Friday, April 12, 2024

Flow chat of tooth pain management

 Flow chat for Teeth pain case

1 分享當下的狀態,内心的渴望

Find one or two cards to express your mood at present, a mood as normal situation and a car for your desired self:


Before a Progressive Relaxation Hypnosis, ask basic information

Name: Chinese and English Basic information about health and life style


BMI stomach fat

Fat liver?

Chronic diseases:

sleep habit

Eating habit

Exercises habit

Social life

Tooth pain grade: at present and normal conditions:

Progressive Relaxation Hypnosis, ask basic information


Briefing mindset setting on pain relief management

My stories:

ear pain released when i was doing a pain management process

headache, Migraine ( 'maigrei) , 類風濕,坐骨神經)

hypnosis skills for pain relief ,hand touch plus zero limits, detoxification and nutrition 

nutrition and detoxification is crucial plus mental mindfulness, hypnosis 

Behind every physical pain, usually there is a psychological issue.



  痛不但由「身」生,有時,也是由「心」生。我們常聽到一些耳熟能詳,卻又不諳其義的字眼如:身心痛症(Psychosomatic Pain)、潛藏獲益(Secondary Gain)、自我防衛機制(Self-defense Mechanism)等,它們也常與痛症結下不解緣。那些痛總是找不出原因,當面對挑戰帶來壓力時,我們的『痛』便會靜悄悄地竄出來。

  要移除那些痛症,便要尋根治本。從治標的角度,當務之急在於緩減痛楚的感覺,使其變得可包容和可接納!透過運用自我催眠及視像徵狀消除法(Symbolic Removal of Symptoms)保持身心輕鬆的狀態,脫離被『痛楚』牽著鼻子走的生活。

  而從治本的角度,則要找出痛之『源』。在治療師的協助下,讓當事人了解痛症背後隱藏著什麼故事。治療師協助當事人導入催眠意境,讓他們再次投入那些曾經讓他們痛得要命或隱隱作痛的經歷,以另一角度理解和感受當刻的狀況,並嘗試釋放那些『執緊多年的痛』及重新演繹背後的訊息。我們會發現『它』會漸漸消失! 往後的生活,誰又敢斷言我們一生中只會經歷一次的『痛』?但我們肯定和堅信這些重新的經歷所帶來的體會與感受,使我們有更好的裝備,應付隨後生活的各種挑戰!

5 Time line therapy ( hypnosis and narrative therapy ) 

Causes from medical point of view

Flow chat for Teeth pain case

Basic information about health and life style


BMI stomach fat

Fat liver?

Chronic diseases:

Tooth pain causes:

Another source of tooth pain could be a root fracture, a crack on the root of your tooth. This type of dental injury can be difficult to diagnose because it happens deep below the surface of your teeth and gums. Your provider can’t see them just by looking inside your mouth.


“Even if we take a two-dimensional X-ray in the office, it’s very rare that a root fracture will show,” Dr. Ross notes. “If we suspect it, we will send you to an endodontist, a root canal specialist who will do some tests on the tooth.”


A 3D scan called a cone beam CT scan can show bone loss around your tooth, which often indicates a root fracture. “If that’s the case, the tooth often does need to be pulled,” Dr. Ross says.

蛀牙、臼齒甚至鼻竇感染都可能是牙齒疼痛的原因Cavities, grinding or even a sinus infection could be behind your tooth pain


5. A sinus infection or allergies

Sinus infections can make you miserable in a whole slew of ways, including headache, stuffy nose and cough. And you can add tooth pain to the list, too.


“When your sinus passages are infected, they can get blocked or filled up with fluid,” Dr. Clemons explains. “That can put pressure on your cheeks and teeth and make your whole face hurt.”


Oh, and what’s one of the primary causes of sinus infections? You guessed it: seasonal allergies. Even if your allergies don’t lead to a sinus infection (fingers crossed), they can still put similar pressure on your sinus cavities and, thus, on the rest of your face.


Canker sores.

Herpes simplex virus (oral cold sores).

Lichen planus, an inflammatory skin condition that can also show in your mouth.

A much rarer possibility is trigeminal neuralgia, a facial pain disorder that can mask as tooth pain. “That needs to be treated by a neurologist or a pain management specialist,” Dr. Ross states.

7. 其他健康狀況

區分不同類型的口腔疼痛並不總是那麼容易。 「有一些與牙齒無關的問題可能會導致疼痛,您可能會誤認為是牙痛,」羅斯博士說。 包括了:





更罕見的可能性是三叉神經痛,這是一種臉部疼痛疾病,可以掩蓋牙齒疼痛。 「這需要由神經科醫生或疼痛管理專家來治療,」羅斯博士說





Could it be gum disease?

Gum (periodontal) disease is an infection of your gums, and it can get worse with time. But it doesn’t usually cause tooth pain.


“Perhaps ironically, gum disease rarely causes pain in the mouth,” Dr. Ross says. “Even if it’s very, very severe, this is rarely a cause of pain that leads patients to see their dentist or periodontist on an emergent basis.”


There are other symptoms of gum disease, though, like:


Bad breath.

Bleeding or swollen gums.

Sensitive teeth.

If you’re seeing your dentist twice a year, they can often diagnose and treat early gum disease. But it’s also worth making an annual appointment with a periodontist.


“The common treatment for periodontal disease is a deep cleaning or scaling and root cleaning, where we numb you up and clean the tarter beneath your gums,” Dr. Ross explains. Periodontists can also treat complex gum disease.



牙齦(牙周)疾病是牙齦感染,隨著時間的推移,情況會變得更糟。 但它通常不會引起牙齒疼痛。


「也許諷刺的是,牙齦疾病很少引起口腔疼痛,」羅斯博士說。 “即使非常非常嚴重,這也很少會導致患者緊急去看牙醫或牙周病醫生。”







如果您每年看牙醫兩次,他們通常可以診斷和治療早期牙齦疾病。 但每年與牙周病醫師預約也是值得的。



A much rarer possibility is trigeminal neuralgia, a facial pain disorder that can mask as tooth pain. “That needs to be treated by a neurologist or a pain management specialist,” Dr. Ross states.

7. 其他健康狀況

區分不同類型的口腔疼痛並不總是那麼容易。 「有一些與牙齒無關的問題可能會導致疼痛,您可能會誤認為是牙痛,」羅斯博士說。 包括了:





更罕見的可能性是三叉神經痛,這是一種臉部疼痛疾病,可以掩蓋牙齒疼痛。 「這需要由神經科醫生或疼痛管理專家來治療,」羅斯博士說




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