Saturday, June 4, 2022

Search for a true , desired self and your vision

 Summary of section 7 4 6 2022

Soon we come to 7th section. I have done all summary for each section. Writing summary is my habit to give every case a report and reflection for them to learn and think in a long run and to make difference and change. Also it is a process of self coach for  my own development in both therapeutically ( my coaching, counselling skills) and spiritually ( to be a better self)  . 

The purposes of the reviews can be a records of our topics gone through, an action plan and my feedback and yours as well.



Spring roll  business

Here is my thoughts after I understood you better and deeper:

This "project" is a integration of you desires: trauma healing, get out of depression, making some free money to fill up your inner wealth black hole, to connect with the community and pave the way to create your own brand food many your inner desire suddenly come to the point - you are reborn!

You said, yes, you also realised this is a big step to have a new life. You have more energy to clean up your house and take care of your family.

You have made 150$ without pressure. 

It was kind of achievement , congratulations!  I am sure if you carry on this project for a period with good reputation, you will create abundance of wealth spiritually and physically

Gradually you can make it smart and easier, great, that is your talent and ability. While working, you can still care your routine and family

 I was awed to see you are on the way to develop your truly desired self and full of potential to be seen and excelled. As I have said, listening to your inner voice, during meditation, your inner self is eager to find a deeper self, passionate or more relaxed, self controlled self.

 Healing through project, sharing ,self reflection and  coaching others are very effect way to grow up. That is my personal experience. We don't have to be perfect to be a coach, we can coach others to coach self at the same time. We still have ups and downs, That is all OK and that is life, but we become more self recognized , self fulfilled and self life mastered. Right?  That is what I meant today in the Eggroll business part.


Your desire to see your son growth quicker , your daughter to overcome her obstacles to find her lover one to marry and your eldest son to find his favorite career in University.

My comment:

BEN is kind of spoiled single kid while his siblings are much older than him. 

But is also vey reflective and caring, loving kid, his voice is full of affection, attachment to you. He need your attention, concern on his needs, his inner want and care. He just doesn't know how to communicate with you to share his worry, his passion or his anxiety, stress, pressure or his desire in proper way. 

Please try to find a time to talk with him. His comment on eggroll seemed to show he doesn't want to lose your attention if you are too busy in making money as he thought. 

Behind his emotion, he has some trauma that is his life topic to heal. as he is old enough.

 As parents, we can only heal ourselves and inspire them to make change. according to my experiences, I can only to be an inspirer, a coach, accompany, I cannot change him. 不再做拯救者,因爲拯救者最後都會變成加害者和受害者。


One one hand , you want to give them free hands and let him to be more independent ( , but your way can makes it to become opposite: to push him to be repellent. As a digital generation, he need to be seen as a person, a individuals person. 

The grown up experiences at childhood sharing must be very careful, even our hardship stories,  are need to be repacked  before reach to their heard without causing new trauma. ( ignore their develop history, totally different. Very hard to connect without a good atmosphere - like group sharing discussion or peer group effect)  

My son one day said to me: mom, you ask me to take clothes, you make me feel I am a child, devalue me... very strong comment. I was awaked, Oh, he is different,  I need to be careful. 

according to my experiences, i can only to be an inspirer, a coach, accompany, I cannot change him. 

See an article from Mr 劉仁州, our great teacher 


Here is how I heal myself , my deep guilt and rescuing pattern
 ( 拯救者的心態 必是受害者和加害者) to be my own inner  mother:

母親,自己的媽媽 - 我的媽媽成長路




To be your own coach and your daughter's love adviser, please read and explore yourself style and your husband's.

Relationship Attachment Styles - 依附關係的模式

We discussed this to help us to know ourselves better and our other family members better.

Relationship Attachment Styles

我們的童年如何影響我們成年人的親密關係? 從今天我做了對依附關係的深入探索,我明白自己多一些,家人多一些,好多提醒,反思如何做個好伴侶,好媽媽,好女兒。





4 Application of Subconscious power and mechanism

Please read this: we have gone through part of this topic in relation with your own case:

1: be careful of our thoughts, thoughts always become things as our subconscious mind like a computer, what you input , what it outputs. It always does self fulfilment work, like 執行人an executor. 

You fully agreed it.

2/3 /4 this is about belief, whatever your form a belief, your action will follow it automatically. USE this in positive side, it will help us much effortless to achieve something with less fear or fearless. 

But if our belief is limited and negative, it will be create hell to fall. Like a man wants to suicide, kill himself, it is hard to prevent as it is not one day self negative hypnotized result. It is 99% rooted from childhood trauma without be healed and be cured medically. 

Pray and hypnosis, visualization and imagination all has such power. 

For depressed people, Imagination on fear and fear become reality like nightmares Do happens all the time.

Positive imagination and visualization will help much to achieve our dreams and to reinforce our determination. 

Example, you got married to your husband with big difference in age and many other obstacles from culture difference to child hood most important factor was your determination.

5 when one is disconnect with his inner self, lots of inner conflicts will damage the man because inner conflicts are the main cause of nightmares and emotion breakdown or emotion diseases.

6/7/9 if one wants to change perception, limited beliefs , the early the better. Old people is very hard to change compared with younger aged people.

That is why childhood is crucial for a person's self esteem, character building and habit formation. And success is all habit success. 

8 If we want our kids to behaved themselves with orders or bad tonality, that is not good subconscious communication. We more we push them or nag them to make change, the less they want to do it as we have not touch their heart. 


Please read: 


善用与生俱来的潜能 - 夢境治療、催眠治療的功用

To improve your mediation impact to your life, please learn my way:



5 6 2022

In addition to the summary of section 7:


About intimate relationships with your husband: 

you think he has strong belief that marriage 💑 must be maintained as a promise or faith with religious nourishment even the ❤️ love, affection and romance is put aside.

As far as I understand according to your information and lots of test from ups and downs, your relationship is getting much stronger than before.  He is not type of words affirmation but action . His communication style is very different,  thinking mode 思維模式 much various from you. It doesn't mean he does not as much love you as you fell in love. And he also learns from lessons and knows you deeper.

You reminded me of my marriage life experiences over 30 years, and I said,



Your subconscious change is under way all the time 

Finally I asked you during the section period, what kind of perception change affects your life substantially ?

You said 

you have changed from reaction to respond ,

to think from others stories,  their challenges,  previous experiences might affect their emotions to us. Then you will become less touchy and calmer. You can use nicer tonality to communicate with your kids and husband.

 I remember the first section, you gave your self a new belief or requirements:

To be an empathetic mom, to understand family members with compassion.  Now you are trying to be such mom and wife.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Section 7 preparation guilt and anxiety, depression

我允許,我接納,我經歷 ( script)

Dream recalling Mechanism



How to use Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in daily life


forgive and gratitude communication skills learning from mistake 25 5 2022 ( SLIDE)

ppt dream therapy for Catherine ( PPT)









就可以form habit


no. 4: I would like to edit the quote abit in relationship to make it clear:

I think the author wants to say we should not be controlled by 

relationship attachment or relationship issues.

[2:51 PM, 5/27/2022] Donna Wong: Relationship Attachment Styles

我們的童年如何影響我們成年人的親密關係? 從今天我做了對依附關係的深入探索,我明白自己多一些,家人多一些,好多提醒,反思如何做個好伴侶,好媽媽,好女兒。

[1:08 PM, 5/28/2022] Donna Wong: 這裏,你也可以明白丈夫多一些,從他的童年到現在,每個人的attachment模式都深受童年影響

[1:09 PM, 5/28/2022] Donna Wong: 我做了這個test,very fast

[1:10 PM, 5/28/2022] Donna Wong: 和我自己現象有些出入,但明白背後test的探索動機


[11:45 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: 生命的元宇宙 - 潛意識與家庭 


這部電影的香港名字是- 《奇異女俠玩救宇宙》,實在誇張,如果沒有看過電影,沒有看過介紹,還以爲是太空科幻電影,我反而喜歡原名 "EVERYTHING EVERWHERE ALL AT ONCE "

電影Title已經告訴了充滿排山倒海、勢不可擋地冲過來的情形。然後令人遐想:EVERYTHING EVERWHERE 代表了什麽?



當生意面臨破產,稅務纏身,又發現女兒原來是一個lesbian, 邁年身體多病的爸爸剛從大陸來和他們一起住...  種種壓力,同一時間排山倒海式的壓來,洗衣店老闆娘壓得透不過氣了!

電影REVIEW 和啓示 ( 我的學習)

[11:45 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: all about ourselves

[11:46 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: every part has our shadow in it

[11:46 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: we can know our husband  and kids bette


[10:41 PM, 5/30/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I mostly practice stilling my mind. Difficult feelings and emotions come up and it is hard to sleep sometimes

[10:42 PM, 5/30/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I think the most important thing to do is to come up with a routine so when I start to overthink I can yield myself to the routine

[11:03 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: you are already doing well in meditation, hiking, biking, buy food, cooking, yoga , go to church...

[11:04 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: looks u want to be  better

[11:04 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: you are so busy mom

[11:04 PM, 5/30/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I need a vision

[11:04 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: you are finding it

[11:05 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: you can ask yourself what do u want to be? what do u most want to be? passionately and happily

[11:05 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: what is in your dream saying?

[11:06 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: just write them down and be do have, to be first, then do it and you will become it

[11:06 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: easy to say?

[11:06 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: yes

[11:06 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: but lots of trauma holding back ,

[11:07 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: that is why if we remove the blocks on the way to your dreams, u can easier to move forward

[11:08 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: physically and psychologically , u are doing this

[11:14 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: last time u said, when u were in meditation state, we call hypnosis state, u could see more clear the truth of yourself. that is a kind of connection with yourself. Please do it every day and whenever u have anxiety and overwhelming difficult feelings

[11:15 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: hiking, to connect with nature.

[11:15 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: just do one or two things constantly is already very good

[11:16 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: no need to do too much

[11:16 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: u will be tired and your emotion, anxiety or sickness  will come if u are too tired

[11:16 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: if i am not wrong

[11:17 PM, 5/30/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I agree

[11:44 PM, 5/30/2022] Donna Wong: great, you got it, 不需完美,要完整清晰自己在做什麽,就OK了

[11:44 PM, 5/30/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: It is holding the vision in my mind and generates the emotions that accompany the dream come true.


How to make friends with anxiety and fears 如何與焦慮恐懼做朋友


( 這也是部分原因,爲什麽情緒狀態下,人會不自覺的投射出自己最不喜歡自己的部分,最想掩蓋的部分,變成別人的部分,因此,自己就感到安全一些。如内疚,本來是自己的一部分,有好處,有壞處。但沒有吸收好處,就會放大壞處,變成自我焦慮和憤怒,有意無意地發泄在別人身上, 造成傷害,自己以爲得到慰藉,其實是一個充滿傷害的避風港和情緒陷阱)
