Being sexy, be happy
It was my first time to touch sexy and sex topic in a wide angles and different prospective. Our DP Golden Presenter Esther opened our eyes to see this when most of us never mention it ever since we were born.
Esther challenged Chinese taboo on sex issues by
giving us super thought-provoking, fun night.
What is “sexy” mean to me?
When driving on a freeway, creating hypnosis
scripts and MP3s, when jogging, dancing and reading books and watching a
touching movie, when sharing with friends and when working on what I love, when
helping others, being more aware of myself and others, finding answers
suddenly, having an interesting dreams or even nightmares for reflection, I
feel sexy.
Be myself, trust my subconscious mind and excel
my potential. That is “sexy” means to me.
So being sexing is to be attractive, happy, creative,
free and joyful, confident and empowered moment to me. Of course, a stylish
dress or suitable appearance for a particular environment will let me feel sexy
So being sexy is a state of mind, we can create
it anytime.
But I also found my dark shadow: Since marriage
and having a child, being as a mother dominated my life. I am not a lover
SEX: wow, I have never ever thought about it
seriously. It is a big issue to me or many couples. I just realized this.
Esther is right, being a lover forever is a criterion
for a happy marriage, not just for fun or a process before marriage but an
important role in our whole life.
Every day to give our partners some refreshment
will create a relaxing environment and organic happiness.
Be a love no matter what phrase of life you are,
be sexy, and be happy.
I determine to love myself, love my partner and
love my family and give more to people …
同學會已邀得多才多藝的Esther Lee (DP15)
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