Dear Christine,
Thank you for accepting our plan - a life transformation process to go together.
I combined the plan and the schedule in the link for your reference anytime.
讓 Christine 找到自己内在力量,遇見心想事成的自己
Dear Christine,
在《與情緒創傷説再見》課程的2個多月中,我們都開心地看到您的同理心、自我反思力和掌控情緒的能力有不同程度的提升。同時,你也看到還需要深度療愈心理創傷以及核心情緒 (焦慮、内疚、自我價值, 愛的匱乏感,沒有安全感etc.,) 改寫限制性的信念和身心不安頓的狀態。建立一套真正愛自己的身心藍圖。
Donna /Pheabe會陪伴您邁步人生路,讓您提昇更高意識及維度,邁向新的境界,跳出舊有窒礙自己的框架思維。創造全新的信念和實相,輕鬆自在地綻放你的內在光芒,能跟隨內心真正的自己,活現出更好版本的自己。遇見心想事成,身體健康的Christine 自己。
運用三 人Whatsapp共修群組,覺察覺知覺悟當下的感想留言。讓彼此心聲能夠被理解,被聆聽,被看見。三人之間互撑支持,學習同頻共振 - A Synergistic effect ,帶着意識走向高能量區,更能提昇人際溝通的流動。就著不同課題,發放心靈文章及視頻。讓陪伴的感覺持續昇華,更能堅定自己的優點,也為生命注入更多的動力。
🔹 日期:3月中開始,每個月三次Zoom或電話交談,大約每10天1次,每次1-2小時。
🔹 美國時間:星期一、四 9pm to 11pm ( 如有更改,提前2天通知)
頭三個月: 導師Donna Wong’s「改寫信念 轉化生命」深化課程
根據 Christine的當下情況,做專題的探索、討論、分享。
🎈 Goals:
將繼續與Christine一起, 深入學習Christina的潛意識世界,與内在自己做真情的對話,發掘潛意識自我修復、自我反思、自我提升的潛能,療愈過去的心靈創傷,更加接納自己的過去、自己的陰影和不完美,繼續改寫信念,提升慈悲心,同理心, 自我價值感,找到身體和心理上真正需要,回歸内心的平靜。
找到生命的使命感 。
更加包容同理,求同存異, 改善與家人的關係,愛的流動更加暢順。
With holistic hypnotherapies (body - mind - soul), conversations and mindfulness practice. They are integrated therapies created from my self-development experiences and effective dynamic transformation therapies.
1 Emotion Interpretation therapy and Inner child therapy, shadow therapy
2 TimeLine therapy, Forgiveness therapy, Dream Therapy
To Interpret subconscious mind, dreams, illusions, distorted emotions in a constructive way and find their insights and values, release repression, reduce depression, improve inner communication.
· To connect with original family, inner self, to let go with past fears, anger and guilt and find a more capable, beautiful self.
· To transform emotion, change belief, enhance self-acceptance, self-esteem
3 Self-affirmations, Gratitude, Communication Therapies:
to enhance self-value and happiness state and to improve relationship with family
4 Sleep and relaxation hypnosis: to reduce stress, anxiety, improve sleep quality and prevent or treat insomnia
5 Compassion-Love therapy: to improve execution power in self-compassion ability
6 Personality test and analysis (MBTI test): A self-discovery process to excel self-potential and improve communication skills
7 Behavior therapy: to change self-destructive or unhealthy behaviours/habits, a healthy eating, desirable lifestyle building process.
8 Time regression therapy:
to learn a skill of tracing missing, misplaced stuff and improving memory
後三個月: 導師Pheabe Leung,優質課程「遇見心想事成的自己」優化版
🔹 內容函蓋:
🌟費用: US$1800
15.3.2022 HK$7,100 ( received 14 3 2022)
30.4.2022 HK$7,100
Date: 14 3 2022
Donna 「改寫信念 轉化生命」深化課程
From Mid-March to Mid-June, total 9 sections
At Christine’s Time Zoom, Night (within 9pm – 11pm)
3 sections / around 10 days interval with Thursdays and Monday as a cycle or according to current arrangement within 2 days’ notice in advance.
If necessary, 2 sections within 10 days are applied at both conveniences
Pheabe 優質課程「遇見心想事成的自己」優化版
From Later June to October (approximately), total 9 sections
The schedule can be rearranged later or the same as above.
14 3 2022
17 3 2022
Today our section was abit less smooth due to internet and Zoom disconnection. I was really grateful for your understanding and we did well.
Do you have Gmail? I used to use GoogleMeet. Very smooth and it is free. next time we can try.
(1) 回歸
可以每天找一個時間,靜靜地和自己講以上的冥想句子,同時加上自己的感受和新的具體的信念和方法在Be Do Have 練習裏。
我每天和你在大氣中默默一起來做Be Do Have,相信我們的共振頻率會給自己正能量,帶著慈悲和愛,面對每一天的挑戰,享受每一天的生活,尋找每一天的的快樂。
以前,當你不見了心愛的玉石手腕,弟弟給你的禮物 - 情親的象徵物,你會很焦慮,很煩躁,情緒會crush,breakdown,但這次,你沒有,你仍有不安和内疚、批判自己的聲音,有煩躁,但你開始感受自己的情緒,去聽到自己的聲音,心情平靜好多,想好多方法去安頓自己,如ask for help。打電話給我,我給你很多鼓勵的話提出如何尋找失物的方法,以後會再學習。
Learn to heal ourselves
大家都想被對方理解,明白,都有一種你不相信我, you don't care about me. 你不關心我. 這個限制性信念,背後和聲音是:想被愛,更多的愛,想被聆聽,被看到。被認同,
孩子在16、17嵗時,是成爲一個獨立個體,一個self independent, looking for self esteem, self recognition 的 關鍵時間。如果得不到父母的理解,( 不需要完全認同)會有很多的情緒困擾。
不要小看teenage,他們將有投票權,也會做出選擇,subconsciously 安全感和自我價值感,認同感的drive而已。這方面你可能需要深入探索。他在尋找WHO AM I? Inner Security
Not just political arguments!
當他説到 you don't care about me. 你會有委屈和frustrated。
在這次經歷中,你小小的年紀,就有埋下了一些信念,遇到衝突,你不相信我, you don't care about me. 你不關心我!
我和你做了一些安撫内在小孩的部分,你也做自己的内在父母,和靜靜擁抱,安撫她,讓她説出當年的難言之苦 ( 沒有做功課,因爲你的失誤)。你説:此時此刻,你感覺舒服一些,放鬆一些,沒有那麽委屈了,但還是有些不相信...
感覺早些時間自己有進步,狀態好了一些,但最近又開始多了和孩子Ben或daoghter 的擔心和焦慮,特別是大家有衝突,有差異的時候。
Here is some discussion on Ben's point of view which is different from you:
[24:33, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: And I said if you can choose not to use dad's resource if he think dad is privileged. I carried judgement and disdain towards him when I said those words
[24:37, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I thought about our interaction afterwards. Why do I get so uptight over it? Why do I always judge him so much. I could have said," Ben you have a big and sensitive heart and you feel for the disadvantaged ones. You see a lot of injustice in the world that you feel shouldn't be here. I know someday you will find a way to right the wrong. I am so proud of you."
[24:40, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I go to judgement and then to correct/control instead of connecting with his underlying emotions.
[24:46, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: The fear energy is palpable and drives a lot of what I do and don't
[24:37, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I thought about our interaction afterwards. Why do I get so uptight over it? Why do I always judge him so much. I could have said," Ben you have a big and sensitive heart and you feel for the disadvantaged ones. You see a lot of injustice in the world that you feel shouldn't be here. I know someday you will find a way to right the wrong. I am so proud of you."
[24:40, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I go to judgement and then to correct/control instead of connecting with his underlying emotions.
[24:46, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: The fear energy is palpable and drives a lot of what I do and don't
[12:58, 3/7/2022] Donna Wong: No matter the media impact on the young generation or his own value system , 世界觀,價值觀 built from his childhood and teen time.. his intention is really kind to some extent - empathetic to the lower classes , people under the poverty line , and the disadvantaged ones.
[13:03, 3/7/2022] Donna Wong: Ben has some issues to do in his life certainly, which is the reasons he is still exploring his inner world, pus him to be better. As he mentioned his Father's privileged statue, I am more concern what he thinks to his own identity. How does he see himself , his father (Father's hard work and ability that he can see , not sure how he see his father effort ) .... When he grows up and supports himself, he will understand his family love bonding is always there.
[13:11, 3/7/2022] Donna Wong: I can see your points. You can see from more angles. You are self made rich person as an Asian from zero penny to middle class. And you believe on yourself instead on outside factors. We share the same experiences... Probably our experiences give us some insights that Ben may not really hear before. You can share some family stories to let him know your early life and work... But need to be very careful as young guys may not want to be told. Tonality is the key and build proper communicative environment is also important. This is what I hope to do with you in the next stage. Communication Skill with Subconscious power.
[13:21, 3/7/2022] Donna Wong: "And I said if you can choose not to use dad's resource if he think dad is privileged. I carried judgement and disdain towards him when I said those words" it might /would hurt him very much, as he would feel he was not respected and you had no confidence in him... probably. I had many family cases because of parents like this. Take time to heal. Remember it's OK to be not OK at this moment to you and see you can talk with him in another way with some recognition word to him...
[17:55, 3/7/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I know those words shamed him. I felt like he bit the hands that fed him.
[10:32, 3/8/2022] Donna Wong: it's OK to be not OK ,
[10:34, 3/8/2022] Donna Wong: Forgive self first , guilt is very damaging mentally and physically. I am thinking how to help
3 Inner child therapy, compassion therapy
The above issues drove us to find the root causes of your worry, anxiety towards kids behavior and attitude that is different from you. You can find your wording and the limited state is much like your dad which hurt you so much.
So that was the important part of today's section:
1) Self Affirmation Process - 建構內在父母,擁抱內在小孩
Here is the inner child guided meditation we did some.
You can do again for yourself to build a inner home and your inner parents, then to start the role play.
我看到你内在缺乏安全感,容易焦慮,對Ben在表達他的立場上有衝突,你會很煩,很擔心,這和爸爸當年對你被別人侮辱后的態度類似,我請你做靜靜 (受傷的内在小孩),我做你的媽媽,然後爸爸,他們是你現在渴望的爸爸媽媽。你聽到他們的難過,擔心的心情,你聽到他們和你道歉,你明白他們多一些,原諒他們多一些。我問你之後的感覺,你好坦白告訴我:靜靜明白父母多了,但她内心還很驚。我説:慢慢來,纍計的創傷,幾十年的壓抑,需要時間。
這是長期的反復去做的INNER CHILD THERAPY,但一定會一次次看到成長。於是,我問你:那麽靜靜想爸爸媽媽説些什麽,做些什麽,去幫助你得到你最需要的幫助。反問我:如果你是我的爸爸媽媽,你會如何做,我説出我的經驗,孩子三歲上學,轉校的原因,表達我對孩子的關愛。
你補充的更詳細,於是,我們又來做一次:我做靜靜,你做媽媽,你講出自己埋藏心中幾十年的話,你要媽媽和你去找那個壞人,去報警。然後,你說的很透徹,“媽媽最想你可以安頓下來,明白家人的支持,你不再害怕了” ( 大概 approximately)
這幾次來回的做,明顯你got it. 你的能量提升了,你想起女兒21歲時的一次交通意外。你發現自己也是很惡,心急的閙女兒,表現你對她的擔心和焦慮,内在是投射出當年爸爸對你那種粗暴的方法去表達自己的擔心,你在投射這個陰影。這次的經歷,一定對她的心理有傷害。於是,我馬上叫你用你現在成長后的媽媽去安撫女兒的求救,你會説什麽。這個Role play, 你完全自己去做,請女兒做10次的深呼吸,安頓心,平靜才有智慧!
Despite the disconnection occurred, we made it. You did well. Amazing. A profound healing process to connect with your inner world, to heal and empower your inner wound child. It is a step by step growing up journey. As you opened heart are ready to listen to your inner voice, you have become more empathetic and compassionate to yourself and in return, to your children. 🙏🙏❤️🥰💪🍷🧡
Please write some reflection for your today's section and use
DO :
Sentience or any self affirmation sentences :
For example:
Before sleep, say to yourself:
[10:16, 3/14/2022] Donna Wong: before sleeping, do breathing and self Affirmation in short minutes. very useful to have a quality sleep
[10:23, 3/14/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: What do I affirm
[10:33, 3/14/2022] Donna Wong: Say to yourself: I love you, I love my inner JINJIN. I love my Hubby, I love my sons and daughter...I am going to make more health improvement, including mental and body and soul...for myself, for my own well being, that is same for my dearest family.
今天和朋友做inner child therapy , compassion therapy.

情緒轉化 - 内在小孩療愈法 (INNER CHILD THERAPY)
[19:28, 3/18/2022] Donna Wong: 今天和您做inner child therapy , compassion therapy.
您 學習安撫自己内在的孩子,寬恕父母,原諒自己,多了内在安全感,内在的平靜和安頓,也多了對自己和父母的慈悲心,同理心。多了一些解決自己自身問題的能力。
做完後,我請你回到自己給女兒帶來的創傷上,去安撫自己的孩女兒,做一個理想的父母,慈悲同理心的父母。你做到了,做的非常好!非常深刻!So profound!
真的為你 開心. 你的成長,也感動我,給我力量!🙏🙌🥰❤️🌈🍷
[23:57, 3/18/2022] Donna Wong: 今天,我的《擁抱內在小孩冥想》,帶你進入自己內心世界,自己內在的家,安撫和接納受傷的內在小孩,讓她得到溫暖和理解,得到安慰和支持。
[23:58, 3/18/2022] Donna Wong: 你可以用這個夢想帶自己進入潛意識,常常自己做,self affirmation process
Section 2

How to deal with vulnerability, fear and shame
Dear Christine
Tomorrow we will have the second section.
I can see the awareness of your vulnerability and acceptance of your true self increases gradually time by time.
This quote shows your determination to deep heal your inner child trauma, to let go by learning from your life experiences, to make a new perception, positive, constructive understanding over past stories , create new belief in your subconscious mind.
Yes, we are on progress to get our inner self more resilient from vulnerability , more open-mindedness from limited behavior and attitudes.
We are encouraged by your progress and your determination.
We really appreciated, and are grateful.🙏❤️🌈🧘♀️
From this quote to get into her inner world.
why did she sent this to me?
what she thought when she read it?
The talk involved before the quote was I sent Brene's talk and quote to her.
her son ranked and yelled for mom to be nicer to him.
She was angry and didn't want to baby him.
I saw Ben's calling for love and wish her mom to be warmer , softer to him and listened to him, concern to him. Then I send her reflection to me:
[19:02, 3/24/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: My youngest brother went off the deep end. When he was in his early twenties, he hasn't shown any history of honesty and hard work. My dad based on some false hopes sent him off to Canada to be with my sisters who were also struggling. They haven't developed habits of good mental health so failure is sort of predictable
[19:03, 3/24/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: And thighs were given to him without much effort. While I had to leave home and worked two jobs while going to school. There is something to say about earning things that you get
[19:03, 3/24/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I want my son to learn that
[20:08, 3/24/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: My son ranted and raved at me and said," I just wish you were nicer. It is not that hard being nice." This is because he bumped himself at the stair's railing and said,"ouch it hurts." and I said," it is ok. Just brush it off. It's no big deal." It was a bump. How can I teach him to be stronger. He is 17 and he is a boy. I can't baby him anymore can I?
[20:09, 3/24/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: After things* we're given him
[23:20, 3/24/2022] Donna Wong: Quite some young generation are offered with too much materials to get it for granted since they were born.
[23:23, 3/24/2022] Donna Wong: But I am not sure your way is suitable for him, or is b=best to him if he is really hoping to go
[23:25, 3/24/2022] Donna Wong: I mean to make a change in this way may not work, the core issue may not just what you think such straightforward
[23:28, 3/24/2022] Donna Wong: I saw lots of additional new traumatic impact due to unhappy relationship
[23:31, 3/24/2022] Donna Wong: i really hope you can build a better relationship with Ben, this is why you are here and u are trying so hard o learn. I really appreciated
[23:34, 3/24/2022] Donna Wong: i will read and response your messages tmw. keep sharing, I go to shower first.
[12:11, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: Looks he is calling for your concern and love, like a baby crying for moms' attention. All those behavior is only a superficial 表面的,表層的. he is desperate for love , love deficiency inside his subconscious mind. This is not something with age, 85 year old grandmother is also crying for this, from my mom's rage and yelling , when she loses temper., getting easily when getting aging with dementia symptom to come
[12:13, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: I deeply feel for her emotion messages behind her surface emotion. Just for your reference.
[12:16, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: IN subconscious mind, we are all the same 在潛意識的大同世界,我們都一樣。這是我每天都看到的現象和得出的信息。we have go to the root , we can go to our inner home.
[23:02, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: The next section is Monday Night 9pm your time 28th. OK? Need to confirm ?
[23:02, 3/25/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Yes
[23:03, 3/25/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Your observations on my son is deep. I didn't see it as cry for help.
[23:32, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: ead this article of mine ( much content from the course ) and you can get more understanding about core psyche behind emotion. and try to build empathy towards your inner child, then u will have more empathy to others like Ben ...
[23:32, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: https://www.donnadreamhypnosis.com/2021/06/blog-post_16.html
[23:33, 3/25/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I already read that twice
[23:35, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: use it to analyze in a real case
[23:38, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: my favorite quote
[23:39, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: soft power 軟實力,溫柔些
[23:40, 3/25/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Wow
[23:58, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: I will tell you a true story next time about a young girl suffering from ADD and depression and her family situation
[23:58, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: family support is crucial
[23:58, 3/25/2022] Donna Wong: good day
[24:04, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Ok. Good night
[07:09, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Donna how do I get deeper into the inner world so I would know how to nurture my children
[07:10, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: My daughter likes this guy who has paid her some attention but he mentioned several times to him that he goes out with other girl. She feels insecure about it and I don't know what to say to help her. I started giving her advice and she gets upset
[07:12, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: How do I get this special power? What are the steps
[07:35, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Mentioned several times to her*
[11:45, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: Got it. You are actually on the way to know your inner world, you know people's inner world. But to change our belief, attitude and habit in our behavior , communication habit, that is long term healing and mindful nurturing process, to nature our inner self to love ourselves in a different way, at least different from what we did that made things worse or not effective.
[11:49, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: you can ask such deep question. I was amazed. And this is your awareness , your change and progress 覺察力和執行力在提升! Trust yourself, you can make it ! The first day I said this to you and you need to say this as your self hypnosis to become inner voice.
[11:52, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3Ds6oNPZ-k
[11:52, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: 好多節目
[11:52, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: 我看了不少
[11:53, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: sorry, wrongly sent
[11:53, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: a friend from SFC talked to me about the negative impact of the Vaccines
[11:54, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: so i shared some info i know
[11:54, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I am very anti vaccine
[11:55, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: you are critical thinker, i love your this character
[11:55, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I actually had some experience of feeling profound peace several times in my life. I just could nt stay there for longer than a few months
[11:56, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Thanks
[12:01, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: yeah, you have all resources to stay in peace and you had such wonderful exp. Just to get the potential back .The first thing is you trust peace and love can help you.
[12:01, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Covid 19 has an hideous agenda. It is a crime against humanity. I hope you realize it. It can easily be dealt with using ivermectin but they pushed vaccine and mask. I
[12:12, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: lots of good remedies were overlooked or repressed by
[12:14, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Media never mentioned anything about healthy eating and exercise. They don't talk about taking natural supplements. Everything is about taking vaccine so pharmaceutical companies can get rich and mandate to take away our freedom
[12:15, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: exactly
[12:15, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: i put lots effect to promote on natural immunity promotion , i agreed with u
[12:24, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: The silencing and censoring of certain scientist. It has never happened in America. It is quite scary. We have many who are never suspicious of mainstream media
[12:24, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: They are so bad. Pathological liars
[12:26, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: This is a media control world. To learn to be our own life master is not easy but essential
[12:27, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: My son is my teacher in this way. and you also
[12:28, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Is he a "conspiracy theorist?"
[12:28, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Hehehe, it is an honor to be called such these days
[12:29, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: They used that term to smear us rebels and truth seekers
[12:30, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: sort of , kind of
[12:32, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: There is a conspiracy going on. They are the liars who called others" liars. 我想整死衰人°
[12:36, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I need to do this
[12:38, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Going back to bed now
[12:39, 3/26/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: "Sit inside your own pain" that's the practice
[12:39, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: good sleep, relaxing mode now
[13:07, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: you got it. This is great , make our healing process much in alignment with our inner high self
[15:13, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: to sit inside our pain, to turn our vulnerability, dark shadow into life transformation. that is what you want and we are doing together. 從不完美到完美,最重要是完整自己
[15:19, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: will go to details and discuss more. It is understandable as as a mom and also I understand our children's mind to some extent, after many case study in love and relationship
[15:51, 3/26/2022] Donna Wong: some ideas about 2nd section 👆
[12:43, 3/21/2022] Donna Wong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-_ExtpWL20 這個方法是自我轉化情緒的深度療愈,也可以非常生活化的心靈滋潤,我把它作爲自己routine,每當有自我批判,作爲否定,或任何不安的情緒( 這就是我們的内在小孩,或我們的陰影,甚至是我們的人格的一部分),學習和它對話,聆聽它背後的訴求和價值,情緒的信息,情緒就會悄然離去。因爲我接納了自己的不完美,也接納別人的不完美,我就多了選擇,也是找到解決問題的方法的過程。
我很喜歡說:平靜出智慧,你的名字,就是父母的渴望,他們暗示你的潛意識很有智慧,對嗎? 而你的人生也確實證明給自己:you can be a miracle if you want.
So, 你的routing plan裏,建議放入這個item,愛自己,從接納自己開始,從self affirmation, self reelection 開始。
這也是我下一次想深入討論的 mental part,做一個愛好自己的routine plan, a process to learn to love ourselves.
I believe, without acceptance of ourselves, our ambition is only the castles in the air.
[12:48, 3/21/2022] Donna Wong: Good sleep, relax , deep breath, a bit light stretching in bed... good night for u
[12:49, 3/21/2022] Donna Wong: 作爲否定: correction to 自我否定
[01:42, 3/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: As I get still I notice a tremendous amount of guilt and shame in my body. Growing up I used to live to please my parents and it is not that I feel I wasn't enough I wasn't taught the skills of how to. So part of the self parenting is to teach myself the skills of how to learn. Learning that requires more than memorization.
[01:45, 3/22/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Things I like to have in my daily routine include daily prayer/meditation, setting goals, yoga, lifting weight, aerobic exercise like cycling, study candlestick pattern, scripture reading. Then I want to look at the house and make a list of home improvement projects and also learn more about nutrition
[21:44, 3/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I have about 25 pounds to lose. For being an American now
[21:45, 3/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: I lost my weight after my first two kids but not after my last. I was almost 45 when I had him. Age just makes it harder
[21:45, 3/11/2022] Christine再見情緒創傷: Now I am more concerned about health than weight or look
Praise therapy
讚美療愈法 Praise Therapy ( 2)
praise yourself and Ben and husband' and Emily
worry for Daughter
Son issues
and her empathy compassion
story of people
Chan lai hua, Suk yi: parents support
Diabetes: child hood trauma impact
Sue lose weight by dream therapy
Create good Habit plan
homework 寫出愛自己的不同方面和原因,强化計劃的執行力
30 3 3 2022
[3/30, 12:00] Donna Wong: great 👍 you have done it. We had a wonderful exploration and self refection
[3/30, 12:05] Donna Wong: some things you can do
please share your learning from other media so that I know your thinking, progress...
Please send some family photos to the groups so that we have more perceptual understanding sensibility感性上認識
[3/30, 12:05] Donna Wong: I will send my family photos as well.
[3/30, 12:08] Donna Wong: 3
please read this article again. The better you know our subconscious mind mechanism, also your husband and Ben know it, the better communication with Love ❤️ to be seen
[3/30, 12:12] Donna Wong: 4
next time, if Ben asks for your attention, please be soft, warm and nice a little bit. You just do it for a breakthrough of yourself. 讓他感受他童年失去的❤,他的潛意識早已用行動說出他的渴望,他想和你,和爸爸有情感連結,用他喜歡的方式。
[3/30, 12:23] Donna Wong: 5
please turn off Tel during sleep. Don't read any messages during the sleeping time. It will seriously affect your sleep hormone like melatonin ...
This is better to put your routine plan about
Habit change.
[3/30, 12:37] Donna Wong: 6
Find any harmful habit you desperately want to sabotage. Please put into habit change categories in the routine plan.
[3/30, 13:11] Donna Wong: Summary:
[3/30, 13:14] Donna Wong: You have done excellent job! I have to say that every time I see you, I find you are making micro and different changes, form subconscious to conscious. We also cover :
In communication: you can think over and make a different approach to Ben and listen to his point of view in a more calm , patient way, despite you are still feeling repressed, uncomfortable sometimes as y. That is why you are improving.
You know your helping mindset has your onw emotions , belief and attitude to life, that may not let people feel your love but some limiting states like guilt, shame, anger , insecurity and insufficient love and over perfectionism...
That is the AWRENESS
THEN today we also discussed we have choice.
open mind to get information from your kids
be nicer to kids and be nicer to yourself
think over the articles and if we use conditional love, the vicious cycle is just running and will damage our children and self repeatedly.
... you name it.
Ill helping mind is conditional love, somewhat from our original family enclosed communication model!
We really need to get rid of it in our life. Slowly, be patient to ourselves, be nice to ourselves, Our kids can feel it and give their love with the same way to themselves and to our parents.
Ben, good boy, sensitive boy, he can have his life to excel his talent and dreams. Our parents the only thing to do is to fully support him to develop his identity, self esteem and potential, creativity, without judgments, and discourage....
Next time, please ask him his dreams and gradually he can tell you no matter big or small. I will practice with you later how in a more comfortable way.
Also practice how to have some conversations which other really like but you don't like much or whatever. From them, you get more understanding from each others, And get your ideas across, both can. Others points, I will add in when I think about or when I have more discover from our section.
[3/30, 13:21] Donna Wong: 帶著條件和期望去付出
[3/30, 13:24] Donna Wong: 韓國朋友給我的一課: https://www.donnadreamhypnosis.com/2021/07/blog-post_16.html including all we just discussed, Five love languages and beyond. Enjoy reading it and waiting for your feedback
[3/30, 13:28] Donna Wong: Slowly everyday you can read some and no hurry. But consistently. This is your mental exercise in your routine plan. Your routine plan has already started from the first day you found us. Give yourself big applause. Self affirmation, every day
今天我們學習的重點:當我們帶著條件去愛,帶來限制性的信念和態度去愛,會帶來什麽後果,也是我們童年陰影的源頭,窮一身去治療這些童年陰影。我們現代的家長,需要好留意,否則會給後代循環性創傷問題,原生家庭的問題就會一代傳一代。所以title:用一生去治愈童年, 就是這個意思。你問我要多久可以走出來,真的可以是一生的功課,我們要學習的就是做自我療愈,陪伴自己,走過人生高高低低,接納自己的一切 ,( 便有能力聆聽和接納別人) 身心安頓去面對每一個生命的過程。這個過程真的不簡單,不可以是短時間可以完成,那是完美主義的極端位。爲什麽這麽説?因爲我的個案從小孩子到80 90 嵗,問題都可以好類似,self esteem issues and how to see fear. 來到人生每一個階段,都有好多不懂,要學,同時不多不少也會暴露出一生中纍計的創傷導致的問題,影響我們人生的每一個階段的決定和幸福。但有的人可以早些有心理準備去面對,有的人選擇逃避,所以就算如何修行,都有好多要學習,每個人都要面對生老病死,又是一個新的課題,最大的挑戰。共勉。