Welcome to my Blog, my soulplace for happiness, a tranquil sky for contemplation and reflection, a wonderland for relaxation and peace, a forum for experience- sharing and inspiration.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
You Can Heal Your Life - By Louise L. Hay
I am
reading this book and meanwhile watching her videos. This book is helping us to live at cause and live a life with fulfillment.
Thoughts create our Future - Louise L.Hay
What I learned is every time we say something, we are painting our future, Be aware of what we think subconsciously (by forming a habit) Ask ourselves periodically "Would I like this thought to be my future? wold I like this experience to go with me in my rest of my life?"
Positive thinking means creating beautiful future. This can be formed by doing affirmation - repeat positive words by WRITING on a paper, blogging or just saying it best in front of a mirror or by meditation.
For example, say "I love you, I really love you" in the morning and before sleep. That would be powerful like planting seeds and expecting them to grow with right conditions. Then the universe will give you green light every day in your life when saying positive words deliberately.
Affirmations For The Inner Child - to healing the inner child
All is well. The present is
great and the future is bright.
Life is full of joy. I
release the past and live only in the present.
My wounds are now healed. I
look forward to a rich and fulfilling life.
Today is the best of my life
and everyday is a new today.
I am the center of my
universe. Everybody loves and appreciates me and I reciprocate.
________ (your name here) I
love you, I care about you and I accept you as you are.
________ (your name here) I
am proud of you and all that you are.
________ (your name here),
you are free to make your own choices. Live your own life.
________ (your name here),
you are beautiful and attractive. Everybody loves you.
The child in me is very much
alive. It is a happy, joyous and fun loving child.
I have forgotten the sad
past. I live in the happy present and a still happier future awaits me.
The child in me and I are
one. We love each other, care for each other, appreciate each other and will
always belong to each other.
name is gratitude
Healing yourself
Sleep hypnosis suggestion
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
癌細胞如 何變回正常的細胞
转载文章 ( From my email friends)
癌細胞如 何變回正常的細胞.
週 遭朋友如果用得到,印一份做功德囉~癌症的主因∼超級中毒+組織缺氧+憂傷
就超級中毒而言,例 如吃入含重金屬食品,因為重金屬太重,血液搬不動,就留在組 織中,而細胞遇到入侵的外來物(重金屬),就會扭 曲地團團圍住而形成腫瘤(癌症)!
1.樂觀: 例如和志同道合登山隊登山大家談天說地嘻嘻哈哈。
2.補氧:登 山會喘氣且滿身流汗乃最佳的補氧及排毒運 動,藉由灌氧,皺縮的細胞癌
可 像氣球打氧一樣,膨脹回來,成 為正常細胞。
3.偏素食:五 榖雜糧加蔬菜可改成鹼性體質及排毒。
即 可將癌細胞變回成正常圓潤的細胞!癌 症(Cancer)正如其拉丁字頭「蟹」(Cancri)的意思所指,稍不注意,便不聲 不響、致人於死地橫行。一生中每四個人就有一個人可能得癌, 過去十年,台灣三十至五十九歲的壯年得癌人數成長八一%,但 四○%的癌症是可以預防的。然而在第 三期的癌症之後,如從前法務部長陳定南、舞蹈家羅曼菲、王文洋的妻子陳靜文、電影導演楊德昌、到鴻海準董事長郭台成,一 顆顆舞台上的明星,在正要大放光芒時,因癌倒下。 其 實每人每天均會產生七八千個癌細胞,尤其在焦慮、憤怒及壓力 下,癌細胞大增,放在人體內某部位的潘朵拉盒中; 若在愉快的心情下,以氧氣灌滿皺縮的癌細胞使之膨脹,多吃抗 癌食物即可天天修護皺皺的癌細胞變回成正常圓潤的細胞,在第 三期的癌症之前,均能康復。A.抗癌食物:檸 檬(破壞12種癌細胞:包括結腸癌、乳腺癌、 前列腺癌、肺癌和胰腺癌…)、地瓜(排毒最佳)、大蒜(治胃癌)、黃豆(治子宮頸癌)、金針菇(治子宮頸癌)、菜花(治胰腺癌) 、菠菜(治肺癌)、茭白(治腸癌)、海帶(治乳腺癌)、蘆筍(治 皮膚癌)、花椰菜(治膀胱癌)、毛豆(治乳癌)、蔓越莓(治乳癌 )、開心果(防肺癌)、熟番茄(治攝護腺癌)、蘑菇(治肝癌, 但含重金屬傷腎,每月最 多可以吃 200g )、甜菜根、胡蘿蔔、優格、蘋 果、綠藻、葡萄、香蕉、奇異果、鳳梨、草莓、綠茶、十榖米(治直 腸癌:糙 米、黑糯米、小米、小麥、蕎麥、芡實、燕麥、蓮子、麥片和 紅薏仁)、白芝麻、亞麻子、老薑、枸杞、 玉米、杏仁、黑芝麻、南瓜子。
請 大家多吃含有這些有效成份的食 物,讓身體內蠢蠢欲動的癌細胞多多睡覺。1.咖哩 (抗癌成份是..「薑黃素」)2.辣椒 (抗癌成份是..「辣椒素」)3.薑 (抗 癌成份是..「薑油」)4.綠茶 (抗癌成份是..「兒茶素」)5.大豆 (抗癌成份是..「異黃酮」)6.蕃茄 (抗癌成份是..「茄紅素」)7.葡萄 (抗癌成份是..「白黎蘆醇」)8.大蒜 (抗癌成份是..「硫化物」)9.高麗菜 (抗 癌成份是..「??」)10.花椰菜 (抗 癌成份是..「硫化物」)B.以氧氣灌滿:人 坐在椅子上時, 每 次呼吸進的空氣才半公升,只用了肺臟的十二分之一,李 豐說,「就像一個人有一棟十二個房間的房子,可是每天忙碌出 外工作,回到家裡來,就只用到臥室。」要用到肺臟的 每一個部分(提供充分的氧氣),唯一的方法就是在空氣好的地方 勤加運動喘 氣(例如爬山)。C. 愉快的心情:前 台大醫學院博士班第一名畢業的台大名醫,在用核磁共振掃瞄器 檢查完他的病人後,他看機器還是開著,於是對準自己的肝臟來 順便替自己做個掃瞄,結果發現他的肝臟中生有一個腫瘤(潘朵拉的盒子被打開),於是在驚嚇之餘很自然的按照西醫的一般程序做切片與其他化療等,結果無法心情放輕鬆,只活 三個月,他就過逝了。我在彰中同學的哥哥念台大醫學系五年級 讀到肺癌篇時,發現他咳嗽的情形似肺癌,檢查果然是肺癌(打開潘 朵拉盒),治療半年就英年早逝了。 事 實上,即使打開了潘朵拉盒,像前101董事長陳敏薰、歸化台灣籍的律師 文魯彬(肺癌)、30多年前得絕症淋巴癌的台大 李 豊 醫 師及 罹患3期肺癌,開刀時發現腫瘤已轉移, 被宣告只剩幾個月生命的吳永志醫師均採用前述三 要訣治癌成功,其中最重要的仍在愉快的心情。 罹 患3期肺癌的吳永志醫師採 用生機飲食(吃90%全生和10%煮熟的食物),他每 天喝6大杯以蕃茄、胡蘿蔔、紅色甜菜根 為主打成的 500c c.蔬 果汁,以大量蔬果類為主食,可以強化免疫系統,1天排便3次,改變飲食及生活作息才半年,腫 瘤即消失無蹤。吳永志說,以每 分鐘3萬轉以上的果汁機打汁即可將蔬果 的纖維和種子裡所含有「植物生化素」牽釋出,可抗氧化、消除 自由基。 他 每天早上喝兩杯蔬果汁當早餐,午餐前一小時再喝一杯,中午則 吃蕃茄、胡蘿蔔、苜蓿芽等作蔬菜沙拉。前 行政院大陸委員會主委蘇起透露,一九九一年健檢時發現 八 公分 大 的肝癌,也是由他的主播夫人陳月卿用每分鐘3萬轉以上的果汁機打出植物生化 素,神奇地治好蘇起的肝癌。 台 大病理科醫生 李 豐 女 士 罹 患過淋巴癌。同病的,或輾轉病榻,或早死了;她卻能夠好好地 活著。她 的秘訣就是:她天天爬山(登山喘氣是最佳的補氧運動)及讀佛經-其意義在於不要煩惱。 反 之,像我的好友在精神上遭受重大打擊後,就患了淋巴腺癌,在 台大醫院折磨了生命最後的11個月,非常不幸!另一例,舍妹一 向節衣縮食,前陣子被倒了500多萬元,頓時痛不欲生(得癌之前奏),後來悟出佛教因果論,認為可能 是上輩子欠他的,現世還他也是應該的,如此一來,她從痛苦深 淵爬出,現在常emil笑料給我。 她 有兩段名言:「 人 在高興時,細胞很圓潤,就像十八歲的年輕人;人在生氣時,細 胞就像八十歲的老頭,皺皺縮縮的!」-(癌細胞就是扭扭曲曲皺皺縮縮的, 五榖雜糧加蔬菜、運動(氧)加樂觀,即可將癌細胞回成正常圓 潤的細胞)。而 發生在英國倫敦的一對夫妻,兩人同時去做年度體檢,太太被告 知得到乳癌,壽命只有一年,先生被告知得到攝護腺癌,同時有 三條心臟主動脈血管阻塞了,壽命也只剩下一年,二人經過討論 後決定什麼都不做,再也不要聽到西醫說什麼病了,他們在一張 白紙上寫下在這一年中他們將完全的五十件事,於是他們賣掉僅 有的住家,拿了錢去做環遊世界的旅行,因為這是他們第 一件想要做的事,於是高興的起程,經過半年的各地旅遊後又再 回到倫敦後因為身體感覺很好,於是再回到同一位醫師那去檢 查,結果醫師驚訝的發現二人的癌症已經消失了,同時 丈夫的動脈血管阻塞也好了,這個結果讓醫師都無法明了為什麼 會這樣呢前 中華開發金控董事長陳敏薰,在場演講中首度透露生活秘辛。陳 敏薰說,多年前莫名其妙生了一場病,是一種癌症,連學醫的媽 媽都認為絕望了,一剎那「什麼都帶不走 」,改變了她的一生,讓她體會到簡單生活的可貴。她認為"金 也空,銀也空,死後何曾在手中。
妻 也空,子也空,黃泉路上不相 逢。
田 也空,地也空,換過多少主人 翁。
名 也空,利也空,轉眼荒郊土一 封。"***************************得 心自在心 自在,身自在。身 心自在,福慧自在。***************************
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
學習催眠的過程,是與另一個更廣,更闊, 更深的自己建立關系的過程-與潛意識的自己建立友誼的過程。 現在,好像多了一位知心朋友,有意識或無意識的提醒自己, 活在當下,正面,樂觀,積極,創新去過每一天。
對催眠認識的越深,練得越多,越感到學催眠是與心同行的過程- 意識與潛意識合一的過程,學習表裡一致的過程。
練習的得越多,越感到催眠是一選擇,是一種LIFESTYLE。 雖然催眠是人類與生俱來的能力, 但利用它來幫助自己調理心身健康的人不多。在小時候, 我們大部分時間生活在潛意識的世界,溝通的語言就像催眠的語言。 學東西也特別快。年紀愈大,這種內在能力也愈遠離我們。 即使它仍在我們身邊。垂手可得。
故渴望可以用催眠來幫助自己同時, 讓更多人認識人內在的巨大潛能- SELF HEALING POWER,利用催眠天然的能力去幫自己隨時充電,轉化, 整合心身,建立信心,活出自在的人生。
現在我真正明白到為什麼要做自己的醫生,自己的生命教練。 因為沒有人比自己更能明白自己。
學習作自己的醫生和心靈導師,催眠是工具和橋梁。在催眠狀態, 我們可以繞過意識上的干擾,聆聽到身體和心靈上的心聲和訴求。 從而作出調整,改變。
"All hypnosis is self-hypnosis" and “all coach is self coach.”
Please read the following statements which I couldn't agree more:
Hypnotherapy seeks to help a person change the way they think about their experiences and create new perceptions that help them deal with life in a more positive and rewarding way. As well as this, hypnotherapy helps to build a person’s internal resources such as confidence, self-esteem and so on that goes some distance to helping them feel more capable.
The subconscious is extremely powerful and far more powerful than the conscious part of the mind. Using hypnosis, a hypnotherapist is able to make suggestions to the subconscious to create new ways of thinking and feeling that are in line with the client’s desired outcomes.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
My learning in life
My learning in life
If you learn anything in life, learn to ask for help. The key of success in asking for help is humble and sincere attitude. The thing is people are ready to help once they get a sense of being respected; humanity/understanding is developed through humbleness and sincerity showing we love to learn.
Vivian's solo adventure in Taiwan for last two months also shows this golden rule in life.
There is no failure but results/consequence and response to any consequence that we get from life, Our response will lead us to next level of life. The level of life can be higher or even lower than the previous; it all depends on our response.
UST ( The HK University of Science and Technology) has a saying that I love so much:
If you learn anything in life, learn to ask for help. The key of success in asking for help is humble and sincere attitude. The thing is people are ready to help once they get a sense of being respected; humanity/understanding is developed through humbleness and sincerity showing we love to learn.
Vivian's solo adventure in Taiwan for last two months also shows this golden rule in life.
There is no failure but results/consequence and response to any consequence that we get from life, Our response will lead us to next level of life. The level of life can be higher or even lower than the previous; it all depends on our response.
UST ( The HK University of Science and Technology) has a saying that I love so much:
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but rising every time we fall.
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