20 /21 , 8, 2016
Subconscious Mind Power Training Course
(Sleep Dreams, Shadow, Passion and Motivation)
Notes, Activities, Donna’s Articles on Dream Therapy and Sub-consciousness Power, Course Reference
Name: _____________ Date: _________ Time _____
Day 1 (20 8 2016)
Part 1: Self Awareness, Discovery by a self-Introduction process
1 Hypnosis process: 走进潜意识,找到更棒的自己
2 Discussions:
A 1 到10分,你此时此刻给自己多少分?
B 是什麼驅使你參加這個課程?
C 什麼方面想提升?
D 什麼問題想解決?
E 通过这个旅程,最想幫助自己的是什麼?
1) By Art Expressive Card Therapy to discover …… to find where you are now and where you really want to go?
A Current State
B Challenge? Any difficulties? Paradox?
C What do you need most now? What do you want most now!
Dreams, Passion? Goal
D Psychological obstacles to affect your to fulfill your passion and achieve
Dream goals
Part 2: Case study: how to use subconscious mind, DREAM POWER to make a transformation?
Turn Sleep dreams into life transformation
Donna’s introduction on her journey of Turning Sleep Dreams into Life Transformation
It is a self-healing and self-development journey, showing the importance of dream power health psychologically and physically, sharing powerful cases on how to use dream therapy to Insomnia, depression.
a. Operation theater nightmare when delivery of bb
b. Childhood jealousy
c. Attack by drunks
d. 吊死鬼树
e. 被女鬼打
f. 与鬼较量
Clement case:化噩夢為力量,找到真正的自己
g. 走出哀伤
解夢 - 攬“鬼”上身?!
Utilization of dream power!
What is Dream Therapy about?
Dream therapy isn't used only as a means of figuring out your subconscious/unconscious dilemmas, it also is a means of finding out how to handle a current situation.
Dream therapy is more than dream interpretation. It is a means of confronting our subconscious, or even our conscious dilemmas, and finding a way to lead a healthier and more creative life.
Jenny sharing on her dream study and insights learning
Elaine sharing her dream power and use PPT to show more about subconscious power
Then we can discuss the insights from your sharing and the ppt sharing
Pheabe sharing
Part 3: 如何走出Shadow,如何产生转化
1) Family impact 家排,家庭对我们的影响,如何走出阴影,如何继承家庭的
2)100 个可能性 childhood shadow – inner child issues, what we can do to
minimize shadow to self and others
3)Drama triangle:
4)My INNER SELF TRAIGLE - BODY MIND and SPIRITUALITY, bring your dreams to
think the dream insights from body mind and spirituality – 身心灵三方面
5)My letter, 华山letter, a letter to our parents The power of family letters
6)A letter to my inner child
Part 4: Final sharing of Day 1 course section
Day 2 (21 8 2016)
Part 4: Song singing with Bessie piano playing: Gratitude of ourselves and people who have ever helped us in the our life
You Raise Me Up!
When I am down and, oh, my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up to more than I can be.
Part 5: BY use Bessie Dream to teach dream interpretation
How Bessie dreams from dark mystery to an inspiring story
1) The dream therapy DREAM THERAPY Key elements:
解夢身心療癒方程式 A.B.O.U.T .
夢境療癒方程式 A.B.O.U.T .
A: Attitude – 態度
B: Basics (Fundamentals) – 基本知識
O: Onion (Content of human dreams like onion)
內涵 (VIEWSPC: value,intention,effort, Strength,potential,character)
U: Utilization –利用夢境精髓、跟著夢insights走
T: Special Technics – 解夢的語言,結構,象徵意義, 直覺
(1) U - Utilization of dream insights power
Discussion or sharing your reflections
(2) A- Attitude
• 同理心 – 不僅對別人,更要對自己
• 對自己:解自己的夢,也同時需要同理心。 準確的說,是要坦誠,真實地面對另一個自己,感覺夢中的自己真實的感受,聯想到現實生活中有哪些類似的感覺。哪怕是醜惡的。謙卑地學習自己, 愛自己的過程,最後發現醜惡的背後是最美麗的天使和最安全的靠山!
• 對別人:治療師具有同理心是一個重要解夢钥匙。同理心就像是穿對方的鞋子,同步的,平等的,一起向心靈進發,好像是自己在经历夢境一樣。
• 以極大的耐心和興趣去聆聽別人,深刻理解別人, 感受別人的心情,夢中人的感受。
• 想一想,如果夢中和現實中的人是自己, 那我會有什麼感覺? 問下個案。讓他講出感覺, 你也分享自己的感覺, 當大家的心情 走在一起,解夢的状态就在此。
• 同理心 - 解夢中最重要的軟件。
• 以開放的態度, 領吾自己的夢,
• 探索自己的夢,重視自己的夢,
• 讓它在生命中有一席位置! 生命的好助手!
(3)Basics –夢境科學和夢境心理學
1) 夢的科學 夢的心理學
2) How to handle misunderstanding about dreams
我沒有夢!? 解夢与我无关!
莫名其妙? 為什麼會這樣?
為什麼我發夢大叫都不知! ?
(1) 人為什麼會有恐惧:自我防衛機制的深远影响?童年陰影的處理?
(2) 你對夢境療癒的理念有什麼新的發現和認識?是否一定用在夢境出現時?如何減少夢噩,睡得像BB般甜蜜?
(4)O-The layers of dreams - onion夢的本質內容
(1) Example of how to use dream to enlighten ourselves and clean negative emotion, to build a positive self esteem
(2) 怎樣才是解開一個夢?
(3) Functions of dreams from your prospective now
(4) Life is endless onion peeling to find a true self, how do you think of this?
(5) T- Technics, Skills – 解夢要点 (夢的語言,結構)
T: Special Technics – 解夢的語言,結構,象徵意義, 直覺
( BTFF: Background, Trigger,Feeling in,Feeling out )
2) Bessie using her PPT to share her dream insights
分享感受Discussion What we learn from her dream?
Part 6: Movie watching and discussion
BBC on DREAM INTERPRETATION - BBC - Discovery Science Psychology (full documentary)
Part 7: Telling your setback stories and inspiring story, how to empoer yourself and others
Part 8: Final sharing and debriefing:
Your learning, your finding, how many marks do you give you now?
Beauty of yourself: strength, potential , talents?
your goal and directions?
How to move forward?
Feedback sheet:
6) Hypnosis on dream interpretation process
(1) 靜心內觀解夢法 (解析夢境步驟) (作者:Donna Wong)供參考
請閉上眼睛。深呼吸,放鬆,放鬆。現在有個夢浮現在你的眼前, 它可能是最近的剛剛發的, 醒來仍記得的夢; 或者令你難忘, 又或者重覆的夢, 這個夢或是令困擾的, 也可能令感到莫名興奮的夢。請你感受下夢境裡的重要細節。感受下夢中的情節,片斷。可考慮以下幾方面:
1. 你是否在夢裡, 或是一個旁觀者?
2. 地點? 人物? 時間? 背景? 环境?顏色? 詳細過程?
3. 最記得的句子? 人物?最記得的圖像?
4. 最令你不解,疑惑的地方(包括句子、 人物、圖像、情景、動作等等)
5. 你在夢中感覺, 情緒怎樣? 有什么奇怪的,不解的地方?講出夢感中的感受,
例如恐懼, 開心,緊張,享受,尴尬等等?
6. 運用自由聯想, 這個夢與你發夢前生活哪些事情相似/有關?哪些狀態類似?
7. 夢中的象徵物讓你想起什麼?和現實生活生活,你做關心的事有什麼類似?心情, 状态
8. 是什麼觸發這個夢? 令你想起什麼?
9. 擴大自由聯想法, 有什麼触动?含意? 這個夢的目的? 意味著什麼? 還有什麼信息?
10. 暗示了什麼? 預測了什麼?
11.带来什么靈感?願望? 渴望? 有什么指导意义?
12. 壓抑了什麼? 有什麼事你不想去面對? 想逃避什麼?
13. 將夢境與現實生活中的活動, 思想, 感情聯在一起- 夢, 令你想到什麼,
My article sharing:
陰影 v.s. 原生家庭 v.s.戲劇三角 v.s. 身心靈平衡
Rescuer, victim, and prosecutor
When someone is angry with you out of blue, or you think it is out of facts or out of proportion, you can think this: it is his reality, not mine, I don’t have to be angry. He has his own issue and history, so I just say to him in my mind: I love you so I forgive you. Thank you.
STANDING in the area and self-thinking, reflection
(3) 夢境治療 - 一個綜合性的課程
敘事治療 – story therapy show (JVY case, story and dream workshop discussion blog)
陰影治療Shadow therapy, Inner child shadow
催眠治療, 织梦,植入夢境dream creation hypnosis, past life, Inner Child, Inner guide, inner doctor…
(example : Wing, grief healing therapy)
NLP:time line therapy plus story therapy, parts Integration ( INNER CHILD)
Original family Therapy, letter therapy, forgiveness power therapy
(8)Card learning and practice
Group dream interpretation, insights sharing, final discussion, feedback
More reference reading

Blind spots v.s. dreams and shadow 盲點和夢境,陰影的關係


催眠解夢療愈睡眠失調》工作坊 總結(北大同學會 )