Thursday, July 21, 2011



To pursue unconditional happiness, here is the way: to become an ocean not a cup. To create and give out more rather than just to complain. 



長者沒有多說話,只是笑笑的又帶他來到一座湖畔,同樣的倒了一杓鹽巴到湖中,再從中撈起一小杯水,要他再嚐一口,並問他說:「這次會覺得鹹嗎?」那人回答:「不會啊。」 長者接著說:「湖的胸襟大,所以雖被倒入同樣的鹽分,很快就被稀釋了!年輕人







Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Article from a friend's email




星雲說:「學習做人。 學習做人是一輩子的事,沒有辦法畢業的。」


人常常不肯認錯,凡事都說是別人的錯,認為自己才是對的,其實不認錯就是一個錯。 認錯的對象可以是父母、朋友、社會大眾、佛菩薩,甚至向兒女或是對我不好的人認錯,自己不但不會少了什麼,反而顯得你有度量。學習認錯是美好的,是一個大修行。


人的牙齒是硬的,舌頭是軟的,到了人生的最後,牙齒都掉光了,舌頭卻不會掉,所以要柔軟,人生才能長久。心地柔軟了,是修行最大的進步。一般形容執著的人說,你的心、你的性格很冷、很硬,像鋼鐵一樣。 如果我們像禪門說的調息、調身、調心,慢慢調伏像野馬、像猴子的這顆心,令它柔軟,人生才能活得更快樂、更長久。


這世間就是忍一口氣,風平浪靜,退一步海闊天空; 忍,萬事都能消除。忍就是會處理、會化解,用智慧、能力讓大事化小、小事化無。有了忍,就可以認清世間的好壞、善惡、是非,甚至接受它。










Monday, July 18, 2011















Monday, July 11, 2011

The secrets of keeping a sustainable marriage – understading and mutual trust

An article from 郑州晚报。On the airpalin from Zhengzhou to HK, I read the article and aprreciate the ideas that a sustainable marriage is founded on mutual trust.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Come to terms with facts v.s. Self-acualisation

 The article to "Live with Fate" in today's MING PAO indicates that a man's full potential will be developed only when they first come to terms with their reality and fates - that is to come to the stage of acceptance of facts. Then they will find resources to solve problems guided by an open-minded attitude. Their creativity and responsibility will be spontaneously excel and the "actualization" of the full personal potential takes place.

This reminds me Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation. The above two are echoed to each other in the terms of achieving the highest level of personal development.

Meanwhile, if we can come to terms with the facts we are facing, we can find true happiness unconditionally.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Mary Jean our helper's leave


Our helper Mary Jean is leaving on Sunday. Would you like to send her your blessing words? I can revert to her. I think we should thank anyone who has helped us in our life.

I dropped a line to her in a thank-you card. She has been with us for 41/2 years. Time flies. She has served us during BB your most important time in the SIS.

Actually she is not perfect and even made serious mistakes sometimes. But her services and working attitude is the second to none, She taught me lots of things in fact: - that is how to face adversity ( when her mom died three years ago and when her husband has affair now while she is far away from here country ....) and she has accepted those are the fact of life and most importantly, she has becomes stronger and happier now when she accepted the issue and becomes much relieved. I am happy to see her health is better now.

Once we accept the fact of life or adversity or mistakes, we have resources to move froward and to deal with it. I believe she can manage realistically. I fully understand her situation and wish her to have a good business of her own.

I found my attitude has sublimed to another stage when getting alone with her and our family: I was surprised to see the power of forgiving after a series of self development courses. Subconsciously, I have applied what I learnt to real life. When you forgive others, you free yourself from your own prison and you have given other and yourself a chance to reflect and to grow up. You will understand this truth when you are getting older.



My trip to Henan

Now it is the last day in Henan. There are many surprises in this trip.


A lot of unnecessary worries before the visit have been swept away. Your grand father has done good job, so have I. I must to say this because as I have said many times, anxiety and pressure are most created by inside yourself ESP. when you are lack of awareness, lack of understanding of each other and yourselves. When things go on, when you have tried your best, the reality is usually much better than your have imagined.


The guests are unexpectedly interested in the products we have showed to them and they want to try in their lab asap. I have worked around the clock to create our company profile plus the factory's and sent to them before they left. All the jobs were impressive and inspiring to them. They are so impressed at grandfather's background.

We have prepared with the experts a slide show on the products as well in the factory on Sunday based on my previous preparation in HK. Power point did a great job in the product discussion.

All of the work above tells me that your IB projects and all you have learnt and are going to learn will pave the way for your future career. Working with a good purpose under pressure is an excellent training. The more you do, the more you are capable and comfortable to any pressure that is not as bad as expected, that is the process your ability is to be created.


No one can be successful without team work , partnership and association. Try to learn how to be sociable, amiable and flexible but ethic and honest, you will be a person with rapport and respect and trust. That is your internal wealth.

You have to be a leader if you want to do something in your life. You will find everything is not negative if you can see it from wide angles. Opportunities are disguised in adversity. But most of the time, they are just there, only if you want to open your mind to know them, all the courses you have taken in school and externally are your asset and useful if you connect them to the real world and life around.


90% health problems are caused by personal psychological problems. My arms and my health is better here even though the schedule was hectic, as I felt fulfilled - I found our hard work has been partly paid off because we can and will bring benefit to the guests That is the happiness I am looking for.

The last day ended in full day raining. All sightseeing had to be cancelled mainly because the guests are more interested in shopping and the modern city (terrifically modern). Whet I wanted was the world class geo park, but the guests were not agreeable with me. Next time.

How about your study on the mysterious course - chinese culture and philosophy in English? And the city tour? Anything strike you, touch your heart, or even culture shock experiences?

Take care.

