Dear S
今天原本你想我和你做解夢,但我沒有直接去做,反而聆聽你的生命故事,瞭解你對夢境的認識。我覺得要真正理解你的生命過程,why you are here? Wat is your present situations and where do you want to go, to become... very essential
有情緒病的人,大腦退化,特別是情緒智障會早些來到,有的老人家不會有這些問題,雖然有智障,因爲沒有情緒病。我的媽媽就是前者,我的爸爸是後者,我兩個都expereniced deeply。我喜歡我爸爸優雅的老去,坦然面對的精神,給我很多力量!
你的故事,也是我現在面對的挑戰!照顧者,很容易有互累症,burnt out! 我自己都有時burnt out, 還需學習!向你學習!
你可以很快走出哀傷,相信和你對媽媽的盡心盡力照顧,不留遺憾,和你做4道德工作有關,不知2姐懂不懂,你可以嘗試和她做,想象媽媽就在面前,(在天堂和人間沒有分別,進入内心世界subconscious mind,不會分真假),當然在適當的時候。一天她走不出哀傷( 背後有很多情緒)一天都會有埋怨。
飛翔夢,我見證不少,我自己就是典型的例證:帶著極大的改變的動力,好好珍惜運用,夢境治療最大的價值,是提升行動力,解夢,創夢, 活出夢想,這是我的完整的夢境治療, dream therapy,今天,我開始見證你的蛻變!
你的夢想,裏面蕰藏著長期壓抑的狀態,你渴望求變... 你對家人的愛,都融與你的夢裏。很好的資源!
Flying dream,我感受到你渴望可以自由飛來飛去,穿越樹林 (困難重重,也可以自由穿梭,amazing, a good rehearsal for your dreams ,mission to come true),找到自己寧靜的天空,也把自己的愛傳給家家戶戶。
我談了一些關於我的夢境治療 - 人性化,個人化的解夢療愈的理念和方法。以下都是從我的解夢工作中得到的感悟和insights:
這是我的一個個案的感悟,我和她解了10個夢,從10年前的夢境開始解。 關鍵是我真正去讀懂她的生命 |
朋友有很多夢,一邊聆聽她的生命故事和夢境,一邊和她講解我的夢境治療 - 人性化,個人化的解夢思維和理念。
朋友告訴我一個她非常有趣的夢境 -飛翔夢。令我有共鳴。
而朋友的飛翔夢很有衝破重重困難,“入屋”的感覺,這也是我這8年多年做夢境治療工作的一個寫照- 我曾經立下的mission:把夢境治療- 人性話和個人化的解夢理念和方法推廣到家喻戶曉,讓每個人都可以暢所欲言分享自己的夢境- 內心世界,充滿愛的流動。
我說;不少學了自我成長課程的朋友和我分享他們的夢境,就不乏“飛翔夢”,之後大家的生命真的有很大的突破,猶如飛出自己的comfort zoon, 真正活出自己的渴望!
相信你經過沉澱,會有一系列的自我發現和insights。期待可以和你深入學習潛意識,尋找更多智慧和内在智慧 - 從我們的夢境和情緒,處理關係中...,好好愛自己,做個開心快樂人 - enjoy flying
DREAM THERAPY is much beyond of dreams themselves.
以下 部分文章是在談話中,我提到的内容:
For your reference:
大腦退化的探索研究和預防 ( 老人精神健康系列)
S replied:
Dear Donna,
Thank you for the summarizing message after our long talk. I am grateful for your patience in listening to my life experience, my current situation, my feelings, and my dreams. Your insights are to the point. I especially want to thank you for reminding me of these three things:
1) To treasure my own family, especially my husband for his support, patience, and love.
2) In order to help my sister to heal from her grief towards Mom, introduce the tool of “The 5 messages”.
3) My dream and goal of being a life coach.
To be honest, I sometimes take #1 for granted, and I almost think of giving up on #2, and I don’t really know how to make #3 come true. You helped me re-ignite my love for them.
Your experience in taking care of your parents resonates deeply with me. Consider their health condition, there must be many incidents and that you are undergoing a lot of stress. I’m sure your parents appreciate your effort and gentle care. Time spent with our parents, no matter how tough, will become precious memories.
I sincerely admire how you are helping others through personalized and humane dream therapy (it’s even better than mere dream interpretation). Writing a book will help you reach your dream! I'd love to continue learning and connecting with you.
Donna reply
[22:29, 7/3/2021] Donna Wong: Dear Shebia
I am soon amazed to read your reflection about our talk.
It was terribly 🔥hot night but you managed to focus and we went to very smooth, organic, having a comfortable, also very deep exploration.
Your.attitude towards your 2nd sister changed . I am really appreciated, grateful. Your empathy to her is crucial and also.protect you from being hurt, damaged, creating chance to help her with your love and skills.
About taking care of my mom, I was moved by what you said
Time spent with our.parents, no.matter how tough, will become precious memories.
You inspire me to take care of my mom with more patience and love.
Yeah, dream therapy is a integration of all I psycho therapies, mindfulness, health management..
Dream therapy is a channel to understand ourselves, to heal ourselves and to live up our heart dreams, to be happy inside out.
With love.
Looking forward to hear your more.
最近一直寫 case summaries, reflection. I posted some insights from these cases in my FB
Hi Donna, I just came across this TED talk about dreams and found it very inspiring. I thought of you (although she's talking about our life dreams, not dreams in the sleep) and feel that you might appreciate it. How can we make our life dreams come true by helping each other in the community? I feel that you are starting to build a community of your own, as well as participating in a like-mind community at Wah Shan's Dreams Possible. I believe that this can help us make our own dreams come true!
[11:34, 7/5/2021] Donna Wong: yeah, sleep dreams embed so many passion, desires, wants physically and mentally, spiritually. all help us to achieve our heart dreams from any kind subconsciously and conspicuously. If they are discounted all dreams are empty talk. My therapies also include career planning, and cooperation management, start up consultation ... some clients are from top managements of listed companies, my work includes company policies, strategies ...
[11:35, 7/5/2021] Donna Wong: Thank you for your inspiration🌈🌈🌈🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
[11:36, 7/5/2021] Donna Wong: together we fly
[12:10, 7/5/2021] Donna Wong: discounted is wrong: correct to: disconnected
[12:11, 7/5/2021] Donna Wong: the two parts disconnected, no action but only wish , wobbly wish
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