I got the email from my sister-in-law. They are a set of personal advice that I appreciate.
Handbook for 2011
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food from animals and that
is manufactured in plants
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2010.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for at least 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.
11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their
journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts for things you cannot control. Instead
invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her
mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems
are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like
algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree... Live with difference.
25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends
will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change…
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come…
38. When you awake alive in the morning, fill yourself with thanksgiving
39. If your Inner most is always happy, you will be happy and people will influenced by your happiness and get happy as well.
Welcome to my Blog, my soulplace for happiness, a tranquil sky for contemplation and reflection, a wonderland for relaxation and peace, a forum for experience- sharing and inspiration.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Bungy Jump
Dear NLP classmates,
I am Donna, your NLP classmate. Happy the year of the rabbit!
How have you been? In the new year time, I would like to send this article about Bungy Jump to you to inspire all to have a breakthrough in the new year time.

Do you remember the trainer Peter's 'big deal' throughout the Result Certificate Course- he made it finally - jump from a towering cliff. He strongly recommends everyone if possible to take a Bungy Jump once in our life as an experience of breaking one's comfort zone.
Eugene, the big boy in the class, recently was challenged by his classmate on a trip to Macau that if anyone dared to jump from 233 meters above ground, he would pay the ticket as that day was his birthday and he would give a treat to eveyone as a celebration to his irthday. Eugene, never expected to try once in his life despite Peter's advice still lingering in his ears, took this challenge. it was completely our of blue. But he was not the only one who made it, most of the children in the trip totaled 6 tried from the world's highest Bungy Platform first time in their lives.
What is it mean to them, it means so many things ...
EUgene's first response was: it was not a big deal at all. “Everyone can do it,” he said. I think he started to get the real feeling that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE if you dare to try.
What he told us about his refection from the 'surprising deed' was not much on how exciting the jump itself was (as he had confident in the safety measurements finally) but the attitude to difficulty.
The biggest fear is fear itself. All fears are because of our lack of knowledge and refuse to face the difficulties. He suddenly realized that the causes of his mistakes in his academic studies are majorly from himself -a breakthrough in his life. A self awareness and realization (觉醒) on his own ability, strengths and weaknesses is the biggest reward from the Bongy Jump he has made. Peter should be feel happy to hear this.
All difficulties and problems are imaginary. But once we face it and understand it, we can find it is much less harder than expected and most of time it is solvable if we are resourceful enough.
Chris repeats this theory in the courses. I couldn’t agree more. The boys Bungy Jump proved this again.
The Bungy Jump for all the boys should be a marvelous experience. Actually everyone has some similar glorious time – the time we should lock in our subconscious mind which is our asset and power to inspire us to get up when we are in the down time. In the hypnosis stages, Chris and Peter taught us to use our glorious time, galvanized us to go out of vicious cycles, and to visualize the goal as it has happened already today. We can do this as a daily practice.
If we could got up whenever we fell when we were toddler, why shouldn’t we today?
Don’t waste your glorious time in your life – if you could succeed yesterday, why can’t you today and tomorrow?!
Life is process of a trial and adjustment towards our goals. To enjoy the process is more important than anything – even the goal itself! I do hypnosis with this sentence to keep myself in a peacful mind and let myself be happy anytime.
Failure is our asset if we can learn from it and keep trying until success; failure will be our debt if we stop trying ever since.
Let's as happy as the new year rabbits.
Dear NLP classmates,
I am Donna, your NLP classmate. Happy the year of the rabbit!
How have you been? In the new year time, I would like to send this article about Bungy Jump to you to inspire all to have a breakthrough in the new year time.
Do you remember the trainer Peter's 'big deal' throughout the Result Certificate Course- he made it finally - jump from a towering cliff. He strongly recommends everyone if possible to take a Bungy Jump once in our life as an experience of breaking one's comfort zone.
Eugene, the big boy in the class, recently was challenged by his classmate on a trip to Macau that if anyone dared to jump from 233 meters above ground, he would pay the ticket as that day was his birthday and he would give a treat to eveyone as a celebration to his irthday. Eugene, never expected to try once in his life despite Peter's advice still lingering in his ears, took this challenge. it was completely our of blue. But he was not the only one who made it, most of the children in the trip totaled 6 tried from the world's highest Bungy Platform first time in their lives.
What is it mean to them, it means so many things ...
EUgene's first response was: it was not a big deal at all. “Everyone can do it,” he said. I think he started to get the real feeling that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE if you dare to try.
What he told us about his refection from the 'surprising deed' was not much on how exciting the jump itself was (as he had confident in the safety measurements finally) but the attitude to difficulty.
The biggest fear is fear itself. All fears are because of our lack of knowledge and refuse to face the difficulties. He suddenly realized that the causes of his mistakes in his academic studies are majorly from himself -a breakthrough in his life. A self awareness and realization (觉醒) on his own ability, strengths and weaknesses is the biggest reward from the Bongy Jump he has made. Peter should be feel happy to hear this.
All difficulties and problems are imaginary. But once we face it and understand it, we can find it is much less harder than expected and most of time it is solvable if we are resourceful enough.
Chris repeats this theory in the courses. I couldn’t agree more. The boys Bungy Jump proved this again.
The Bungy Jump for all the boys should be a marvelous experience. Actually everyone has some similar glorious time – the time we should lock in our subconscious mind which is our asset and power to inspire us to get up when we are in the down time. In the hypnosis stages, Chris and Peter taught us to use our glorious time, galvanized us to go out of vicious cycles, and to visualize the goal as it has happened already today. We can do this as a daily practice.
If we could got up whenever we fell when we were toddler, why shouldn’t we today?
Don’t waste your glorious time in your life – if you could succeed yesterday, why can’t you today and tomorrow?!
Life is process of a trial and adjustment towards our goals. To enjoy the process is more important than anything – even the goal itself! I do hypnosis with this sentence to keep myself in a peacful mind and let myself be happy anytime.
Failure is our asset if we can learn from it and keep trying until success; failure will be our debt if we stop trying ever since.
Let's as happy as the new year rabbits.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
A life fighter – My Mother-in-law
Hopefully the following real life story will inspire people to think something about life.
My mother-in-law has been paralyzed for more than ten years. When she got the first stroke, my son was only a baby. Her health has been deteriorating with the course of time because of no any movement at all in bed. Asthma and diabetes has become her new big issues besides of her heart and blood problems.
Thanks to Miter – her 24-hours Filipino ‘nurse’ and care-taker, my mother-in-law has got through one and another cold winters and even one of the coldest and longest winters this year. I can see that Miter has treated this grandmother as her own mother – I can see from her joy and worries built on the old lady’s well- being. Miter smiled unusually a lot during my visit. She was proud to explained how she has managed to take up the jobs that a nurse need to do – injection of insulin daily and monitor Popo’s blood sugar, despite other tedious routine care procedures and heavy body clean workload. She was pleased to tell me that when she finished hair-cut for Popo last week, Popo blinked her eyes to show her enjoyment and thanks despite she cannot speak.
Although she could not open her eyes easily and give me feedback when I whispered to her, her panting was instantly halted; her tight muscle on her face was immediately relaxed while I was massaging her face and head. Her soft, tender expression stroked me that she desperately needs people’s caress and strokes with their warm hands and hearty words.
Lying in bed and relying on liquid nutrition, where has been the strength from to keep her fighting with diseases and death over one decade?
From her tough wheezes but a never-give-up look, I feel that she has never let go of something which has dragged her so heavily - this has become her source of courage and endurance for struggling for life until today. She is a life fighter, who never says “Die”.
It is our blessing to have such a heroine mother. Whenever I see her, I am asking myself “Where is the hero?” I asked Miter with admiration, she looked at Popo and smiled.
Living with a patient in chronically complex diseases, I can feel a tremendous effort paid by my sister-in-law since her mother was paralyzed. What deeply impresses me is she massages her mother every day, showing her caring, love and giving strength tirelessly.
I couldn’t help sending my gratitude to my sitter-in-law and Miter in my heart time and again…
Serious guilty pierced my heart when I left my mother-in-law’s home. I’ve done too little to them. I should visit them as often as I can and do what I can do. I promised to myself.
Dear friend, if you have such a parent or senior family members, do visit them often if you can, showing your affection and express your caring directly. They need your love badly. You never know when it is the last time to see them.
Whenever I think of my mother-in-law and Nick Vujicic, I realise that we have no reason to abuse our life but to take a responsibility for our own.
Hopefully the following real life story will inspire people to think something about life.
My mother-in-law has been paralyzed for more than ten years. When she got the first stroke, my son was only a baby. Her health has been deteriorating with the course of time because of no any movement at all in bed. Asthma and diabetes has become her new big issues besides of her heart and blood problems.
Thanks to Miter – her 24-hours Filipino ‘nurse’ and care-taker, my mother-in-law has got through one and another cold winters and even one of the coldest and longest winters this year. I can see that Miter has treated this grandmother as her own mother – I can see from her joy and worries built on the old lady’s well- being. Miter smiled unusually a lot during my visit. She was proud to explained how she has managed to take up the jobs that a nurse need to do – injection of insulin daily and monitor Popo’s blood sugar, despite other tedious routine care procedures and heavy body clean workload. She was pleased to tell me that when she finished hair-cut for Popo last week, Popo blinked her eyes to show her enjoyment and thanks despite she cannot speak.
Although she could not open her eyes easily and give me feedback when I whispered to her, her panting was instantly halted; her tight muscle on her face was immediately relaxed while I was massaging her face and head. Her soft, tender expression stroked me that she desperately needs people’s caress and strokes with their warm hands and hearty words.
Lying in bed and relying on liquid nutrition, where has been the strength from to keep her fighting with diseases and death over one decade?
From her tough wheezes but a never-give-up look, I feel that she has never let go of something which has dragged her so heavily - this has become her source of courage and endurance for struggling for life until today. She is a life fighter, who never says “Die”.
It is our blessing to have such a heroine mother. Whenever I see her, I am asking myself “Where is the hero?” I asked Miter with admiration, she looked at Popo and smiled.
Living with a patient in chronically complex diseases, I can feel a tremendous effort paid by my sister-in-law since her mother was paralyzed. What deeply impresses me is she massages her mother every day, showing her caring, love and giving strength tirelessly.
I couldn’t help sending my gratitude to my sitter-in-law and Miter in my heart time and again…
Serious guilty pierced my heart when I left my mother-in-law’s home. I’ve done too little to them. I should visit them as often as I can and do what I can do. I promised to myself.
Dear friend, if you have such a parent or senior family members, do visit them often if you can, showing your affection and express your caring directly. They need your love badly. You never know when it is the last time to see them.
Whenever I think of my mother-in-law and Nick Vujicic, I realise that we have no reason to abuse our life but to take a responsibility for our own.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
在我和宇轩上的三天课里-“财富与你-MONEY AND YOU”,我们学了很多东西,其中最重要的是:幸福快乐来自平衡.
Do you remember 郭老师's recommendation in the three days' intensive course: every day we should thank a person or anything that makes our happy.
Appreciation and thanksgiving need to express, to let people know. Happiness can be infectious like virus. This will not only make other feel your appreciation and happiness but make yourself more fulfilling.
Today and yesterday, I must thank you for fixing the computer and taking the initiative to carry all the supply heavily shopping stuff from the supermarket. The course has made your growing up and more understanding and helpful. That's is from your heart. I can see it.
A wealth and happy life is not only how much money you can make but how much happy memories you can leave to others and yourself.
在我和宇轩上的三天课里-“财富与你-MONEY AND YOU”,我们学了很多东西,其中最重要的是:幸福快乐来自平衡.
Do you remember 郭老师's recommendation in the three days' intensive course: every day we should thank a person or anything that makes our happy.
Appreciation and thanksgiving need to express, to let people know. Happiness can be infectious like virus. This will not only make other feel your appreciation and happiness but make yourself more fulfilling.
Today and yesterday, I must thank you for fixing the computer and taking the initiative to carry all the supply heavily shopping stuff from the supermarket. The course has made your growing up and more understanding and helpful. That's is from your heart. I can see it.
A wealth and happy life is not only how much money you can make but how much happy memories you can leave to others and yourself.
A new year Letter to my teacher
Dear Mick,
I bought the Christmas Card in the early Dec. but it is still in my drawer. It's not because of my poor memory but my habit of procrastination until it was too late.
2010 is just like yesterday. It was one of the most important years to Eugene and also to me. One of the reasons was on 29-31 Dec., Eugene and I took another intensive course and camp called MONEY AND YOU. Being immersed in a full of loving and warm family environment, we learnt so much from the teacher and shared so much life experiences with one another although the camp living quality was unexpectedly poor, just a kind of good experience anyway.
Eugene, started to know real life esp. so many members in the camp come from broken families or have much more unfortunate life experiences than we have. He 'worried' our life is too smooth and no big ups and downs. But I remind him the training instructor's words - you don't have to expedience all failures and setbacks to learn something. The best learning is to be wiser and happier in your future life by learning others.
I will share the learning with my family and my friends in the coming days...
How have you been? Have you been stranded in the airport or troubled by the airline woe? It seems staycation is the best in the awful weather, though nothing to do with finance.
New term again. Any changes in your job or workload? Please let me know.
Take care and thank you - my forever mentor!
Dear Mick,
I bought the Christmas Card in the early Dec. but it is still in my drawer. It's not because of my poor memory but my habit of procrastination until it was too late.
2010 is just like yesterday. It was one of the most important years to Eugene and also to me. One of the reasons was on 29-31 Dec., Eugene and I took another intensive course and camp called MONEY AND YOU. Being immersed in a full of loving and warm family environment, we learnt so much from the teacher and shared so much life experiences with one another although the camp living quality was unexpectedly poor, just a kind of good experience anyway.
Eugene, started to know real life esp. so many members in the camp come from broken families or have much more unfortunate life experiences than we have. He 'worried' our life is too smooth and no big ups and downs. But I remind him the training instructor's words - you don't have to expedience all failures and setbacks to learn something. The best learning is to be wiser and happier in your future life by learning others.
I will share the learning with my family and my friends in the coming days...
How have you been? Have you been stranded in the airport or troubled by the airline woe? It seems staycation is the best in the awful weather, though nothing to do with finance.
New term again. Any changes in your job or workload? Please let me know.
Take care and thank you - my forever mentor!
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