暑濕等外因導致的疾病不同,會直接損傷五臟功能,發病更加嚴重。

長期生氣的人,會在身體上留下不同的痕跡。從外表看,脾氣火暴,經常處於發怒狀態的人,多數會禿頂。嚴重的還會使頭頂變尖;程度輕點的,則會在額頭兩側形成雙尖的 M形微禿。美國《洛杉磯時報》也報道,愛生氣的人容易長色斑而且腦細胞衰老明顯加快。從中醫角度分析,發脾氣時,氣會往上衝,造成頭頂發熱,導致脫髮。嚴重的暴怒,有時會造成肝內出血。如果血吐不出來,就會留在肝內,一段時間內形成血瘤

生氣導致的肝熱,繼! 而會影響到肺,肺熱一個嚴重的後果就是失眠。張國璽說,他在臨床上曾遇到過一個五天五夜無法成眠的人,就是生氣造成的。血氣較差的人氣往下沉,形成腹部脹痛,會讓人誤以為是腸胃問題

如果生了氣散不出來,比如悶氣,往往會在胸腹形成中醫所謂 " "的氣滯,很可能導致婦女乳腺小葉增生和乳癌,也可能造成十二指胃潰瘍,嚴重的會引發胃出血

愛生氣的人還易得癌。袁鐘介紹,北京有個抗癌俱樂部,成員都是癌症患者,他們思考後認為 "氣、急、累"正是他們 患病的真正原因。
" "在體內更順暢
當人生氣時,氣流在體內處於一種紊亂狀態。袁鐘介紹,要想養生,必須讓氣流和諧順暢起來。中國中醫科學院養生學專 家羅衛芳 教授也告訴記者,調神順氣養生主要包括以下幾個方面



三是節制情感 "忍一時之氣,免百日之憂。 "

四是要有精神寄託。可以欣賞音樂,也可以養花弄草。老人只要有了精神寄託,就會對生活充滿信心,減少不必要的生氣。此外,過於愛生氣的老人,也有可能是患了 "老年抑鬱症 "。據世界衛生組織統計, 60歲以上老人患老年抑鬱症的幾率為 7%-10%,患有高血壓、冠心病、糖尿病的老人,發病率更高達 50%這樣的老人要想調整心態,每天一定要做到 "325"大笑 3分鐘,笑可以緩解疲勞、減少壓力,幫助肺臟擴張、促進消化,讓抑鬱慢慢減少;忘卻煩惱 5分鐘告訴自己 "人間本無事,庸人自擾之 "放下煩惱會感覺無比輕鬆。生氣不超過 2分鐘,要記住,惹你生氣的人,不要氣他,原諒別人也就是原諒自己

Thursday, August 11, 2011



A life fighter – A letter to my mother-in-law on her memory day

Date: 11-8-2011

A sleeping lady without asthmatically panting and hysterically breathing,
The first time I'd ever seen for last decade …

She’s been to the never-land – a heaven for soul,
No pain, no worry and no anxiety for her children anymore.

My mother-in-law has gone physically.
Surreally, I have no slightly feeling that she is not around us.

Quite the opposite, we are closer to each other than ever…
We are in communication with her, heart by heart, every minute…

Being paralyzed in bed for more than 17 years,
Survived endlessly hospital treatments.

She has been the most admired person in my mind,
A heroine, a life-fighter, a person who never said die!

Many people would have chosen leaving rather than staying,
But she chose suffering from torture instead.

She has left us a serious topic?
What is the meaning of life?

Something made her too heavy to leave;
Something miraculously encouraged her to stay.

She has left us so much…
That is the meaning of life:
“If I can survive from so many hardships for such a long time,
Why can’t you?”
“People living with passion can live longer life;
People living with compassion can live longer life.”
“Love yourself and love people,
You will find your life is never boring but fulfilling.”
“Having a meaning of life,
You can face any difficulties in life”.

“Man is always much more resilient than expected,
Living is stronger than death.”

From your life experiences,
I started to realize -

Death is only part of life.
The less we know it,
The more fearful we are about it.

If we don’t know how to face death,
We cannot set us from fear of death,
We don’t know how to live with happiness.

To treat every day is our last day,
We will love and care ourselves and others more,
Cherish and treasure what we have more.
Making each day never be the same.

My dear mother-in –law,
You are receiving your messages from the heaven:

“I will happier if you would think -
I’ve just returned to nature as sun set to the west;
But sun rises tomorrow from the east and life is going on and on.

To look forward instead of being trapped in a gloomy mood.
To celebrate your life and rejoice in life.
As life is so precious that it can’t take two.

The world is so big,
There are so many dreams for you to fulfill,
There is so much happiness for you to pursuit.”

Thanks for your life teachings and advice,
We are proud of you and we will miss you.

Take care,
I will love you forever,
My mother- in- low – a brave life fighter.


Dear Mother-in Law,
Here is a  beautiful poem for you:

“I have turned into
A glimpse of wave stroking the shore,
A lining of sunlight warming your heart,
A breeze of wind refreshing your face,
A bunch of grass relaxing in the hill,
And a tuft of flowers smiling to you!”


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Searching for Strength and reflect for improvement



How is the first day's O'camp? As an organizer, you must have a completely feeling and view from different angle to see it.

I think your team will have an assessment daily to adjust your programs based on the participants' response and actual results and make an improvement in next day's event.

This morning, I asked you a question, "Have you found your strength?" You looked puzzled. Thinking back on my own development and many successful people we are familiar with, your reaction is absolutely normal. Don't worry this as long as you have been searching for your strength and doing reflection for improvement relentlessly.

Men's strength, like characters and personality, is changing with environments of bringing-up, ages, education backgrounds and working experiences, eras or times.

Take myself as an example. I never expected my first job was a sales engineer or technical rep. travelling around. I planned to find a lab job and to be a technician, stable and steady in lab, back to my previous job nature. But BAYER was looking for a female Rep at that moment during our final exam, calling my dept. head. Dr Lee, without asking my opinion, had arranging an interview for me. This job turned my life upside down in a wonderful way. I had to be outspoken, fully independently. "Can I do it?" I never worried about this all because three-year' POLYTECHNIC study and training boosted my self-confidence considerably. I was sure I had a better adaptability to fit myself into the job. I knew people had higher and completely expectation on our graduates from the tertiary schools. Meanwhile, I had prepared to have a change from introvert to extrovert persons. If other people had confidence in me, I had no reason to let them down. (It comes to a saying that education changes our fate and our attitude to life. I couldn't agree more.)

All my working experiences are like this first job process: people came to invite me to join their teams or companies, then I changed my jobs from fields to fields, although I never expected to change to a new filed. But all changes bettered my quality of life and made me more confident and open-minded.

What I want to say is you never know what opportunities will come to you or you will be able to create tomorrow. There is no scarcity in opportunities in any eras but resourceful persons.

On top of that, opportunities are left for well-prepared people. The key is if we have well prepared. Prepare what? Attitude, value system, a better personality and our knowledge or professional skills. With these, we will adapt to change. These are key factors determining our destiny, not the environmental conditions . But ourselves. Blaming or complaining our own fates will not add any value to life but lock us in our own prison – a vicious cycle.

With a good attitude, value system and charming personality (all the merits from DISC), you will take a variety of opportunities initiatively and learn to build from one strength to another because you are ready to adapt to change. One thing is certain, are you willing to take the chance and responsibility and pay effort (Mostly effort on changing ourselves – changing our life style, habits and expanding our awareness and comfort zoon.)

So there is no need to worry about your strength, because every day you are developing your strength – one of it is the capability to learn, try and improve if you are open-minded enough.



Heaven or hell you are in, its upto you?

Heaven or hell you are in, its upto you?


In this summer trip to Central China, I bought a T-shirt not only because of its unusually long design or its cherish red color that both fitted me well, but a quote which caught my imagination.

In capital letters, it says, “Life could be much better, be much more delightful.” I was puzzled by this statement. “You are right, but give me a bit elaboration.” I said to myself.

Yes, it continues in small letter, lined up like a poem, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven a hell, a hell a heaven.”

The saying was a freshly squeezed juice, reading it, it flowed throughout my blood tissues, cooling down my body, I was instantly rejuvenated and brightened up from deadly exhaustion.

Happiness is a state of mind and a choice. If you choose to be happy, nothing can spoil or affect your mood. Happiness is also a mindset, a view to the world.

With an unconditional happiness mindset, we see things differently. So is the outcome of our life and quality of our life.

A mindset designs our outlook to the world, therefore determines our behaviors and response to daily life; causes consequences we have to bear or makes accomplishments we feel fulfilled.

A plain T-shirt could become one of my favorite things in my life.