Thursday, September 29, 2011

Our respect and tribute to Mr Ng

DATE: 29-9-2011

Dear Ms Ng and family,Image:Arum lilies 2777.jpg

We are 黄仁杰's family and I am Donna. I have heard that Mr Ng just left us this afternoon. We are here to share with your pain and sorrow for loss such a good member of your family and friend of our family.

Mr Ng was one of the kindest and warmhearted persons we had ever seen. He became  my  insurance client as soon as I advised him to purchase an insurance, although he had one or two already. He definitely wanted to give his family the best protection. On top of that, together with Chun Chun,, they spent half day showing our around  UST in December 2009, boosting  my son's confidence in getting into this prestige university.

Some days ago, we have sent our earnest concern and support to him -
Dear Samuel,
Wong Yan Kit and our whole family here send our best wish for you and are so gratified to see you are positively battling the disease. Meanwhile we enjoy your hobby that brings us so many beautiful views of our nature.
Actually nothing is more important then having a positive attitude to life and optimistic view to ourselves. It is the first medicine we need to cure any diseases. I wish we are as positive as you in adversity.

We understood these days will be the most difficult time for you. We are here to send our warmest concern and deepest condolence. We are sure you will strongly get through  the hard time ...

Take care!

Wong Yan Kit



It was my first time to call somebody in such sad time. I was hesitate because I didn't want to make them sadder. But I know I must do something to express our concern and caring.

I was surprised and gratified to find the voice of Mrs Ng was peaceful, calm and soft as usual. She said his husband has given the whole family so much positive energy  that she and two sons are learning from him to be strong and serene during this hard time. She told me Mr Ng didn't suffer as bad as expected and had done proper arrangement before his leave so that the whole family would not be panic but can be easier to get through grieving time.
I told her we have sent our concern to them through Mr Ng's email. She said their sons will check the emails.

We shared our tribute to him by remembering his hobbies and pictures. We all believe Mr Ng just wanted his families and friends to live fully every moment with passion and meaning as him.



Have you sent the email to Uncle Ng asking him if he would participate in 10KM Marathon ? No matter you have sent or have not, we will never be able to receive his lovely photos from now on.

Your father couldn't see him gone when his classmates and he rushed to  Shatin Hospital this later afternoon.

Just a few days ago,  we sent our earnest support and concern to him. We sent our sincere appreciation to his passion of photographing as follows:
Dear Samuel,
Wong Yan Kit and our whole family here send our best wish for you and are so gratified to see you are positively battling the disease. Meanwhile we enjoy your hobby that brings us so many beautiful views of our nature.
Actually nothing is more important then having a positive attitude to life and optimistic view to ourselves. It is the first medicine we need to cure any diseases. I wish we are as positive as you in adversity.

Uncle Ng was one of the kindest and warmhearted persons I had ever seen. He became  my  insurance client as soon as I advised him to purchase an insurance, although he had one or two already. He definitely wanted to give his family the best protection. On top of that, together with his son, they spent half day showing us around  UST in December 2009, boosting  you confidence in getting into this prestige university.

I simply could concentrate on my dance class this evening, I was in deep sorrow for loss of such good friend of our family and one of your husband's  best friends.

Well, what we can do to show our condolence and sorrow for loss of such a good man?

Yesterday I watched an TV interview on Tong's group's vice president, a 29 year-old- young guy. He remembered his father sudden leave that has made an painful impact in his life. It took a long time for him to reshape his mindset, define his position and stand on his own feet from a long term of grieve . His family group was the first investor who tapped into Pu Dong, Shanghai when everyone was still in hesitation. Now he already leads his group to become one of the biggest property investors in Shanghai.

His advice is trying to express love and care to your family whenever you can. Don't leave your thanks and gratitude behind until your loved one has left. No one knows when this will happen and all we can do is to express now and any time a sense of thanksgiving comes to your mind.

A strong sense of living up this moment, care for life and our loved ones stroke me. Nothing is more important than keeping a compassion to life, treasuring our life and our families and friends like Uncle Ng. Even in his last days, he still sent  his blog with passion to travel around the world and take more photos...

Take care!




作者 -- 伊利沙伯醫院臨床腫瘤科唐志聰醫生



建議你從現在起少吃酸性的葷食類,多吃鹼性食物,另外可吃綠藻和帶殼菱角湯, 改變你的體質,並勵行接近自然的良好生活規律。







2.生活步調失常會造成 酸性體質
a) 生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。
b) 據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出5倍





Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dr Hua's Philosophies on family relationship and gratitude










Monday, September 19, 2011

Inspiring course and interview

Here is our trainer's review on our presentation course and her personal feelings about it:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon 


Recently I led a week-long workshop in Hong Kong on platform and presentation skills. It was exhilarating. You know what really inspired me on this particular trip is what can be accomplished when like-minded people come together. They push each other and support each other in such a way that creates the best kind of stretching and growing.

There were a couple of people who after the first day did not want to come back. But they stuck with it and pushed themselves way beyond what was comfortable and then had the BIGGEST breakthroughs!! It was so awesome to see and be a part of. It was the acknowledgement of fear, then letting go of that fear, that got them to a higher place. There ARE things more important than fear! But you have to be willing to see and accept that there are greater things, and more important, than the fear itself.

This weekend I also had the pleasure to meet Amy Roloff, star of the TLC show "Little People Big World" and the driving force behind the Amy Roloff Charity Foundation. Talk about an inspirational powerhouse! To me, she embodies what Inspired Living is all about. She has recognized opportunity in the face of adversity, not letting anything stop her from going after her dreams and ambitions.

What might be possible in your life if you, like Amy or the folks at my seminar, had the courage to bring your dreams to life? The courage to say that there are more important forces in your life than fear, forces that can lead to greater opportunity and a different life? It's not just a possibility, it can be your destiny, if you choose it!

Shine ON!!

Her inspiring interview:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

There's nearly always something worth salvaging


 After having trying for more than1 hour, I finally found how to transfer CD file to my mobile phone via the new desk top. Media play doesn't work for this. I have to find another channel, that is the Nero burner.

 So many failures and errors paved the way for this tiny success. But I believe if keeping trying, there must be something rewarding awaiting for me, even without a success.

Now I found you started to find happiness from things around you, small or big, learning from everything is the mindset towards unconditional happiness.

There's nearly always something worth salvaging/tasting/enjoying around our life every day, something you can learn from experiences.

 I like the saying that:

 There is always a silver lining behind every dark cloud.

 Yes, things are always better than expected according to my personal experience and facts around us. But if we look at the bright side at the very beginning, the outcome will be even better as we don't need to waste our energy struggling how to face it but just do it with our our mighty and resources. This is what I learnt in the presentation course both from myself and all classmates and from my young life when everything had to start from scratch.




Wednesday, September 14, 2011



 -- 莎拉‧布雷斯納克(Sarah Breathnack


癌症的病人,只要脾、肝、大腸、腎,四個功能恢復,就能永遠離開癌症、糖尿病、心臟病、高血壓。 癌症不是單一的,要考慮整體。

如果癌症只是一個腫瘤就好辦了,所以過去我們在醫學上犯了一個很大的錯誤,就是只看到這個腫瘤,然後就想,我怎麼把它殺掉,所以用手術把它割掉,用化療去毒它,用放射線去照它、燒它,反正用各種方法把它殺掉就好,然後藥越用越重,真 的把它殺掉,癌細胞死了,人也死了。






你如果大腸很好的時候,你早上應該不是自己醒過來,而是被大腸的蠕動叫醒,大腸蠕動在叫你了,為什麼? 因為 57點就是大腸最活躍的時間,所以為什麼我們告訴癌症病人一定要9點睡,因為你的大腸早上 6 點到7點的時候自然就會蠕動,叫你起床,蹲馬桶了。








壓力來自於遇到很多的困難,所以我們要學習把困難改變。一講困難,就真 的很困難。遇到困難的時候,不要講困難,要把困難講成挑戰,重要的是我們遇到的事情,做出什麼反應。人生90%是決定於你所做出的反應,不是決定於你所遇到的事。成功的企業跟倒閉的企業,成功的人生跟失敗的人生,他們所遇到的困難、挫折、挑戰都差不多,差別在於如何做出回應而已。



當你感到壓力來臨的時候,要學會放鬆 。我發現幾個方法很有效,呼吸可以影響腦波的頻率,腦波的頻率可以影響心跳的速度,心跳的速度又可以影響肌肉鬆緊度。這種方式也治療過口吃的病人。你也可以自己練習搓動雙手,用這個方法很有效,可以幫助整個人的氣血回流,體力和精力可以很快的充滿。






什麼食物會使心情愉快? 聖經創世紀第 1 29節:上帝說:「看哪,我將遍地上一切結種子的菜蔬,和一切樹上結有殼的果子全賜給你們做食物了。」 心情愉快最重要的食物,蔬菜、水果、五穀雜糧飲食中一個重要的東西可以減輕壓力,就是水。喝水可以減輕壓力,喝好水可以釋放壓力。


此外,有一個很有趣的現象是,現代人不太愛喝水,但多數人卻認為自己已經喝得夠多了,原來是他們把咖啡、果汁和碳酸飲料等也算進去了。尤其咖啡和茶都有利尿作用,容易造成水分大量流失,所以喜歡喝咖啡、茶的人,喝水得比一般人還多才行。每一天把握三個時辰喝水,保證病痛至少好一半以上。一就是早上起床後喝500cc ,下午3點鐘喝500cc ,晚上9點再喝500cc。不要等到口渴才喝。


1. 固定時間入眠
每晚大概約 10 時,最慢11時入睡,如此一來早上6時左右便會自然醒過來。早睡早起型的人,睡眠一般非常規律,有足夠深沈睡眠的時間,讓身體徹底休息。這是最標準又健康的一種生活型態。

2.. 佈置睡眠環境

3. 運用腹式呼吸

4. 睡前 2小時不飲食
飲食和睡眠的關係密切,有時候睡前喝過咖啡,於是眼睜睜坐到天亮;有時候吃得太飽的話,又會發惡夢;有時候空著肚子睡覺,整晚又會輾轉難眠。最好在睡前2 3 小時就完全停止一切飲食。

5. 保持愉快的心情


流汗是排肺毒最好的方法,所以一定要想辦法流汗,尤其是天氣炎熱的時候,因為天氣炎熱就是要讓我們流汗。可是現代人一感覺到炎熱就躲到房間,打開冷氣,流汗的機會自然變少了,身體怎麼會好?現在的人呼吸系統普遍不好,就是經常待在冷氣房,流汗的機會減少了,肺毒不容易排出去。所以,千萬不要排斥流汗,否則呼吸系統的毒排不出去,將造成身體的傷害。流汗以後一定要喝水,而且不要等到口渴再喝,想到就喝,養成喝水的習慣,坐下來就喝水,不斷地上廁所,這樣可以把腎臟刷洗乾淨。喝水很重要,尤其早上起床後,還沒有刷牙前,先喝下500 - 600cc,能讓你整夜凝結的美好唾液,通過胃與腸道,把累積在大腸幾十年的宿便排出來,感覺非常好!

Lifelong leanring is the key for quality of life


WOW! What an incredible group!! I am so blessed to be able to travel and train around the globe however I must say, I thought this group was exceptional

You all stepped up to the plate and played FULL OUT! I could not have been more impressed. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to watch you grow and Shine! I have been in the entertainment/media industry for over 20 years and have coached hundreds...YOU were awesome and I see SO much potential in each one of you! 

It is because of this that I decided to put together this very special offer for any of you that want to take your presentation skills to the next level. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. 

Dream it. Live it. BE it!!

Shine ON!!


This is a letter from our trainer - Keri.

You will see how important self-development learning is! One of our classmates ( BB and I in the NLP) had suicide experience but she got out of that period. Many have serious setbacks in business, careers and family issues , divorce and many serious diseases, but all got of of their circles after studying NLP and  /or Money and You and all look much happier after one or two years and many have developed their own businesses just because they have learned this - you are what you think. DON"T ALWAYS DESPITE ME BY SAYING 高/大/空. I desperately want you to be happy and that affect our life as well.

In the "Unlimited Power" by Tony Robins, we find he had serious debt and found to have head tumor, but he got up successfully and recovered after trimming off 30 excess weight. He says: WHEN your body  changes, so does your mind." It is true, absolutely true.

Kit, I strongly advise you to take a serious self-development course that will make you happier and get out of your present circle and find your new potential. Retirement is not the end of your self-development but a new start. Aging will be very quickly end our life if we are not continuously learning and find POSITIVE THINKING CAN KILL deadly cells. I have read many successful stories on this.

Whenever I am not happy , I  think about your mother because she had been fighting for life for more than 10 years. WHY? She just want to set an example that LIFE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS gift our parents give us. You are Father, you need to set us an example for your son as well. Negative  thing about your life only makes us painful. What our child is doing is an image of what we have been doing. That is why I need to be careful about our own behaviors and attitude.

Eugene and I have all been through the courses and find : life is a choice and you are what you think. It is your thinking system which determine your happiness and destination, not anything else. This is hard to believe if you are not aware how little we know ourselves if we don't learn NLP or Money and You or any valuable courses. Although we have learnt these theories, we are far from being unconditional happiness. That is why we will practice and learn continuously.

If you don't want to spend any money ON your own, you should not  waste the 10000HKD education fee from government for everyone in HK  below 65.

Someone has sent an email  about NLP in Chinese in next email. I and BB strongly recommend you to take a smilier course, Otherwise you will not be happy even you are out of government: A key to find happiness without affecting by any other factors - THE TREE OF LIFE IS about how to live in happiness  unconditionally  That is why I love the firm so much.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

A breakthrough in Speaking English and speech leaning


The 7-day's most intensive course in my life finally came to an end. It must have been one of the longest weeks in my life. I was completely exhausted. I slept 4 hours or less each day... but i made it.

Our trainer is an experienced presenter, host and coach, working in Entertainment for many years. She is so charming, I wonder she was an Miss America.

I haven't had a sense of breakthrough for many years until yesterday I did my presentation drill for 30 minutes and today 40 minutes WITHOUT AND HINT CARDS or outline cards and of course no scrip to be allowed.

Actually yesterday was the first breakthrough. I found if I could do 30 min, 40 to 60 min would be not a problem. Then it has been proved today's presentation exam with 40 min was much relaxed than the 30 min.

For me, it is a tremendous improvement in spoken English as well presentation skills which I have never learnt before. If you listened to TONY ROBINS" speech or Chris', that is the scenario we were trained to create to the audience. I got so many incredible challenges to my comfort zone, in return, I also got huge fulfillment. In the end called Closing, we need to sell our services or products or ask for fund raising. Just exactly like Chris Howard's Breakthrough to Success.

Not power point allowed but full of inspiring stories and personal experience of expertise were involved. At the beginning, I coludn't believe this system - who can remember so many words.

I like the part - Closing as it flowed so well and organic. I found they were quite interested and they felt it was a real situation. But it is only a dream, more realistic now for me. The presentation became a “business proposal” in an emotional way for me, honestly.

Only this part was not written but there was only an outline. Why could I do it the best? I believe it is because I have working experience, which made me feel pretty easier and organic. I need to be sincerer and passionate as I had been done successfully as insurance agent. If I trust my products, as they have left me up to next level in quality of life and spiritually happiness, customers will trust you and buy from you. That is a hidden value, not the product, but your passion and confidence.

I dared to be televised this time as a testimonial. I now have no hesitation to speak to native foreigners as they have taught me so much these days.

There were plenty things to be surprised, not only from the courses but from the classmates as many of them are already professional English speakers and presenters but still came to learn to improve.

Wendy, who could only speak a little bit English, finally he managed to speak for 10 minutes without scripts. So inspiring and awesome. Soness is my mentor in the training. You know her. She is an America presenter and actress, NLP trainer in University of Japan. She said I made her feel so proud. I was amazed. The strictest evaluator Vivian said she was relieved to see my improvement. I was so grateful for all the group mates and evaluator, esp. Sonness and Vivian help. Kari, of course, the first I need to thank to for her turning such long, intensive days into a fun, charming, exciting moment.

Some of them are already millionaires or billionaires with so many speech experience but they were so humbler to learn and found to have reward so much.

The big relevance is that learning communication skills is a lifelong education, through learning we found so many opportunities and potential to expand in ourselves and for our career or business.

I found all students here are very special and superbly creative, including me, I dare to say. “Everyone can be good story tellers and public speakers.” I have to say I started to believe this. Some of them are already in those positions but still keep improving.

Andrew , a bright, young computer guy, was in my group in the final presentation,. I learnt so much from him. He started to use speech to develop his business. He is a wonderful story teller.

Almost everyone was so unique and powerful speaker in the last day.

My relection on Platform Presentation Skill Intensive

Dear Gen,
Hopefully my last email about the course will not scare you but inspire you instead. I forgot to tell it, the course was full of hibernating and real life games. We pretended to be an object or anything living or non-living things, which said something to express themselves, I forgot the name of the action. We also practiced how to handle objections and hostile comments - attack in presentation or unfriendly responses. That was the most fun part of all. You have to play full out to learn and put down self-ego and esteem.

 One interesting thing is different evaluators and groups mates could gave completely different  or opposite response. But the strictest evaluator happened to be in my group twice. I was a bit scared of her but just faced it. She even interrupted my presentation when she couldn’t bear my presenter’s stance – too nervous I was and I couldn’t stop moving my hands. She was too abnormal and too serious, wasn’t she? She strongly advised me to brush my sentences up and make them hit to the point instead wasting time because only 40 min to cover so many things.

At first I didn’t feel comfortable to her but I absolutely knew she was like parents who earnestly wanted me to pick up quickly and grow up. Then I found a way to make a difference.

 1.      To bring audience into an state that you want them to trance in, like normal communication system

55% physical

 35% tonality

7% words

So I need to use more body languages with purpose. That means I have to know what I am talking about and try to use movements to help me to hit the point.

 Everyday back home, I spent lots of time on rephrasing the script. But if I tried to recite the script, that is not speech and not organic at all and will make people asleep. So I tried to model Kari, the trainer’s tonality and accent and things became much better. 

 In the final presentation, I gathered all I learnt ( satire, stage anchors, phrasal anchors and tonality, courage and concentration) and tried to apply them because I started to be much relaxed in my wordings and I could use more left brain to  bring audience into imagination, or the situations I was try to deliver.

 Here I learnt how to use Time Management effectively and powerfully. 

One of my groupmate, came to me and appreciated me to enlighten her to know there are so many families in HK or the world are suffering depression.  She said she never realize this until this moment.

That was the time I found I could influence others by speech.

Now I know my presentation problems and know how to improve. The only thing I need to do is taking action. Don't let the passion fade.

There are four natives in the class, besides Soness, the other one of them is an English teaching. Just to see how they improve from their practice from 5 min to 40 min was already a big learning.

Although I was trying to help people to manage stress, I didn’t show I had the power during presentation but made them more nervous for me. That was the early days’ response. True, my voice was almost lost because I was absolutely in the tension that made me feel so exhausted and my cold was getting worse at the early days. But magically, I became better and better with confidence enhancement day by day without taking heavy medicine that I usually need, except vitamins.  The final day was the most joyful day despite the final presentation not yet starting.

This is a lesson again that POSITIVE THINKING CAN IMPROVE OUR IMMUNITY. All fears are imaginary. Fears are normal, not a problem. Even the professional presenter Sonnes felt nervous, she said. (That is why we need to change. )The problem is if we dare to face it, not avoid it. Fears lead to frustration and frustration lead to curiosity and curiosity lead to change.  One has to go through the challenge to attain the ability - to be peaceful and resourceful. So in the future, there are so many similar cases, you will perform better and show your leadership.

Another lesson is DON’T COMPARE WITH OTHERS, but with self. Some of the fears are from comparison and self- ego. Too care on other’s negative comment is not necessary. Just be yourself and learn from mistakes and how to use the techniquesl to make your own style shine.

I must thank your father's support and understanding. He was so patient and nice guy during these days. I could not spare any time on housework but he did lots. I was so grateful to him.
