Dear Louisa,
You have given me four precious coaching experiences.
The main issues I need to pay attention or correct are summarized as follows:
to speak concisely , slowly and loudly;
to appreciate myself everyday esp. when I have less confident in myself;
to eliminate negative self talks by thinking about one of the rules of success - "to be /do/have " and practice 3A
to eliminate limited belief like not tending to express freely and directly for considering too much about others' face and ego.
Thanks so much for your heart-to-heart coaching and hopefully I could learn more from you.
I started to accustomed by DP coaching style and will have better finding about myself...
I think the key change recently in myself is I am not easy to be bothered by others' emotion, to see things more objectives and positive. In return, I am more persuasive and more easily accepted by others, esp. my son and my husband esp. in facing different points of views.
Thank you. Thank you.

With gratitude and love.
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