Saturday, May 28, 2011

How to stay Invincible and be happy unconditionally?

Book review and summary


Invincible thinking, a book I am reading, is written by the founder of Happy Science – Master Ryuho Okawa from Japan, who has written over 500 books and broken the Genies record by publishing more than 50 books in last single year.

I went to his talk last Sunday. Well, it might be the most enigmatic presentation I have ever attended. If only he had used his mother tongue that night to give more inspiring talk. I just felt he could express himself much better in Japanese. Despite the confusion from his typical Japanese English and very limited English vocabulary through the s talk, what surprised me was his followers and most of the audience gave him huge applause no matter what he was saying.

Another thing astonished me is he has turned Unconditionally Happy into a religion called Happy Science with followers all over the world, even extending to Africa.

That is the reason for me to have to buy his books to find why he is so charismatic globally and his theories are so popular although it was my first time to listen to his talk.

There were hundreds of books in the exhibition. Among them, I chose this invincible thinking.

What does Invincible Thinking (长胜思考- Chinese edition) mean?

Invincible think is an attitude:

“No matter what happens in your life, you can always find something positive, and turn any situation to your advantage. If you practice this philosophy, you will become convinced that there are no such things as a crisis or headship, only a continuous series of opportunities.”

In the beginning of the talk, he shocked us by speaking with a lost voice – husky but loud, a bit repulsive indeed. How could he speak in next one hour? I was completely puzzled and worried for him.

He smiled at his voice and amused his audience: “You are so luck to hear my speech in a lost voice the first time in my life. I was too excited and ‘shouted ‘too much yesterday in the Philippine. “

Instantly, the startling audience burst into laughter and the uptight mood was eased in a long applause.

This is the best example and practice of invincible thinking. I believe he has integrate invincible thinking into his subconscious mind.

He showed us how to turn his disadvantage into an advantage so as to get people’s understanding and tolerance. People’s forgiveness encouraged him to talk as normal as possible and many people were moved by his billed voice – an unusual talk at an unfit condition.

Another example is his view to infirmity: he applies reframing theory in NLP and multi-angles thinking system to enlighten people to be relaxed and enjoy the moment in the nature conditions: Illness is a blessing - the nature’s way of telling something is wrong and it is time to stop and rest. Without the recuperation, you will not able to live out the full span of your days and carry out your missions. As a result of illness, your life is in fact lengthened.

Most impotently, it is a self introspective period and time to look calmly at the inner self. “When you become absorbed with outward events and concerned only about outcomes, you tend to forget to look within.”

Master Ryuho Okawa has found that a man without self- reflection will never become successful until a serious setback in career or in health pushes them to search for their soul and become intensely introspective on why they fall and how to stand up from the falls. He believes that to go through some kind of ordeal is the consequence what they have done without self- reflection and self analysis. But it is not a backward step but an experience, which is essential for them if they are to develop greater stature. This is another example of reframing and positive thinking – turn negative to positive and an adjustment of mindset to the right track. This is a continuous process for spiritual growth at any age and phrase of life.

What to learn from a setback?


Are you a person seeking for “love that gives” or “love that takes?”

Is question reminds me X and Y types of people we learn in “Money and You”:

People who crave praise and recognition are taking love. They usually try so hard to win appreciation but the result is just opposite because they tend to under illusion others’ effort and support. People will start to keep their distance as those only put people off . Only a person who will bring recognition and appreciation and happiness to others can gain appreciation and recognition.

I couldn’t agree more his advice that “You can demonstrate your abilities because of the efforts of others. This is something that you must never forget.


See difficulty as opportunity: if you see difficulty is awful, it will be even more awful. So there is no point in seeing it in negative way if you don’t want to see more adversity.

Difficulties mean opportunity that shape your ability: he says: “People who have triumphed over hardship and have been able to turn it into strength will shine from within. “

It all depends on how you see difficulty: For the Master, “ No matter what the difficulty you face, it will not last for long, so it is important to take advantage of the opportunity it presents and lean all he lessons it offers.

Do not live a life of excuse

This is one of the most important steps to move forward instead of getting stuck or being trapped in vicious cycle


When facing with any misfortunate, make sure you do not allow yourself to feel you are the only person in such circumstances. Finding such excuse only drive you to wallow in self –pity and your soul is giving in to defeat.

Successful people must gone through misfortune and use them as the springboard for success.

President Franklin D Roosevelt was confined to a wheelchair. Despite his disability he was able to carry out t his presidential duties. He didn’t not live a life of excuses but rather did whatever he felt had to be done.


The four discoveries from great people

First, they never attribute their hardships to others. Never put blame onto other people or bemoan/complain about their fate, because they understand clearly that this would do no good whatsoever. Do not blame fate of other people for any personal hardship.

Second, they accept what fate has given them; they have courage to and determination to accept misfortune as a reality of life.


Always find some lessons in adversity, setbacks, mistakes or misfortune. What are the teachings in the lessons and that teachings will be priceless treasures and experience remaining in their hearts for their future.


Forth, never try to rely on the support of others. Instead accept bravely whatever fate throws at you especially diseases and nature disasters, and be determined to overcome it.

How to become invincible:


Try to devise ways to achieve more – transcending individual limitation, entrust others and delegating responsibility to others, don’t work on your own, and build a net work.

Spot potential, find demand, create demand and there is need, there is work worth doing and there must be profit to earn.


Development: People who trapped by the confines of their earlier success are not tapping into further potential.


You are what you think. This is an eternal truth.

And it is always important to believe that you have the potential to do better than you are now.

Believe in self: discover the invincible self

An inferiority complex is human weakness: how to overcome it? If you think you are inferior to others, then other will think the same because your attitude makes your performance inferior to others.

If this is an excuse for you to fail, then you cannot complain you have been like this because it is yourself to confine your potential.

How to overcome this self conscience: try to make an effort to learn to adopt a wider perspective from others’ lessons, experiences and wisdom, and to achieve some understanding of a wide range of knowledge and you will find there is no longer any need to suffer this inferiority complex.

Only when you have conviction on yourself potential and put effort to show you are capable, you will cast off inferiority complex.

Complaint and trying to think your present difficulties as insurmountable only makes things worse than the reality should be – you should not let yourself be swept away be the tides of adversity ( imaginary difficulties and problems are the main reason of adversity ).

There are no unsolved problems but unresourceful state of mind.

Remember: success does no come from where you are but from your confidence in yourself and the effort you want to put. (From speech of the present First Lady of the USA in Oxford U this week)

Monday, May 23, 2011



Please read this :

You can find that a man with wide passionate interest and hobbies will be much happier and healthier esp. mentally.

He found helping others means helping himself.


So don't consider problems/difficulties negatively in academic and in self management (living, health, life style and emotion...). Try to solve independently and resourcefully, indulging learning asking for help from people around you. 99% people are willing to help others but you need to have some confidence and communication skill. Try to ask for advice and get a mentor's support. People are willing to teach as well if one wants to learn.

Problem solving is only process to give your confidence and hope in yourself.

不斷學習 人更精靈


I have discussed your situations with Grandparents and your father, we all found that the first year looks the most difficult period and after that, one has started to accommodate to situations when having been aware of more about their subjects, ways of learning and living in that environment, and esp. learn from mistakes. Then you will growi up and be easier to deal with any new challenges all because you have a more positive attitude, confidence and a smarter way of thinking.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The imortance of body workout


一切都是相对, 今天多点纪律,明天多些自由, something for something.




All bad cells are in non-sotp accumulation in our body if there is not enough or simply no physical workout). Sadness, depression, negative emotion will not block your way  and pleasant emotion can be created automatically after a workout, especially with music and with people together.

Having successful losing weight for 13 LB after the HKCEE exam, there have been a sea change in attitude towards life, a huge boost in my self-confidence.

As I will never allow the old history goes back because it is very easy to gain weigh at any time, I always envision the beautiful picture of myself when I was totally changed to another person in body shape and that has driven me to keep regular exercise whenever I go or at any stage of my life.

Hopefully you will take this issue at the first priority and don't let aging coming early to such young stage, a best growing up stage to you now.

It was my big life lesson to miss the golden growing up age when your grandfather asked me to play more outdoor. I ignored his advice and stayed at home writing and writing when I was a teenager. I dreamt to be a novel author.

Take are, Sleep earlier, do job planning and do some workout daily. Then you will find time is in your way and you will control your life with much ease because you respect your life as Nature.


How to prevent and deal with it - MUST Know this















1,糖是癌的食物,若不食糖即删除癌细胞很重要的一项食物供给。代糖如Nutra sweet, Equal spoonful 等均是由Aspartame组合而成的,是有害的。较好之天然代糖是Manuka糖浆或Molasses糖蜜,但�能取用少许。食盐为使颜色变白而掺有化学添加物,较妥之选择是海盐。 2,牛奶会使人体产生黏液,尤其是在胃肠道内,而黏液正是癌症之食物。因而阻绝牛奶及采用不甜之豆浆作替代,癌症就会在无食物情况下萎缩的。 3,癌细胞是在酸性环境中繁衍的,以肉为基本饮食的体质是酸性的,因而食用鱼类及少量鸡肉是较食用牛、猪为妥的。且肉品均含有家畜抗生素、生长荷尔蒙及寄生虫等,而这些均是对人体的有害物质,尤其是对癌症病患。 4,以80%新鲜蔬菜及青菜汁之饮食;含全谷类、种子、坚果及少量的水果是有益于体质转变为碱性的,剩余20%可进食煮熟的豆类。新鲜蔬菜汁可提供活性酵素,活性酵素极易在15分钟内被细胞组织吸收进而滋养增强健康细胞,为取得活性酵素强壮健康细胞应多饮用新鲜果菜汁(多样蔬菜含豆芽),同时每天进食生青菜(未煮过之)两至三次,按活性酵素在40度C时会被摧毁。


十三,肉类的蛋白质是不易消化的,因为肉类的蛋白质需要大量消化酵素消化,未消化的肉质会留残在肠内净化,而引发有毒物质形成。 癌细胞壁有很硬之蛋白质包裹,因而节制食用肉类可让多出之酵素去攻击癌细胞之蛋白质,而体内杀手细胞则有空间摧毁癌细胞




约翰霍普金斯已将这篇研究报告用新闻稿方式发布,同时Walter Reed陆军医学中心亦将这篇报告传播。


1,不要将塑料盒放入微波炉加热 2,不要将塑料水瓶放入冷藏室



前不久Dr. Edward Fujimoto在电视节目中谈到健康之风险,他就强调戴奥辛对健康是多么有害,因而请千万不要用塑料容器放入微波炉加热食物。




Waht does a university life mean?


Please check today's MING PAO. You can realise that your U has create an excellent platform for not only absorbing knowledge, technology an know how but provide opportunity for you to create your own business if you have ambitions, creativity and courage. Please open up awareness and set up a positive mindset, learn from all resources and aways be optimistic because negative thinking is not working but makes things worse. So once we have it, be careful: thoughts become things. Subconscious mind is the control centre and owner of our life.We have to adjust it to the right tract vigilantly.

The results are always better than expected if you have put your whole heart and full effort.

University is a process to prepare yourself in all round ways to be independent, to adapt the the real world and to learn how to get your ideas across; get chance to work with all kind of people with various personality; to learn how to make a life with added value to others. Then your wealth is just there automatically.
