Friday, June 28, 2013

Practice on Hypnosis adaption tests

Practice One:

Date: 9-6-2013

Today it was the first time I tried hypnosis on my husband. Unexpectedly, he was as tender as a baby and could following all of my instructions on the three parts.

Before starting, he gave him a hypnosis adaption test. His right hand fell a bit and left hand raised more obviously.

In the eye lips test, he simply couldn't move his eye lips.

In the hand tightness test, he followed very well.

In the progressive relaxation, he felt it was very effective as he felt his head was clearer and not feeling so tired as before.

Then after minutes, I tried fast induction (1) and (2), he just got used to my language and fell into trance immediately. 

This practice showed that if one has the intention to be hypnotized to enjoy a relaxation process, he has no any problem to follow instruction and be self-hypnotized.

The whole process was satisfactory according to his first hand feelings.

Practice Two:

Date: 10-6-2013 

My father and mother are all over 75. My father passed the hypnosis ability test but my mother failed. 

My mother has been suffering insomnia for many years. So from the beginning, she didn't believe herself to be able get into trance. 

My father said he always uses self hypnosis to make him sleep if he can't sleep well.

As expected, my father had no any problem in fall into trance in the Progressive Relaxation and my mother was absent-minded, failed to concentrated on my instruction.

This prove that, the first criteria to be hypnotized is the a person's trust on his own concentration
and his imagination.

    Practice Three:

    Date: 11-6-2013 

I tried the " Dictionary and Balloon Test" on myself: I was able to see the increasing distance change between my two hands.

   Every night, before sleep, I apply muscular relaxation, deep breathing method and fast induction (from 10 to 1 on body relaxation) to improve sleep speed and sleep quality. The result is dependent on my states. If I am very tired physically, the method is much more effective than without. However, if I have lots of ideas to brainstorm or to write, it is better to write it down and then use this method to enhance sleep speed.

 Book Review and report about Dream Analysis - 心理學夢幻餐 - 從夢境認識真我



讀書報告 -心理學夢幻餐 (作者:孫天倫)

,自小已對她產生興趣和着迷.在夢中,"願望成真",害怕的事也可以在梦中"成真". 多姿多彩,天馬行空.一時成为英雄,一時變壞蛋;一時緊張刺激,死過翻生,一時平淡如水,鳥語花香,甚至以連環劇出現,或重復出現...令人惊喜的是,梦有时直接或间接的帮我们解决问题,找到答案,唤起我们的记忆.因为有的梦太有趣,难忘或有警惕性,我会记录下来,故梦也成为我写作的题材.


- 感到人生用了大約1/3時間睡覺,夢作为潜意识的一部分,佔了人生1/3時間去整合經歷,要真正明白自己, 從夢境認識真我,不可以不知夢的真諦.不可以浪費夢背后的意義-換句話:不可以不學習解夢.

- 明白夢是人在意識上似乎忘記或有意識去忘記的東西又或者是盡量去逃避的現實的東西,不經意的儲存在潛意識裡面,在睡著的時候,潛意識以不同的象征符號,事件地點,解釋出現.有時會令人感到困擾,旁徨,痛苦甚至恐懼.

- 明白到在心理治療過程中,夢的分析更是重要的工具之一.其中一个最大的收獲是看到孫博士是如何利用催眠去幫助當事者解夢,治療和协助別人成長.
·       用催眠,讓人處於放鬆狀態,對於回憶夢境有很大幫助.
·       另外,通過教別人睡前做自我催眠,可幫助他們去記憶起夢境的每一個細節.
·       解夢的目的是走出生命的困境,所以,解完夢只是治療的第一步.之后,孫博士對於容易緊張的人會用催眠讓人學會放鬆,因為潛意識在放鬆的環境下最能發揮她的創意,放鬆也令她可以集中精神去找方法解決自己的問題,恢復自信心.
·       改夢-改写人生: 原来,真是人生如梦:當找到夢的答案,我們可用自我催眠睡前提醒自己或鼓勵自己去或想象自己已達成目標. 发的梦也正面很多,潜意识便会自动启动,发挥杆杠作用,事半功倍去达成目标.



5.治療- 改夢: 自我催眠睡前提醒自己或鼓勵自己去或想象自己已達成目標…, 美梦就会代替恶梦,带来由内到外的改变,提升.

心理學家之父 SIGMUN DFREUD說:"夢是通往潛意識的康庄大道",當我們能夠正確地分析自己的夢境,我們對自我認識會更透徹,防止墜入各種自我心理陷阱,重要的是收到夢帶來的正面啟示,時時刻刻保持心理平衡,從而發揮出潛能,活出真我.



Tuesday, June 25, 2013


每個人在一生都會遇到這樣那樣的痛症,如頭痛,背痛,頸痛等.對我來講,頭痛是經常要面對的挑戰. MS Louise Hay的真人故事-用自我催眠來協助醫治自己的癌症(HER BOOK: YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE),令我感到震撼.於是,我起草及錄制了這個催眠減輕痛症的AUDIO.望對自己,家人和有需要的人帶來多一個醫治和調理的方法.





學習催眠,其中一個原因是在NLP課堂上親自見証Mr Peter Shaw 醫治一位受20多年背部傷痛的同學.她的表情已告訴我們她是如何辛苦,忍痛上課.我從沒見過她笑過.但經過現場一個小時左右的心理治療,她的痛楚大大降低,面上出現紅潤和笑容.每次見到她,(FACEBOOK上也見到她)我都會問候她的背痛情況.她總是開心的分享:"雖然還感到有些痛,但不再影響我的正常生活,社交了."人变得开心好多好多!


什麼是夢想? 夢想是堅持過程中有很多困難也讓你感到幸福的東西.


渴望人生每個階段都找到新新發現,擁有富足的心靈,帶給身邊的人開心, 快樂,發出光和熱那怕是極弱的光和熱...... 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My practice on Imagination and relaxation training

Today I practiced imagination training on my husband. He could see all objects I mentioned around the home in his mind eye, his image in a mirror and a favorite song by his ears. That meant I could go further. Then I gave him some hints that I would lead him to a beach in a sunny day... His response surprised me: "beaches are too hot to make me feel comfortable. I prefer a green mountain where I  usually hike, looking around and resting..."

I know what view he preferred immediately.

 Then I used a very romantic tong to describe his world at that moment he liked to enjoy: In a beautiful summer morning, you walked up to the Chi Fu Hill. All trees are turning into green, tender leaves, flowers are flourishing and birds are chirping. Trees on the two sides are so tall that cover the half sky, creating a nature roof and giving a sense of coolness and peace. Looking through the trees, a bird's eye view of South China Sea is in front of u. The blue surface is glittering, ships travel through a dots of islets a far... You could help breathe in the awesome view and sighs: life is beautiful thanks to our nature mother.

 Under a big old tree, a bench is waiting you to sit and lie down for a rest. Your body soon fully relaxes on it, your mind drifting into your never land, hearing the wave sound with rhythm like symphonic and children playing, laughing on a beach, a sense of warmth and comfort surrounding your mind... To my surprise, he felt he was into the scenario, enjoying the whole process so much. Finally I hypnotized him deeply by saying you are so relax that soon your mind is drifting into your dreamland and he took a short nap...

 He felt soothing and relaxed after waking up. I was grateful to see my hypnotic voice can create his mind towards more peaceful and healthy mindset...

 23-6-2013 Sent from my iPad

It's never too late to send your gratitude to your beloved ones

Please pass this along to say "Thankyou" to
anyone who has been been an important support in your life: