Dear Dr Chan, Mandy, Sharron, and my soul mates,
I would like to thank you all again for giving us such a wonderful experience, an experience full of laughter, tears, love, compassion and vision.
The biggest award from your course for me is as a hypnotherapist or coach, the first thing is to listen with empathy, entering into the coachee's world, speaking their language and to discover their life at their angle so that rapport and trust can be built organically.
The second important learning is from your case studies - the most precious experiences that you try to pass to us. In every case, there is something in common, Map is NOT Territories. Change the Map, change the emotion and therefore the behavior and habits, and our fates.
How to change the MAPS? There is one sentence we have heard endless times in your class and actually from many mentors in my life, that is, 寬恕,包容,接受,回到安頓,平和的狀態,潛意識自然會找到答案,問題就是答案,就是解決. (Ultimate humanity - 以人為本, 每個人都有能力解決自己的問題,每個人都可以是自己世界的掌控人- the master of own life)
I would like to thank you all again for giving us such a wonderful experience, an experience full of laughter, tears, love, compassion and vision.
The biggest award from your course for me is as a hypnotherapist or coach, the first thing is to listen with empathy, entering into the coachee's world, speaking their language and to discover their life at their angle so that rapport and trust can be built organically.
The second important learning is from your case studies - the most precious experiences that you try to pass to us. In every case, there is something in common, Map is NOT Territories. Change the Map, change the emotion and therefore the behavior and habits, and our fates.
How to change the MAPS? There is one sentence we have heard endless times in your class and actually from many mentors in my life, that is, 寬恕,包容,接受,回到安頓,平和的狀態,潛意識自然會找到答案,問題就是答案,就是解決. (Ultimate humanity - 以人為本, 每個人都有能力解決自己的問題,每個人都可以是自己世界的掌控人- the master of own life)
From Dr Chan's class and Mandy section on presentaion, I got to realize what is humanity and why humanity can empower person from ordinary to an influential.
Working as a clinical hypnotherapist is a process of healing self and empower others.
I realized that the problem is I still have not let go of my own ego; my love, compassion is still not more enough to understand others better and my skills need to be improved through practice and practice.
You make me know that all we need to do is to guide the coachee to know
Where are you now?
What are you doing now?
What is the consequence and suffering?
What do you really want?
The meaning of life and goal?
How to build a habit to achieve it?
Your secret to be a sustainable hypnotherapist is 不主動,不建議,不負責. This is really useful advice to be happy, healthy coach.
In terms of language skills, use questions, open sentences and metaphors are our language of hypnotherapy.
學習抽離,擁有自己平靜的空間, 不被負面的情緒影響. 讓所有負面的東西成為我們成長的營養的元素,陪伴個案一起走過成長路.讓自己從中得以修煉,修正,走出自我,邁向超我.
You have expanded my horizonn on past life, future life and present life. I found all of past life or future life is an imagination, a map of own world. We can learn from the "life", change the map to change the unwanted life and create a new, desired life.
You make me know that all we need to do is to guide the coachee to know
Where are you now?
What are you doing now?
What is the consequence and suffering?
What do you really want?
The meaning of life and goal?
How to build a habit to achieve it?
Your secret to be a sustainable hypnotherapist is 不主動,不建議,不負責. This is really useful advice to be happy, healthy coach.
In terms of language skills, use questions, open sentences and metaphors are our language of hypnotherapy.
學習抽離,擁有自己平靜的空間, 不被負面的情緒影響. 讓所有負面的東西成為我們成長的營養的元素,陪伴個案一起走過成長路.讓自己從中得以修煉,修正,走出自我,邁向超我.
You have expanded my horizonn on past life, future life and present life. I found all of past life or future life is an imagination, a map of own world. We can learn from the "life", change the map to change the unwanted life and create a new, desired life.
過去,現在和將來都同時存在时空,心中。像一個DVD, 擁抱它們,然後,學習應學習的,放下應放下的,留住應留住的。
陳老師令我感到做為一個催眠師,最重要是令人感到親切,可信,可以讓人放鬆, making people be themselves, set them free, make them think, reflect and move forward.
I had fear that my conscious mind was not aware. It is not important why I had such fearful dreams but to understand that the fear in the dream might present a general worry of something that I can't control.
Dr Chan advised that for things we cannot control, we get to accept, learn lessons from the events or dreams and let go, then just move forward.
上了您的課,最直接的感覺是踏實了很多。因為看到自己不足,也看到潛能。另外,好像有了可以approachable 的icon.可以參照的坐標。只有跳出自我,放下ego ,不斷清理自己,才能作到無條件的愛,支持,聆聽,關懷,對家人,對個案都如此。
超我,是需要修行。現在我有多些信心:不需做到學到完美才去做,通過做的過程,令自己也改變,走向完美。 Right, all hypnosis is self -hypnosis. Thank u. Thanks all mates.
陳老師令我感到做為一個催眠師,最重要是令人感到親切,可信,可以讓人放鬆, making people be themselves, set them free, make them think, reflect and move forward.
I had fear that my conscious mind was not aware. It is not important why I had such fearful dreams but to understand that the fear in the dream might present a general worry of something that I can't control.
Dr Chan advised that for things we cannot control, we get to accept, learn lessons from the events or dreams and let go, then just move forward.
上了您的課,最直接的感覺是踏實了很多。因為看到自己不足,也看到潛能。另外,好像有了可以approachable 的icon.可以參照的坐標。只有跳出自我,放下ego ,不斷清理自己,才能作到無條件的愛,支持,聆聽,關懷,對家人,對個案都如此。
超我,是需要修行。現在我有多些信心:不需做到學到完美才去做,通過做的過程,令自己也改變,走向完美。 Right, all hypnosis is self -hypnosis. Thank u. Thanks all mates.
I am ready to start and love to do hypnotherapist as a mission of my life.
Feeling grateful for having such an unforgettably enlightening, spiritual
time with Dr Chan and all heart-and-soul mates. The learning will impact my life, become part of my life for sure.
Notes from the course: after helping cancer patients for many years, Dr Chan says:
Cancer is the best disease that gives u time to finish unfinished business. To say goodbye and and sorry or say i love u. There is nothing to worry about but enjoy the last moment of life.every day is a gift,so just to enjoy until last minute and to do something meaningful and donate all ability to benefit people . Then life will be much happier than just living in worrying or fear.
Dear Dr Chan,
It was a great pleasure in your class. Your humble and humorous character like warm sun in the winter, your positive thinking, wisdom and peaceful mind like spring water. Lots to learn how to be happy and bring happiness to others from you.
Let our beautiful memory leave in the photos and live in our minds -
The spiritual group
A trainer Certificate is only a symbol.
You've got to try it
My new icon in hypno-coaching
All girls with our teacher
lovely Momo and me
老师的回信 - 一支强心针
My favorite song dedictate to you. A song speaks for my mind/our minds and endless thanks to you...
本機構為國內第一個美國催眠師學會認可之催眠訓練機構 , 凡完成「NGH 催眠治療師證照班」之訓練者, 即可取得美國催治療眠師之執照 ,並加入美國催眠師學會 。
本機構也是國內唯一擁有「 美國NGH催眠講師授證資格」之機構。 資深催眠治療師,通過講師訓練後,可以合法開課教授NGH催眠治療師課程,並有資格核發催眠治療師證書。歡迎有志成為催眠教育工作者的朋友,加入我們的行列。
本機構為國內第一個美國催眠師學會認可之催眠訓練機構 , 凡完成「NGH 催眠治療師證照班」之訓練者, 即可取得美國催治療眠師之執照 ,並加入美國催眠師學會 。
本機構也是國內唯一擁有「 美國NGH催眠講師授證資格」之機構。 資深催眠治療師,通過講師訓練後,可以合法開課教授NGH催眠治療師課程,並有資格核發催眠治療師證書。歡迎有志成為催眠教育工作者的朋友,加入我們的行列。
本機構由陳一德醫師於 1998 年成立,是國內最早推廣 NGH 催眠課程的團體,多年來已經培育許許多多優秀的催眠治療師,為台灣的催眠環境奠下深厚的基礎。
陳一德醫師更於 2004 年,獲得美國催眠師學會 NGH 肯定,成為亞洲第一位也是唯一之MCI ( Master Cetified Instructor )。也榮獲教授專業催眠講師班 ( Train the Trainer course )之教師資格,陳一德醫師是全球第三位也是華人首位獲得此殊榮的講師,本機構也因此得以進一步培育催眠訓練講師,讓更多有志推廣催眠的人,不必花費龐大費用,遠至國外上課,就可以在台灣完成催眠訓練講師的課程,成為 NGH 催眠訓練講師。這些年來也有許多來自海外,如:日本、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞等國的學員,專程來台灣參加此課程。
催眠治療師發證導師課程 (NGH 認證導師課程)
Hypnosis Trainer's Training Certification Course |
由美國NGH認證的催眠治療師發證導師課程由 陳一德醫師 主理,是2004年成為NGH首位華人導師培訓師, 12年培訓導師經驗,香港著名的催眠治療導師亦是陳醫師的門生。
由美國NGH認證的催眠治療師發證導師課程由 陳一德醫師 主理,是2004年成為NGH首位華人導師培訓師, 12年培訓導師經驗,香港著名的催眠治療導師亦是陳醫師的門生。
- 完成此課程及考試合格者,可申請成為 National
Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) 之認可講師,更可以合法教授 NGH 催眠治療師之課程與簽發 NGH 催眠師之證書。
- 由台灣首位經NGH認可的催眠訓練師,陳一德醫師來港任教,整個課程,包括授課及考核均在香港完成,無需遠赴外地,便可取得『發證資格』,機會難逢!
- 即時廣東話詮譯--- 讓學員更能掌握課程的技巧,融會貫通。
- American Board of Hypnotherapist認可證書 及 認可NLP執行師證書
(課程推介:『催眠治療師專業課程』- 美國ABH認證。);或 - ACHE
- The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners 認可證書;或
- IMDHA-International
Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association認可證書;或
- National Guild of Hypnotists認可證書#
- 其他國際認可催眠治療師證書