Saturday, April 17, 2010

17 years of joy, 17 years of worry

15 April, 2010

Today is my son's last school day. Last night I couldn’t sleep well... I smiled but laughed at myself, feeling that I have grown up with him as well.

17 year’s yesterday,

You dreamt what he would be like when he turned 17.

17 year’s today,

You still worry if he could manage himself well.

Thinking back,

Did you really enjoy the changes and the whole process?

How much have you worried?

Have you done your best?

Asking myself,

How many of your dreams have come true?

How many of your worries have proved false?

How much have you regretted?

In the transience of life,

You will never know what will happen tomorrow.


Nothing is more important than

To learn from mistakes,

To learn to adjust to changes,

To learn to be thanksgiving,

To learn to be happy.

And to learn to give a free hand to your kids.

You will find happiness is just within your reach.

And you will not worry too much about tomorrow.


“The past is history.

The future is a mystery.

But today is a gift.

That’s why we call it the present.”


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