Dear Gen,
Your U life just began. Things are not as smooth as expected. Here are some ideas for you:
When you feel unhappy,
Think about the Pakistan’s dying victims in the flood;
When you feel down,
Think about people just killed in the hostage event in the Philippines;
When you feel lonely,
Think of people who love and care of you so much;
When you feel dreary,
Listen to your favorite music and Christ CD (Leadership mindset) to brighten you up;
Happiness is just within your reach with perceptiveness and appreciativeness;
A fulfilled life starts from a thanksgiving heart and sharing mindset.
Below is the best example how an Orange can make the poet so happy:
The orange (By British Piet, Wendy Cope)
At lunchtime I bought a huge orange –
The size of it made us all laugh.
I peeled and shared it with Robert and Dave –
They got quarter and I have a half.
And that Orange, it made me so happy,
As ordinary things often do,
Just lately. The shopping . A walk in the park,
This is peace and contentment. It’s new.
The rest of the day was quite easy.
I did all the jobs on my list
And enjoyed them and had some times over.
I love you. I’m glad I exist.
The poem is written in prosaic (plain) language but beamed with contentment, joy and human emotion. It reveals that happiness and fulfillment is a state of mind – ordinary life can be a blessing if we see it from a different point of view and understand nothing is taken for granted.
Existence is a blessing.
Happiness can be created if we are creative enough.
There is no lack of resources
Lack of creativity, self motivation and self awareness.
Learning to live with people in difference is a life technique.
Learn to adjust changes is the process of growing up.
You have started to practice what you have leant in NLP.
Please listen to the Leadership MIndset CD 1 to know what rapport and an open-mindset really mean.
Tony Robbins said,
If you have an opne-minedset,
Yu will learn from everything.
If you have a closed-mindset,
You will learn from nothing.
Be open minded and put down our ego, things will be easier than expected.
Pictures from:
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